WhatsApp Chat Analyzer is a WebApp and it can be used by anyone to analyze their chat. 😄



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You can view the working project here.

WhatsApp Chat Analyzer IoT

WhatsApp chat Analyzer is a WebApp where anyone either tech or non-tech person can analyze their WhatsApp chat data. With this, you can get information such as Which person is active in the chat? Generally, What time the other person is free for conversation? Which one member from the group is more engaged in chat? Which word is most used by a particular member in the group?

And many other insights you can get from this Analyzer. Anyone obviously, who has WhatsApp account can use this WebApp. He/She can export their chat either group or individual in text format (without media) and upload it in the WebApp. It can handle both English and Portuguese format of WhatsApp chat.

Check it here under Student gallery by GitHub Education 🎉 .

Important: Don't worry, none of your data is stored.

Getting Started

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1. Fork this repository. Click on the symbol at the top right corner.

2. Clone the forked repository.

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/WhatsApp-Chat-Analyzer

3. Navigate to the project directory.

cd WhatsApp-Chat-Analyzer

4. Create a new branch.

git checkout -b <your_branch_name>

5. Make changes in source code.

6. Stage your changes and commit

#Add changes to Index
git add .

#Commit to the local repo
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"

CAUTION: Synch up your local repo with original repo (Upstream) before pushing your commits. This avoids unnecessary conflicts during the merge.

7. Push your local commits to the remote repo.

git push -u origin <your_branch_name>

8. Create a PR !

9. Congratulations! Sit and relax, you've made your contribution to WhatsApp Chat Analyzer.

NOTE: Feel free to open issues.

Run on Local System

GitHub open issues GitHub contributors Premchandra Singh

  • Install packages given in requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the below command to start your local server.
streamlit run app.py

Need help? Feel free to contact me @ [email protected]

built with love smile please

Prem Chandra Singh
Like to work in a team || Building or Learning to solve real-world problems || Ex-MLE Intern at AIMonk || Ex Community Moderator @dataquestio || IIIT Guwahati
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