Django web apps for managing schedules.

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Skdue is a web application that makes your life easier by helping you manage your schedule. With the ability which allows you to create and manage your activities and events, you will never miss any of them. What makes Skdue stand out from the other calendar applications is the feature that lets you follow your favorite people, companies, or celebrities and add their events to your schedule.

Team Members

Name GitHub
Ditthapong HuskyIsHere
Kittison touchtool
Natchanon natchanon-space
Patkamon patkamon
Thanabardi Thanabardi


Django Setup

# activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# setup database
python migrate
python loaddata calendar_data
# run server and explorer api
python runserver

Vue Setup

# install vue
npm install -g @vue/cli
# install dependencies
cd calendar_vue
npm install
# run frontend sever
npm run serve

Dev Setup

DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = this-is-my-secret-key-not-safe
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = http://localhost:8080

Iteration Plan

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