Bot to notify when vaccine appointments are available


Vaccine Watch

Bot to notify when vaccine appointments are available.

Supports checking Hy-Vee, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Cosentino's stores (KC), and Ball's stores (KC). Supports sending notifications to Slack, Discord, Microsoft Teams, Twilio, and Twitter.

Notifications are sent when a location has appointments. No more notifications are sent for that location until it becomes unavailable again.

PRs welcome to support other clinics or notification methods.

This project has no affiliation with any of the clinics mentioned.

Walmart and Walgreens data courtesy of covid-vaccine-spotter.



Example of messages in Slack


Example of messages in Twitter


  1. Install docker
  2. Run cp .env.template .env
  3. Fill in the variables in .env
  4. docker-compose up --build


  1. While logged into your slack account, go to
  2. Click Create New App
  3. Choose a name and workspace
  4. Click Permissions, and Add an OAuth Scope
  5. Add chat:write:public and chat:write
  6. At the top, click Install to Workspace
  7. Copy your OAuth Token to use as SLACK_BOT_TOKEN


  1. Click the cog on the channel you want to add the notifications to and select Edit Channel
  2. Select the Integrations tab and click Create Webhook
  3. Enter a Name and Channel you want the webhook to notify and copy the Webhook URL.

Microsoft Teams

  1. In the channel where you want to add the incoming webhook, click ... and then Connectors.
  2. Search for Incoming Webhook and click Add.
  3. Give the webhook a name (e.g. Vaccine Watch).
  4. Click Create.
  5. A unique webhook URL will be provided for the channel.


  1. Apply for a Twitter Developer account
  2. Once you have the account, go to the Developer Portal
  3. Create a project and an app for your bot
  4. Add Read & Write permissions to your app
  5. In Keys & Tokens, generate Consumer Keys and Access Token/Secret to use as environment variables


  1. Sign up for a Twilio account
  2. Once you have the account, go to the Console Dashboard of your Twilio account console
  3. Navigate to the Phone Numbers page in your Twilio account console, then click Getting Started
  4. Select Get your first Twilio phone number and follow the prompts to procure a Twilio phone number
  5. Verify any recipient phone numbers you will be notifying under Phone Numbers then Verified Caller IDs (only required for a trial account)
  6. Copy your Twilio Account SID, Auth Token, Twilio phone number, and verified phone numbers to your .env file


  1. Install pre-commit
  2. pre-commit install

Lint is run as a pre-commit, or on-demand with pre-commit run --all-files

Deployment Instructions

Required Environment Variables:

  • REDIS_URL: A redis service
  • VACCINE_CHECK_INTERVAL: How often (in seconds) to check
  • RADIUS: Within how many miles to check
    • CVS has a maximum of 25, vaccine-watch will use 25 for CVS if you set this higher.
  • LATITUDE: Latitude of the location to check (e.g. 39.1040382)
  • LONGITUDE: Latitude of the location to check (e.g. -94.5701803)
  • STATES: JSON: Abbreviations of which states are in radius of your location (e.g. ["MO", "KS"])

Optional Environment Variables:

  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT: How long to wait, in seconds, for a response to begin before timing out (optional, defaults to 5 seconds)
  • ENABLE_HYVEE: If you want to check Hy-Vee pharmacies
  • ENABLE_WALGREENS: If you want to check Walgreens pharmacies
  • ENABLE_WALMART: If you want to check Walmart pharmacies
  • ENABLE_COSENTINOS: If you want to check stores in the Cosentino's family (Kansas City only)
  • ENABLE_BALLS: If you want to check stores in the Ball's family (Kansas City only)
  • CVS:
    • ENABLE_CVS: If you want to check CVS pharmacies
    • CVS_ALLOW_LIST: JSON of states and cities to be notified for.
      • example: {"MO": ["SAINT LOUIS"], "KS": []}
    • CVS_BLOCK_LIST: (optional): JSON of states and cities to not be warned about new city for.
      • example: {"MO": ["SAINT LOUIS"], "KS": []}
    • Any city that CVS returns for the state(s) in STATES that are not listed in either the allow or block list will cause a warning message to be logged. Then it may be added to the allow or block list depending on if you wish to have the locations in that city checked or not checked.
  • Slack:
    • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: Token for your slack integration
    • SLACK_TAG_CHANNEL: If the channel should be tagged when appointments are available
    • SLACK_CHANNEL: Channel for the bot to post in (e.g. #vaccine-watch)
  • Discord:
    • DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL: Discord webhook url for channel.
      • example:
  • Microsoft Teams:
    • TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL: Teams webhook url for channel.
      • example:[email protected]/IncomingWebhook/aaa111/bbb222
  • Twilio:
    • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: Account SID for your twilio account
    • TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: Auth token for your twilio account
    • TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER: Twilio phone number with SMS functionality in [+][country code][phone number including area code] format
    • TWILIO_TO_NUMBERS: Phone numbers to notify as an array of the following format [+][country code][phone number including area code]
      • example: ["+15551234567", "+15552345678"]
  • Twitter:
  • TIMEZONE: Timezone of your location (defaults to 'US/Central')
  • CACHE_PREFIX: If you want to run multiple copies of vaccine-watch, all sharing the same Redis database, you will want to give each instance a different CACHE_PREFIX.


You can build a docker image with the Dockerfile, and run it with a redis server.


You can create an app in heroku, add a free redis plan, and push the source. Configure the dynos to enable clock.

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