India Today Astrology App


India Today Astrology App


This repository contains the code for the Backend setup of the India Today Astrology app as a part of their recruitment process for internship.

Please find the code migrated to Node.js in the Node Code folder.

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Table Of Content

Development Environment

- python version: python3.9.7 windows-64    #
- PostgreSql version 13.4         			#
- text editor: VSCode    					#
- terminal: Windows Terminal     			#


Install the following Python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


Clone the repository

git clone
cd indiaToday
  • Open the PostgreSQL shell. You can find the PSQL Shell in the Start Menu.
  • The shell will prompt you for Server, Database, Port, and Username details. Set it to default by clicking on the Enter button in the keyboard without providing any value. Finally, the shell will prompt you for the Password. Provide the password that you used during the PostgreSQL installation.
  • Create a PostgreSQL database via the following steps (here, kesha and 1234 are dummy user credentials):
ALTER ROLE kesha SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE kesha SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE kesha SET timezone TO 'UTC';

To make sure that you have connected and uploaded schema to the PostgreSQL database.

python makemigrations
python migrate

Load the dummy database to PostgreSQL with

python loaddata dumpdata.json


Run the server

python runserver

The app will be served at

You should also create superuser to view Django-admin dashboard

python createsuperuser

And login with your credentials at to view all the tables and their data.


Defined in indiaToday/astroApp/

  • AstrologerDetails
  • Reports
  • BannerOffers
  • Horoscopes
  • Questions
  • Testimonials

URL Endpoints

Defined in indiaToday/astroApp/ and methods defined in indiaToday/astroApp/

/home: GET request to returns combined GET request data from all 6 APIs below, each designed for specific model as mentioned in the problem statement.

  • /astro_data: List of all astrologers and their details.

  • /questions_data: Get question categories from API and show them in the dropdown list.

  • /horoscopes_data: Get all horoscopes list from API

  • /banneroffers_data : Get details from API of the images and redirection screen when clicked.

  • /reports_data: List of all the reports.

  • /testimonials_data: Get customer feedback and show them in the horizontal list.

    NOTE : Although the 6 APIs would be used to retrieve data (hence the GET method), but they have been equipped additionally with POST, PUT and DELETE methods.


Sample images of use case goes here.

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