piSTAR Lab is a modular platform built to make AI experimentation accessible and fun. (pistar.ai)


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WARNING: This is an early release.


piSTAR Lab is a modular deep reinforcement learning platform built to make AI experimentation accessible and fun.

Documentation https://pistarlab.readthedocs.io


  • Web UI
  • Extension System for adding new agents, environments or tasks types
  • Python API, anthing you can do in the UI, you can do in Python as well
  • Run agents in single and multi player environments
  • Experiment tracking
  • Uses Ray Project (https://ray.io/) under the hood for distributed processing
  • Includes piSTAR Landia a hackable Multi Agent Envrionment
  • More to come

Known Issues/Limitations

  • Cluster mode is under development and not recommended at this time
  • Running remotely requires SSH tunneling. All services must be running on localhost
  • Mac not tested

UI Screenshots

agent home

agent home

agent home

agent home

Quick Start

More detailed documentation is available at https://pistarlab.readthedocs.io


  • Ubuntu suggested but also tested on Windows 10. We suggest using Docker for other setups.
  • Python 3.7 or 3.8 (Conda is recommended)
  • FFMPEG (Optional)
  • Xvfb (Optional, Ubuntu Only)
    • Helps some environments run without opening a window.
    • Useful when running piSTAR Lab remotely


For non-standard installations see: https://pistarlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html

Create and Activate Conda Virtual Environment

conda create -n pistarlab python=3.7
conda activate pistarlab
conda install pip

Install with pip

pip install https://github.com/pistarlab/pistarlab/archive/refs/heads/main.zip#egg=pistarlab[all]


To launch piSTAR Lab UI, run:


Open browser to: http://localhost:7777


We are still in an early phase of this release but if you are interested in contributing to piSTAR Lab, please reach out.

piSTAR Lab
piSTAR Lab
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