4Geeks Academy Full-Stack Developer program final project.


Final Project Chavi, Clara y Pablo

4Geeks Academy Full-Stack Developer program final project.


Implemented endpoints:

--> routes.py

  • /.../, methods: '': Comment ...frontURL/.../
  • ...

--> app.py

  • /.../, methods: '': Comment ...frontURL/.../
  • ...

License 👻

Open license

Back-End Manual Installation:

Make sure you have Python 3.8:

  1. Migrate the migrations: $ pipenv run migrate
  2. Run the migrations: $ pipenv run upgrade
  3. Run the application: $ pipenv run start

Front-End Manual Installation:

  • Make sure you are using node version 14+ and that you have already successfully installed and runned the backend.
  1. Install the packages: $ npm install
  2. Start coding! start the webpack dev server $ npm run start

If having this problem: npm ERR! during running $ npm install try:

  1. $ brew install [email protected]
  2. $ brew unlink node
  3. $ brew link [email protected]
  4. $ npm install
  5. $ npm run start

Handcrafted with ❤️ by peibol888, chavisam & clararls

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