Spaghetti: an open-source Python library for the analysis of network-based spatial data



SPAtial GrapHs: nETworks, Topology, & Inference

Spaghetti is an open-source Python library for the analysis of network-based spatial data. Originating from the network module in PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library), it is under active development for the inclusion of newly proposed methods for building graph-theoretic networks and the analysis of network events.

An example of a network's minimum spanning tree:

PyPI version Conda Version tag Binder
Downloads Conda Downloads Documentation Gitter
Pypi python versions Conda Recipe codecov Code style: black
unittests status DOI License


The following are a selection of some examples that can be launched individually as interactive binders from the links on their respective pages. Additional examples can be found in the Tutorials section of the documentation. See the pysal/notebooks project for a jupyter-book version of this repository.


As of version 1.6.0, spaghetti officially supports Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9. Please make sure that you are operating in a Python >= 3.7 environment.

Installing with conda via conda-forge (highly recommended)

To install spaghetti and all its dependencies, we recommend using the conda manager, specifically with the conda-forge channel. This can be obtained by installing the Anaconda Distribution (a free Python distribution for data science), or through miniconda (minimal distribution only containing Python and the conda package manager).

Using conda, spaghetti can be installed as follows:

$ conda config --set channel_priority strict
$ conda install --channel conda-forge spaghetti

Also, geopandas provides a nice example to create a fresh environment for working with spatial data.

Installing with PyPI

$ pip install spaghetti

or download the source distribution (.tar.gz) and decompress it to your selected destination. Open a command shell and navigate to the decompressed folder.

$ pip install .


When installing via pip, you have to ensure that the required dependencies for spaghetti are installed on your operating system. Details on how to install these packages are linked below. Using conda (above) avoids having to install the dependencies separately.

Install the most current development version of spaghetti by running:

$ pip install git+


Soft Dependencies


spaghetti was created and has evolved in line with the Python Spatial Analysis Library ecosystem for the specific purpose of utilizing the functionality of spatial weights in libpysal for generating network segment contiguity objects. The PySAL project was started in the mid-2000s when installation was difficult to maintain. Due to the non-triviality of relying on dependencies to secondary packages, a conscious decision was made to limit dependencies and build native PySAL data structures in cases where at all possible. Therefore, the original submodule was developed to address the need for integrating support for network data structures with PySAL weights data structures, with the target audience being spatial data scientists and anyone interested in investigating network-centric phenomena within PySAL. Owing to the co-development of network functionality found within spaghetti and the evolution of the wider PySAL ecosystem, today, the package provides specialized network functionality that easily integrates with the rest of PySAL. This allows users of spaghetti’s network functionality to access spatial analysis functionality that complements network analysis, such as spatial statistical tools with esda and integration with core components of libpysal: libpysal.weights (mentioned above), (computational geometry and data structures), (input-output), and libpysal.examples (built-in example data).


PySAL-spaghetti is under active development and contributors are welcome.

If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please open new issues on GitHub. To submit patches, please review PySAL's documentation for developers, the PySAL development guidelines, the spaghetti contributing guidelines before opening a pull request. Once your changes get merged, you’ll automatically be added to the Contributors List.


If you are having issues, please create an issue, start a discussion, or talk to us in the gitter room.

Code of Conduct

As a PySAL-federated project, spaghetti follows the Code of Conduct under the PySAL governance model.


The project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.

BibTeX Citation

If you use PySAL-spaghetti in a scientific publication, we would appreciate using the following citations:

    doi       = {10.21105/joss.02826},
    url       = {},
    year      = {2021},
    publisher = {The Open Journal},
    volume    = {6},
    number    = {62},
    pages     = {2826},
    author    = {James D. Gaboardi and Sergio Rey and Stefanie Lumnitz},
    title     = {spaghetti: spatial network analysis in PySAL},
    journal   = {Journal of Open Source Software}

    author    = {Gaboardi, James D. and Laura, Jay and Rey, Sergio and 
                 Wolf, Levi John and Folch, David C. and Kang, Wei and 
                 Stephens, Philip and Schmidt, Charles},
    month     = {oct},
    year      = {2018},
    title     = {pysal/spaghetti},
    url       = {},
    doi       = {10.5281/zenodo.1343650},
    keywords  = {graph-theory,network-analysis,python,spatial-networks,topology}

Citing Work


This project is/was partially funded through:

Atlanta Research Data Center: A Polygon-Based Approach to Spatial Network Allocation

National Science Foundation Award #1825768: National Historical Geographic Information System

  • links in the docs,reviewed

    links in the docs,reviewed

    Hello! Please make sure to check all these boxes before submitting a Pull Request (PR). Once you have checked the boxes, feel free to remove all text except the justification in point 4.

    1. [x] You have run tests on this submission, either by using Travis Continuous Integration testing testing or running nosetests on your changes?
    2. [x] This pull introduces new functionality covered by docstrings and unittests?
    3. [x] You have assigned a reviewer and added relevant labels.
    4. [x] The justification for this PR is:
      • It may fix the issue #338
    opened by rahul799 21
  • TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of '_NodeCursor' and '_NodeCursor'

    TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of '_NodeCursor' and '_NodeCursor'

    Hi! @jGaboardi!!

    I'm trying to snap points to lines using the function net.snapobservations(shp, 'obs') with the git version of spaghetti but I have this error. Can you help me please?

    Thank you!

    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-14-964ead266930> in <module>
    ----> 1 net.snapobservations(shp, 'obs', attribute=False)
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spaghetti/ in snapobservations(self, in_data, name, idvariable, attribute)
        773                                                 idvariable=idvariable,
        774                                                 attribute=attribute)
    --> 775         self._snap_to_link(self.pointpatterns[name])
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spaghetti/ in _snap_to_link(self, pointpattern)
        882             points[point_idx] = point['coordinates']
    --> 884         snapped = util.snap_points_to_links(points, arcs_)
        886         # record obs_to_arc, dist_to_vertex, and dist_snapped
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spaghetti/ in snap_points_to_links(points, links)
        394         r = cg.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    --> 395         rt.insert(link, r)
        397     # Build a KDtree on link vertices.
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpysal/cg/ in insert(self, o, orect)
        199     def insert(self, o, orect):
    --> 200         self.cursor.insert(o, orect)
        201         assert(self.cursor.index == 0)
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpysal/cg/ in insert(self, leafo, leafrect)
        415                     self.root, leafo, leafrect))
    --> 417                 self._balance()
        419                 # done: become the original again
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/points/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpysal/cg/ in _balance(self)
        460             self.root, k, s_children) for k in range(2, MAX_KMEANS)]
        461         score, bestcluster = max(
    --> 462             [(silhouette_coeff(c, memo), c) for c in clusterings])
        464         nodes = [_NodeCursor.create_with_children(
    TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of '_NodeCursor' and '_NodeCursor'
    opened by robsalasco 17
  • rtree missing libspatialindex_c library file

    rtree missing libspatialindex_c library file

    Describe the bug rtree dependency causing post install issues.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior

     >> conda create -n pysal2_1_release python=3 pip
     >> conda activate pysal2_1_release
     >> pip install spaghetti-1.3-py3-none-any.whl
     >> python
     >>> import spaghetti
    File "/home/serge/anaconda3/envs/pysal2_1_release/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rtree/", line 125, in <module>
        raise OSError("Could not find libspatialindex_c library file")
    OSError: Could not find libspatialindex_c library file

    Additional context This is blocking the pysal 2.1.0 release as the sdist packages are not passing testing.

    System & Versions

    • Platform information:
    >>> import os; print(, os.sys.platform);print(os.uname())
    >>> import os;print(, os.sys.platform);print(os.uname())
    posix linux
    posix.uname_result(sysname='Linux', nodename='snuc-nuc', release='4.18.0-25-generic', version='#26-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 24 09:32:08 UTC 2019', machine='x86_64')
    bug priority-high 
    opened by sjsrey 14
  • spaghetti api docs rendering incorrectly

    spaghetti api docs rendering incorrectly

    The spaghetti api docs rendering incorrectly. Unlike giddy api docs that render left-justified, the spaghetti api docs are centered. After reviewing the files in the doc directory, I could not find any obvious differences with giddy's.

    bug help wanted priority-mid docs 
    opened by jGaboardi 14
  • Review docs for links, etc.

    Review docs for links, etc.

    Following #336 & #337, a review of the docs are needed for stale/broken links. Examples include:

    Specifically check for links to other packages link geopandas. Be sure to check check the generated locally for format and link functionality.

    priority-high docs 
    opened by jGaboardi 12
  • module 'pysal.explore.spaghetti' has no attribute 'element_as_gdf'

    module 'pysal.explore.spaghetti' has no attribute 'element_as_gdf'

    Describe the bug module 'pysal.explore.spaghetti' has no attribute 'element_as_gdf'

    To Reproduce Running the example Spaghetti_Pointpatterns_Empirical.ipynb

    priority-high notebooks 
    opened by TransUMD 12
  • build error beginning (07/01/2019)

    build error beginning (07/01/2019)

    opened by jGaboardi 12
  • [JOSS] time to start thinking about a JOSS paper

    [JOSS] time to start thinking about a JOSS paper

    Following splot, it is time to start thinking about a JOSS paper.

    General Timeline

    Main blocking issues include

    • ~~#438 (resolving via #439, and #443 )~~
    • ~~decision regarding #427~~
    • ~~#426~~
    • ~~#465, #469, #470, #471~~
    • ~~#225~~
    • others?


    • JOSS example submissions
    • From What should my paper contain?
      • Your paper should include:

        • A list of the authors of the software and their affiliations, using the correct format (see the example below).
        • A summary describing the high-level functionality and purpose of the software for a diverse, non-specialist audience.
        • A clear Statement of Need that illustrates the research purpose of the software.
        • A list of key references, including to other software addressing related needs.
        • Mention (if applicable) of any past or ongoing research projects using the software and recent scholarly publications enabled by it.
        • Acknowledgement of any financial support.

    To Consider

    • Authorship
      • main
        • @jGaboardi, @sjsrey
      • current PySAL devs (who would like to be included?)
      • previous maintainer (@jlaura), contributors, etc.?
    • Suggested Editor
      • Lorena Mesa (social sciences) ?
      • Ariel Rokem (computational social science) ?
    • Suggested Reviewers
      • ???
      • ???

    opened by jGaboardi 11
  • Creating Network instance from road shapefile fails; ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

    Creating Network instance from road shapefile fails; ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

    From @hasecbinusr on April 18, 2017 14:28

    This is partially a bug report and partially a discussion. First part first, here's my environment:

    Platform information: Win 7 64bit (nt win32) Python version: 3.6.1 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Mar 24 2017, 01:02:36) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] SciPy version: 0.19.0 NumPy version: 1.11.3

    I already stripped rings out of my shapefile because that broke NetworkX, so I assumed it would break PySAL as reported in #655. The issue is that I'm still receiving the exact same error as in #655 at line 200 of where it is attempting to remove bridges.

            bridges = []
            for s in segment_nodes:
                bridge = [s]
                neighbors = self._yieldneighbor(s, segment_nodes, bridge)
                while neighbors:
                    cnode = neighbors.pop()
                    segment_nodes.remove(cnode) # This line is the problem child for my shapefile
                    newneighbors = self._yieldneighbor(cnode, segment_nodes, bridge)
                    neighbors += newneighbors

    What is the theory behind removing bridges? I am trying to imagine a case where this would be useful or necessary, but I can't find one. For example, if a polyline with n vertices is converted to a network, it would become a series of n nodes connected by edges. Every node except the endpoints would have a cardinality of 2, or in the lines of

            for k, v in self.adjacencylist.iteritems():
                #len(v) == 1 #cul-de-sac
                #len(v) == 2 #bridge segment
                #len(v) > 2 #intersection

    If I am understanding this logic correctly, endpoints would evaluate as cul-de-sacs and every other node would evaluate to bridge segments, excepting those instances where another line intersects and causes an intersection (presumably only at an intersection delineated by a vertex and not just a spatial intersect?).

    It would seem that this portion of code would strip all of the intermediate nodes from a road and leave only intersections and endpoints.

    The error that is being generated, ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list, is occurring for the following geometry: pysal_network And here's the subset of my data that's failing: The node that is failing is an endpoint for either the red segment or the green segment (not sure which). Both have endpoints which occupy the same x,y coordinates.

    Any ideas about why this is failing?

    Copied from original issue: pysal/pysal#935

    bug enhancement help wanted priority-mid 
    opened by hasecbinusr 10
  • add Network.Moran method

    add Network.Moran method

    This PR partially addresses #586 by...

    • adding a Network.Moran method to the code base that was previously only found in the Tutorials;
    • add tests for the Network.Moran method;
    • rerunning notebooks.
    enhancement network stats JOSS 
    opened by jGaboardi 9
  • Change Read the Docs to GitHub?

    Change Read the Docs to GitHub?

    I received the email attached below yesterday from the Read the Docs team. Basically, it says that all RTD hosted sites will have advertisements soon. While this is in no way a knock on their model, maybe it is time to switch over to the GitHub hosted docs, as mentioned in the August 2019 dev meeting and implemented in PySAL-meta.

    Thoughts, @weikang9009 @sjsrey?

    As you might already know, Read the Docs has been using advertising to help build a sustainable business around open source documentation hosting. We call it Ethical Advertising, because we don't allow any third-party scripts for tracking, and all the ads are served from our servers. Since we started, these ads have only been displayed on docs with the Read the Docs or Alabaster themes. We are now changing this, and starting to display ads on all documentation themes.

    You're getting this email because you maintain a project that uses a custom theme, and will soon start getting ads on it. We wanted to be proactive about this change, and alert you. Our blog post has more details on these changes, including how you might opt out:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3Ak76DWjB$

    Read the Docs is provided for free to all open source projects. Running this service requires multiple people to wear pagers, respond to GitHub issues, and other work that is mostly invisible and thankless. We are using the money generated to help support our community and make the service sustainable.

    You can read more about our advertising here:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3AqIOCOed$ . We are doing our best to respect our users, while making our service sustainable, and we care that you believe and support the work that we do. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we will do our best to address them.

    If you would like to completely remove advertising from your open source project, but Read the Docs for Business (;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3Aqi-XAH5$ ) doesn't seem like the right fit, please respond to this email to discuss alternatives to advertising such as our Gold Membership program:;!5Xm4_O-4tfk!n-8e9c86LvcMedZ_BypZxnjpFDEX_OY_6S4rcJVbS0eEXPjheUB2iFu3AisyAWni$ .

    Cheers, The Read the Docs Team

    priority-mid docs discussion 
    opened by jGaboardi 8
  • phase out libpysal geometries

    phase out libpysal geometries

    Moving forward we need to consider phasing out all functionality that requires (and even uses) native PySAL geometries to improve efficiency and interoperability within the ecosystem. These were necessary in the past, but are now a bottleneck for performance.

    enhancement priority-mid 
    opened by jGaboardi 10
  • Source K-Func from pointpats?

    Source K-Func from pointpats?

    Last year @ljwolf suggested that spaghetti should source the K-Function from pointpats or esda (see comment here). Now that the JOSS paper is out, we should look to implement this.

    help wanted network stats 
    opened by jGaboardi 0
  • Retain line segment attributes on network links

    Retain line segment attributes on network links

    opened by jGaboardi 1
  • Interpretation of Local Moran's I

    Interpretation of Local Moran's I

    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the LISA results. I've created a point pattern which is very localized. Large parts of the network are not covered by any points. However, LL arcs only appear here and there - not nearly as contiguously as I would expect. The same (but maybe not as noticeable) seems to apply to HH arcs.

    Why do the results look like this? If there is some statistical reason for this, I'd appreciate any pointers to related reading material.

    Here's the full notebook to reproduce this effect:


    bug question priority-high 
    opened by anitagraser 15
  • v1.6.10(Nov 2, 2022)

  • v1.6.9(Nov 2, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Other Changes

    • Test against shapely pre-release by @jGaboardi in
    • add linting in CI by @jGaboardi in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • 1st attempt for Python 3.11 testing by @jGaboardi in
    • update sphinx tooling, etc. by @jGaboardi in

    New Contributors

    • @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.8(Oct 18, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Other Changes

    • rerun notebooks by @jGaboardi in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.7(Oct 11, 2022)

    This is a minor release to modernize some testing and resolve some new warning being thrown.

    What's Changed

    Other Changes

    • Update warnings, etc. by @jGaboardi in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.6(Jul 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Other Changes

    • Pytest-xdist for multicore tests by @jGaboardi in
    • update supported Python versions by @jGaboardi in
    • update black version in .pre-commit by @jGaboardi in
    • Add contact/support stipulations in docs, etc. by @jGaboardi in
    • update CI badge by @jGaboardi in
    • Timeout test is stalling by @jGaboardi in
    • Update release_and_publish.yml by @jGaboardi in
    • Update .pre-commit-config.yaml by @jGaboardi in
    • update/rerun notebooks by @jGaboardi in
    • Drop Python 3.7 support by @jGaboardi in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.5(Jan 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Other Changes

    • Try automated release notes action by @jGaboardi in
    • attempt Python 3.10 in CI by @jGaboardi in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.4(Sep 22, 2021)


    Version 1.6.4 (2021-09-22)

    We closed a total of 3 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-09-22.

    Issues Closed

    • update gitcount notebook for versioneer? (#653)
    • access version from pacakge in gitcount (#654)

    Pull Requests

    • access version from pacakge in gitcount (#654)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.2(Jun 28, 2021)


    Version 1.6.2 (2021-06-28)

    We closed a total of 3 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-28.

    Issues Closed

    • prepare for v1.6.2 release (#639)
    • update link in tutorials (#637)

    Pull Requests

    • prepare for v1.6.2 release (#639)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.1(Jun 25, 2021)


    Version 1.6.1 (2021-06-25)

    We closed a total of 7 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 3 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-25.

    Issues Closed

    • update action for GH releases (#617)
    • Version bump & rerun notebooks (#636)
    • bump to v1.6.0.post5 - another try (#635)
    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    Pull Requests

    • Version bump & rerun notebooks (#636)
    • bump to v1.6.0.post5 - another try (#635)
    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.0.post5(Jun 25, 2021)


    Version 1.6.0.post5 (2021-06-25)

    We closed a total of 4 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-25.

    Issues Closed

    • bump to v1.6.0.post5 - another try (#635)
    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    Pull Requests

    • bump to v1.6.0.post5 - another try (#635)
    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.0.post2(Jun 25, 2021)


    Version 1.6.0.post2 (2021-06-25)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-25.

    Issues Closed

    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    Pull Requests

    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.0.post1(Jun 25, 2021)


    Version 1.6.0.post1 (2021-06-25)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-25.

    Issues Closed

    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    Pull Requests

    • Try new release action (softprops/action-gh-release) (#634)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.0(Jun 5, 2021)


    Version 1.6.0 (2021-06-05)

    We closed a total of 6 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-05.

    Issues Closed

    • doc updates for v1.6.0 release (#631)
    • Update copyright year (#597)
    • split arc by count functionality (#630)
    • network segmentation by count (#494)

    Pull Requests

    • doc updates for v1.6.0 release (#631)
    • split arc by count functionality (#630)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.6.0-py3-none-any.whl(44.39 KB)
  • v1.5.9(Jun 4, 2021)


    Version 1.5.9 (2021-06-04)

    We closed a total of 5 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-04.

    Issues Closed

    • Rebuild docs for version bump (#627)
    • release v1.6.0 (#440)
    • Add type annotations? (#491)
    • Interpretation of Local Moran's I (#527)

    Pull Requests

    • Rebuild docs for version bump (#627)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.9-py3-none-any.whl(44.00 KB)
  • v1.5.8(Jun 3, 2021)

  • v1.5.7(Jun 3, 2021)


    Version 1.5.7 (2021-06-03)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-06-03.

    Issues Closed

    • version bump & rerun notebooks for JOSS paper (#625)

    Pull Requests

    • version bump & rerun notebooks for JOSS paper (#625)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James D. Gaboardi
    • Sergio Rey
    • Stefanie Lumnitz
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.7-py3-none-any.whl(43.29 KB)
  • v1.5.6(Jan 4, 2021)


    Version 1.5.6 (2021-01-04)

    We closed a total of 4 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-01-04.

    Issues Closed

    • bump 1.5.5 --> v1.5.6 after syntax error (#572)
    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    Pull Requests

    • bump 1.5.5 --> v1.5.6 after syntax error (#572)
    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.6-py3-none-any.whl(42.70 KB)
  • v1.5.5(Jan 4, 2021)


    Version 1.5.5 (2021-01-04)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-01-04.

    Issues Closed

    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    Pull Requests

    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.4(Jan 4, 2021)


    Version 1.5.4 (2021-01-04)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2021-01-04.

    Issues Closed

    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    Pull Requests

    • Prep 1.5.4 rel (#571)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.3(Oct 25, 2020)


    This release updates broken and stale links throughout the docs and code, and adds libpysal as a requirement, which had been overlooked.


    Version 1.5.3 (2020-10-25)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-10-25.

    Issues Closed

    • Libpysal req (#540)

    Pull Requests

    • Libpysal req (#540)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.3-py3-none-any.whl(42.70 KB)
  • v1.5.2(Oct 22, 2020)


    This release is simply a docs rebuild of v1.5.1

    This release includes a critical bug fix concerning the results from splitting network segments that was raised in #526 by @anitagraser. Some additions were also incorporated into the Spatial network segmentation, Caveats, and Network-constrained spatial autocorrelation notebooks.


    Version 1.5.2 (2020-10-22)

    We closed a total of 4 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-10-22.

    Issues Closed

    • forgot to sync docs for v1.5.1 release (#539)
    • Version bump for bug fix (#535) (#538)

    Pull Requests

    • forgot to sync docs for v1.5.1 release (#539)
    • Version bump for bug fix (#535) (#538)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.2-py3-none-any.whl(42.70 KB)
  • v1.5.1(Oct 22, 2020)


    This release includes a critical bug fix concerning the results from splitting network segments that was raised in #526 by @anitagraser. Some additions were also incorporated into the Spatial network segmentation, Caveats, and Network-constrained spatial autocorrelation notebooks.


    Version 1.5.1 (2020-10-22)

    We closed a total of 2 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-10-22.

    Issues Closed

    • Version bump for bug fix (#535) (#538)

    Pull Requests

    • Version bump for bug fix (#535) (#538)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.1-py3-none-any.whl(42.70 KB)
  • v1.5.0.rc13(May 4, 2020)


    Version 1.5.0.rc13 (2020-05-04)

    We closed a total of 8 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 3 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-05-03.

    Issues Closed

    • Attempting GHA release workflow #2 (#489)
    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)
    • [WIP] Update Network K Function (#469)
    • Break spatial analysis tutorial into several notebooks (#478)

    Pull Requests

    • Attempting GHA release workflow #2 (#489)
    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.0rc13-py3-none-any.whl(42.39 KB)
  • v1.5.0(May 4, 2020)

    Version 1.5.0 (2020-05-04)


    • New logo!
    • Minimum/maximum spanning trees
    • Refactored K Function
    • More notebooks and tutorials
    • Further improved and refactored testing

    We closed a total of 9 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 3 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-05-03.

    Issues Closed

    • GHA for release and publish (#487)
    • Attempting GHA release workflow #2 (#489)
    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)
    • [WIP] Update Network K Function (#469)
    • Break spatial analysis tutorial into several notebooks (#478)

    Pull Requests

    • Attempting GHA release workflow #2 (#489)
    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.0-py3-none-any.whl(42.34 KB)
  • v1.5.0.rc10(May 3, 2020)


    Version 1.5.0.rc10 (2020-05-03)

    We closed a total of 6 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-05-03.

    Issues Closed

    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)
    • [WIP] Update Network K Function (#469)
    • Break spatial analysis tutorial into several notebooks (#478)

    Pull Requests

    • Attempting GHA release workflow (#488)
    • Version bump for release v1.5.0.rc0 (#486)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    spaghetti-1.5.0rc10-py3-none-any.whl(42.39 KB)
  • v1.5.0.rc0(May 3, 2020)

    Version 1.5.0.rc0 (2020-05-02)

    We closed a total of 100 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 38 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-02-24.


    • Highlights will be included in the release of v1.5.0

    Issues Closed

    • [WIP] Update Network K Function (#469)
    • Break spatial analysis tutorial into several notebooks (#478)
    • Update, review, and rename K statistic (#477)
    • toy PR to test codecov.yml (#485)
    • toy PR to test tcodecov.yml (#484)
    • treebeard CI (#481)
    • Docs funding (#483)
    • [WIP] Dropping "change" param in codecov.yml (#479)
    • Add funding source? (#480)
    • add funding sources to README (#482)
    • [BUG] Correction to NetworkK formulation (#470)
    • Revert "[Bug] Addressing bug in K-Function formation" (#476)
    • [Bug] Addressing bug in K-Function formation (#471)
    • [TST] add codecov.yml (#472)
    • no post until 24 codecov reports (#475)
    • attempting custom codecov reports (#474)
    • update install docs (#473)
    • Network L Function (#467)
    • Remove G and F functions (#466)
    • Removing G and F functions (#468)
    • [TEST] regular 3x3 lattice for network analysis testing (#442)
    • DOC: correct comments for K-function related code (#465)
    • Updating docs with new sphinx release (#464)
    • Remedy for non-transparent favicon (#463)
    • stylize the minimum spanning tree plot in (#462)
    • Updating pinned requirements versions (#461)
    • Streamling GHA (#460)
    • [ENH] Functionality for spanning trees (#449)
    • [ENH][WIP] Min/Max Spanning Trees functionality (#459)
    • Update Python version support in (#458)
    • Adding network arc spatial weights notebook (#457)
    • Appveyor still being triggered (#454)
    • Corrections for Caveat notebook (#456)
    • CHANGELOG.txt --> (#455)
    • [TST] GitHub Actions only; Migrate away from Travis/Appveyor (#453)
    • Customizing/improving GitHub Actions (#452)
    • Trying out GitHub Actions for additional testing (#451)
    • [ENH] caveats notebook (#426)
    • [WIP][ENH] New notebook for caveats (#445)
    • release v1.4.3 (#404)
    • logo update, rearrange (#448)
    • updating README logo (#447)
    • package import warning? (#427)
    • Improved docstrings for NetworkF and NetworkG (#444)
    • analysis.ffunction() may not be correct (#225)
    • [MAINT] re-evaluate testing structure (#438)
    • [TST] Updating tests and testing structure (#443)
    • moving watermark to notebook reqs (#441)
    • appveyor — rebuild the master 3.8 PYPI (#436)
    • [MAINT] DRYing off unittests (#439)
    • Docs for v1.4.2.post1 were not rebuilt (#434)
    • rebuilding docs for post release (#435)
    • release v1.4.2 (#392)
    • pushing changelog for 1.4.2post1 (#433)
    • version bump v1.4.2 --> 1.4.2post1 (#432)
    • fixing conda-forge failure (#431)
    • final PR before v1.4.2 release — updating (#430)
    • updating README (#429)
    • [WIP][ENH] longest and largest network components (#424)
    • Add a fully connected attribute (#425)
    • [ENH] longest/largest connected component (#414)
    • add logos to website (#345)

    Pull Requests

    • Update, review, and rename K statistic (#477)
    • toy PR to test codecov.yml (#485)
    • Docs funding (#483)
    • [WIP] Dropping "change" param in codecov.yml (#479)
    • add funding sources to README (#482)
    • [Bug] Addressing bug in K-Function formation (#471)
    • no post until 24 codecov reports (#475)
    • attempting custom codecov reports (#474)
    • update install docs (#473)
    • Removing G and F functions (#468)
    • DOC: correct comments for K-function related code (#465)
    • Updating docs with new sphinx release (#464)
    • Remedy for non-transparent favicon (#463)
    • stylize the minimum spanning tree plot in (#462)
    • Updating pinned requirements versions (#461)
    • Streamling GHA (#460)
    • [ENH][WIP] Min/Max Spanning Trees functionality (#459)
    • Update Python version support in (#458)
    • Adding network arc spatial weights notebook (#457)
    • Corrections for Caveat notebook (#456)
    • CHANGELOG.txt --> (#455)
    • [TST] GitHub Actions only; Migrate away from Travis/Appveyor (#453)
    • Customizing/improving GitHub Actions (#452)
    • Trying out GitHub Actions for additional testing (#451)
    • [WIP][ENH] New notebook for caveats (#445)
    • logo update, rearrange (#448)
    • updating README logo (#447)
    • Improved docstrings for NetworkF and NetworkG (#444)
    • [TST] Updating tests and testing structure (#443)
    • moving watermark to notebook reqs (#441)
    • [MAINT] DRYing off unittests (#439)
    • rebuilding docs for post release (#435)
    • pushing changelog for 1.4.2post1 (#433)
    • version bump v1.4.2 --> 1.4.2post1 (#432)
    • fixing conda-forge failure (#431)
    • final PR before v1.4.2 release — updating (#430)
    • updating README (#429)
    • [WIP][ENH] longest and largest network components (#424)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    • Serge Rey
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2post1(Feb 24, 2020)

    Version 1.4.2post1 (2020-02-24)

    This is a conda-forge build bug fix release. For more details see conda-forge/spaghetti-feedstock#13.

    We closed a total of 0 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 2 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-02-24.

    Pull Requests

    • version bump v1.4.2 --> 1.4.2post1 (#432)
    • fixing conda-forge failure (#431)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2.post2(Feb 25, 2020)

    Version 1.4.2.post2 (2020-02-24)

    This is a documentation update release with no functionality changes from v1.4.2

    We closed a total of 1 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 1 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-02-24.

    Issues Closed

    • rebuilding docs for post release (#435)

    Pull Requests

    • Docs for v1.4.2.post1 were not rebuilt (#434)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2(Feb 24, 2020)

    Version 1.4.2 (2020-02-24)

    This release focuses on improved functionality and testing.

    We closed a total of 57 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 18 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-01-25.


    Issues Closed

    • updating README (#429)
    • [WIP][ENH] longest and largest network components (#424)
    • Add a fully connected attribute (#425)
    • [ENH] longest/largest connected component (#414)
    • add logos to website (#345)
    • attempting fast finish again (#428)
    • pushing fix for environment.yml (#423)
    • Add 3.8 as a supported Python version in docs (#422)
    • [ENH] matplotlib-scalebar for notebooks/binders (#416)
    • using a true scalebar in notebook plots (#421)
    • [REQ] requirements for notebooks/binders? (#413)
    • adding notebook reqs files (#420)
    • support multiplatform testing (#407)
    • make sure data set is downloaded for appveyor.yml (#419)
    • Migrate testing functionality from nose to pytest (#417)
    • [ENH] moving towards multi-platform testing (#418)
    • [On Hold] too many emails from Travis CI (#322)
    • origin-destination point patterns for shortest_paths() (#412)
    • The Transportation Problem notebook (#103)
    • transportation problem ipynb and type-a to type-b shortest paths (#415)
    • [WIP][ENH] origin for lattice (#405)
    • add testing for Python 3.8 (#408)
    • [BUG] typo in Travis CI badge URL (#410)
    • silently hands RuntimeWarning in NetworkK (#411)
    • adding py3.8 to travis (#409)
    • [DOC] notebook doc pngs (#406)
    • release v1.4.1 (#365)
    • rebuilding docs for version bump (#402)
    • Version bump to v1.4.1 (#401)
    • Binder is broken for network-analysis (#399)
    • Some tutorial links giving 404 (#400)
    • Fix links 2 (#398)
    • Fix links for notebooks (#397)
    • [DOC] Reorg for tutorials page (#396)
    • Traveling Salesperson Notebook (#110)
    • create new TSP notebook with pulp (#100)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#386)
    • [DOC] paths docstring missing (#394)
    • correcting routes doc (#395)

    Pull Requests

    • updating README (#429)
    • [WIP][ENH] longest and largest network components (#424)
    • pushing fix for environment.yml (#423)
    • Add 3.8 as a supported Python version in docs (#422)
    • using a true scalebar in notebook plots (#421)
    • adding notebook reqs files (#420)
    • make sure data set is downloaded for appveyor.yml (#419)
    • [ENH] moving towards multi-platform testing (#418)
    • transportation problem ipynb and type-a to type-b shortest paths (#415)
    • [WIP][ENH] origin for lattice (#405)
    • adding py3.8 to travis (#409)
    • [DOC] notebook doc pngs (#406)
    • rebuilding docs for version bump (#402)
    • Version bump to v1.4.1 (#401)
    • Fix links 2 (#398)
    • Fix links for notebooks (#397)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#386)
    • correcting routes doc (#395)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi
    • Serge Rey
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Jan 26, 2020)

    This release includes major improvements to the API documentation and notebooks/tutorials.



    Version 1.4.1 (2020-01-25)

    We closed a total of 93 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 35 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-12-31.

    Issues Closed

    • Binder is broken for network-analysis (#399)
    • Some tutorial links giving 404 (#400)
    • Fix links 2 (#398)
    • Fix links for notebooks (#397)
    • [DOC] Reorg for tutorials page (#396)
    • Traveling Salesperson Notebook (#110)
    • create new TSP notebook with pulp (#100)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#386)
    • [DOC] paths docstring missing (#394)
    • correcting routes doc (#395)
    • [ENH] add back build badge (#393)
    • [BUG] Stale links on (#387)
    • Rebuild docs (#391)
    • force read-add conn-comp notebook (#390)
    • repushing missing notebooks (#389)
    • Stale links (#388)
    • [ENH] shortest-path extraction (#380)
    • [ENH] regular lattice generator (#385)
    • [WIP][ENH] addressing shortest path extract (#382)
    • mention the pysal/notebook project (#384)
    • point pattern --> network error message (#383)
    • [ENH] connected components demo notebook (#381)
    • updating (#379)
    • data type testing (#378)
    • spaghetti should handle native cg.Point/Chain objects (#217)
    • Native geometries (#377)
    • adding CoC link to (#376)
    • update format (#375)
    • all reqs found in requirements*.txt necessary? (#346)
    • [ENH] explore overlapping "nearest point" calculation — DRY (#320)
    • altering reference format in docs (#372)
    • Clear instructions for black/pre-commit for contributing (#369)
    • Contrib precommit (#371)
    • alldistances vs. distancematrix? (#351)
    • distance matrix and tree storage (#370)
    • update readme (#367)
    • Adding citations for facility location notebook (#366)
    • v1.4 release checklist (#340)
    • updating (#364)
    • add pre-commit black for PRs? (#333)
    • trying out the black pre-commit hook (#363)
    • adding descartes to environment.yml (#362)
    • Attempt binder3 (#361)
    • need readthedocs.yml? (#360)
    • need all tarball tests? (#359)
    • Attempt binder2 (#358)
    • using environment.yml for binder (#357)
    • Add blob/master/ to notebooks link (#354)
    • addressing #354 (#356)
    • Citation review (#355)
    • launch binder (#78)
    • version 1.3.1 --> 1.4 bump (#353)
    • updating version and docs (#352)
    • improve spaghetti homepage and notebooks? (#332)
    • Review docs for links, etc. (#338)
    • Spelling and default value of n_processes (#341)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#330)
    • [ENH][WIP]extension of #339: Rahul799 docs/bugfix (#342)

    Pull Requests

    • Fix links 2 (#398)
    • Fix links for notebooks (#397)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#386)
    • correcting routes doc (#395)
    • [ENH] add back build badge (#393)
    • Rebuild docs (#391)
    • force read-add conn-comp notebook (#390)
    • repushing missing notebooks (#389)
    • Stale links (#388)
    • [WIP][ENH] addressing shortest path extract (#382)
    • mention the pysal/notebook project (#384)
    • point pattern --> network error message (#383)
    • [ENH] connected components demo notebook (#381)
    • updating (#379)
    • data type testing (#378)
    • Native geometries (#377)
    • adding CoC link to (#376)
    • update format (#375)
    • altering reference format in docs (#372)
    • Contrib precommit (#371)
    • distance matrix and tree storage (#370)
    • update readme (#367)
    • Adding citations for facility location notebook (#366)
    • updating (#364)
    • trying out the black pre-commit hook (#363)
    • adding descartes to environment.yml (#362)
    • Attempt binder3 (#361)
    • Attempt binder2 (#358)
    • using environment.yml for binder (#357)
    • addressing #354 (#356)
    • Citation review (#355)
    • version 1.3.1 --> 1.4 bump (#353)
    • updating version and docs (#352)
    • [WIP] TSP notebook (#330)
    • [ENH][WIP]extension of #339: Rahul799 docs/bugfix (#342)

    The following individuals contributed to this release:

    • James Gaboardi

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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