DISCORD script to automate sending messages to a particular server



discord script

This script sends random quotes to an discord server and tags random users on the server in the process


to run this script use the bash script or run manually required dependencies are discum and requests

you will need to get your discord auth token read more

and lastly you need to have the channel_id and server_id read more

which will all need to be hardcoded into the script before running it(token,channel_id,server_id)

note only where you see the ' ' you will add the values inside it


to install the required dependencies manually :

pip install requests
pip install discum


to install required dependencies using requirements.txt file :

pip install -r requirements.txt

You can also run everyting automatically uisng bash script

make the script executable:

chmod 777 ./bot.sh

** lastly run the script:**


Once your done you can host the script online using streamlit

Dont forget while forking this repo to host it online set the visibility as private

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