Kedro is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code


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What is Kedro?

Kedro is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code. It borrows concepts from software engineering and applies them to machine-learning code; applied concepts include modularity, separation of concerns and versioning.

How do I install Kedro?

To install Kedro from the Python Package Index (PyPI) simply run:

pip install kedro

It is also possible to install Kedro using conda:

conda install -c conda-forge kedro

Our Get Started guide contains full installation instructions, and includes how to set up Python virtual environments.

What are the main features of Kedro?

Kedro-Viz Pipeline Visualisation A pipeline visualisation generated using Kedro-Viz

Feature What is this?
Project Template A standard, modifiable and easy-to-use project template based on Cookiecutter Data Science.
Data Catalog A series of lightweight data connectors used to save and load data across many different file formats and file systems, including local and network file systems, cloud object stores, and HDFS. The Data Catalog also includes data and model versioning for file-based systems.
Pipeline Abstraction Automatic resolution of dependencies between pure Python functions and data pipeline visualisation using Kedro-Viz.
Coding Standards Test-driven development using pytest, produce well-documented code using Sphinx, create linted code with support for flake8, isort and black and make use of the standard Python logging library.
Flexible Deployment Deployment strategies that include single or distributed-machine deployment as well as additional support for deploying on Argo, Prefect, Kubeflow, AWS Batch and Databricks.

How do I use Kedro?

The Kedro documentation includes three examples to help get you started:

Why does Kedro exist?

Kedro is built upon our collective best-practice (and mistakes) trying to deliver real-world ML applications that have vast amounts of raw unvetted data. We developed Kedro to achieve the following:

  • To address the main shortcomings of Jupyter notebooks, one-off scripts, and glue-code because there is a focus on creating maintainable data science code
  • To enhance team collaboration when different team members have varied exposure to software engineering concepts
  • To increase efficiency, because applied concepts like modularity and separation of concerns inspire the creation of reusable analytics code

The humans behind Kedro

Kedro is maintained by a product team from QuantumBlack and a number of contributors from across the world.

Can I contribute?

Yes! Want to help build Kedro? Check out our guide to contributing to Kedro.

Where can I learn more?

There is a growing community around Kedro. Have a look at the Kedro FAQs to find projects using Kedro and links to articles, podcasts and talks.

Who likes Kedro?

There are Kedro users across the world, who work at start-ups, major enterprises and academic institutions like Absa, Acensi, AI Singapore, AXA UK, Belfius, Caterpillar, CRIM, Dendra Systems, Element AI, GMO, Imperial College London, Jungle Scout, Helvetas, Leapfrog, McKinsey & Company, Mercado Libre Argentina, Modec, Mosaic Data Science, NaranjaX, Open Data Science LatAm, Prediqt, QuantumBlack, Retrieva, Roche, Sber, Telkomsel, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, UrbanLogiq, Wildlife Studios, WovenLight and XP.

Kedro has also won Best Technical Tool or Framework for AI in the 2019 Awards AI competition and a merit award for the 2020 UK Technical Communication Awards. It is listed on the 2020 ThoughtWorks Technology Radar and the 2020 Data & AI Landscape.

How can I cite Kedro?

If you're an academic, Kedro can also help you, for example, as a tool to solve the problem of reproducible research. Find our citation reference on Zenodo.

  • [KED-2536] `kedro ipython` and `kedro jupyter` are broken if PYTHONPATH is already set

    [KED-2536] `kedro ipython` and `kedro jupyter` are broken if PYTHONPATH is already set


    Edit: After some discussion/investigation, the issue was found: _add_src_to_path does not work correctly when there's a PYTHONPATH set.

    Old description: I realize you are very aware of the issue at this point: TemplatedConfigLoader is failing on Kedro 17.1 and 17.2. I think the fix is in the works here. Just wondering if you plan to have this released soon, as we have a different technical difficulty on 17.0 that makes downgrading not the ideal solution.


    Issue: Bug Report 🐞 
    opened by sansagara 42
  • Add a video dataset reader/writer

    Add a video dataset reader/writer


    This PR adds a video dataset to read and write video files. The idea was discussed in issue

    When working with computer vision pipelines on video it is in many cases much more effective to read the frames directly from the video. This removes the need for manual preprocessing to extract the frames and it takes much less space on the disk if the frames are encoded in a video file (with inter frame compression) than to store separate frames as images. One of the few cases where this is not the best way is when accessing the frames frequently, e.g. when training models, then it is inefficient to decode the video each time. In this later case we can however still use the video dataset as a preprocessing node in the pipeline to unpack the frames to an intermediate dataset.

    Development notes

    I would gladly accept help to finish the last details of this PR. The current status is:

    • [x] Load video files
    • [x] Save video files from other VideoDataSet
    • [x] Save video files from list of frames
    • [x] Save video files from generator yielding frames
    • [x] Make it work with fsspec
    • [x] Verify functionality with different containers and codecs
    • [x] Write unittests
    • [ ] Test it with versioned dataset, partitioned dataset etc
    • [ ] Write documentation

    Here is a sample pipeline using the VideoDataSet both for reading and writing:


    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [x] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [x] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by daniel-falk 31
  • Default and Custom Pipeline not being registered and cannot be found.

    Default and Custom Pipeline not being registered and cannot be found.


    Kedro Run doesn't work and claims that I need to register my pipeline.

    File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\kedro-environment\lib\site-packages\kedro\framework\context\", line 310, in _get_pipeline ) from exc kedro.framework.context.context.KedroContextError: Failed to find the pipeline named 'de'. It needs to be generated and returned by the 'register_pipelines' function.

    I certainly have it registered. Here is my My src\dcs_package\

    ` from typing import Dict

    from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node from .pipelines.data_processing.pipeline import create_pipeline import logging

    def register_pipelines() -> Dict[str, Pipeline]:

      log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Start register_pipelines") 
      data_processing_pipeline = create_pipeline()"create pipeline done") 
      return {
          "__default__": data_processing_pipeline,
          "dp": data_processing_pipeline

    and my pipeline file is in "src\dcs_package\pipelines\data_processing\"


    I'm trying to run a very simple pipeline that just outputs a test string "test string"

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Did Kedro install[all]
    2. Set up catalog file with a csv and an xlsx to make sure dependancies were working. No problems there.
    3. Tried kedro run and kedro run --pipeline de. Same response

    Expected Result

    Pipeline is found and runs node.

    Actual Result

    Pipeline is not found. "Failed to find the pipeline named 'de'. It needs to be generated and returned by the 'register_pipelines' function."

    -- If you received an error, place it here.

    Failed to find the pipeline named 'de'. It needs to be generated and returned by the 'register_pipelines' function.

    -- Separate them if you have more than one.

    Your Environment

    Include as many relevant details about the environment in which you experienced the bug:

    • Kedro version used (pip show kedro or kedro -V): _ _ | | _____ | | __ ___ | |/ / _ / ` | '__/ _
      | < __/ (
      | | | | (
      ) | ||____|_,|| ___/ v0.17.2

    kedro allows teams to create analytics projects. It is developed as part of the Kedro initiative at QuantumBlack.

    No plugins installed

    • Python version used (python -V): 3.7
    • Operating system and version: Windows 10
    Issue: Bug Report 🐞 
    opened by Cazforshort 26
  • [KED-1367] Integration with great-expectations

    [KED-1367] Integration with great-expectations


    I have been using kedro for a little while now for data engineering/cleaning. A standard step in these processes is testing the data at different steps of the pipeline. To do this, I've been using great-expectations to write expectations pipelines that are essentially slotted in between different cleaning/engineering steps. It would be great to have a way to point a dataset type towards a suite of expectations, as defined in great_expectations.


    Testing data is a pretty essential step of data pipelines. great-expectations offers a really nice suite of tools for communicating and testing what is expected out of a dataset/pipeline.

    Possible Implementation

    (Optional) The first method that jumps to mind is extending dataset types in to use expectation suites. In particular, this could be done by extending the _save() method to run a set of expectations on a dataset every time it is saved, as well as saving the results of the run to be used in great_expectations visualization features. Locations of expectations suites would be another attribute added when defining the dataset in the Data Catalog. Same idea as filepath: data/... i.e. expectation_suites: -.../...

    Possible Alternatives

    (Optional) No idea where to start here, but an alternative path may be a plugin.

    Issue: Feature Request 
    opened by EigenJT 25
  • Implement support for schema in saving dask parquet (#1736)

    Implement support for schema in saving dask parquet (#1736)

    Signed-off-by: Aivin V. Solatorio [email protected]



    Development notes

    This change allows the use of the schema argument in the dask.to_parquet API from kedro's dask.ParquetDataSet.

    A custom parser for the schema is implemented. The parser supports all kinds of schema declaration accepted by the underlying dask.to_parquet API.

    The documentation was updated to show an example of the grammar for defining the schema in the catalog.yml

    The change requires the parsing of the _save_args for the schema key and handles the transformation of the fields to a pyarrow.DataType or pyarrow.Schema accordingly.

    Tests have also been written for this change.


    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [x] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [x] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [x] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by avsolatorio 24
  • How do you feel about the Kedro project template?

    How do you feel about the Kedro project template?


    The joy about open-sourcing Kedro is that we've been exposed to diverse opinions and use cases that we didn't think Kedro covered. We're going to proactively ask for feedback and you will see a lot more "How do you feel about ..." GitHub issues raised by the Kedro maintainers as we try to capture your thoughts on specific issues.

    First in the series was a question around introducing telemetry into Kedro and this one is about the project template.


    The Kedro project template is based on a template derived from CookieCutter Data Science. Some of our open-source users immediately picked up this relationship and have said that Kedro is a version of CookieCutter Data Science that thought about a pipeline framework, data abstraction, and versioning.

    The project template is core to us being able to help you create reusable analytics code, according to the CookieCutter Data Science philosophy, but we've had feedback that the template is considered overwhelming for new users because they're not sure why we create so many directories. We've also observed users not using all of the template, or even removing generated folders in their templates.

    Examples of directory removal are present here:


    Possible Implementation

    There's thought around removing non-essential folders and creating directories when certain actions are taken.

    We're proposing the following categorization:

    1. core directories are essential for Kedro
    2. nice to have directories are linked to functionality that extends Kedro
    3. non-essential directories can be removed and do not extend functionality in Kedro

    | Folder | Description | Category | Proposed Action | |--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | conf | The conf directory is the place where all your project configuration is located. Using conf encourages a clear and strict separation between project code and configuration. | Core | Keep | | data | A place to store local project data according to a suggested Data Engineering Convention. For production workloads we do not recommend storing data locally, but rather utilizing cloud storage (AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage), distributed file storage or database interfaces through Kedro's Data Catalog. | Nice to have | Keep but remove sub-directories that indicate Data Engineering Convention | | docs | docs is where your auto-generated project documentation is saved | Nice to have | Create this directory when kedro build-docs is run | | logs | A directory for your Kedro pipeline execution logs | Nice to have | Create this directory when kedro run is run | | notebooks | Kedro supports a Jupyter workflow, that allows you to experiment and iterate quickly on your models. notebooks is the folder where you can store your Jupyter Notebooks | Nice to have | Keep | | references | Auxiliary folders for project references and standalone results like model artifacts, plots, papers, and statistics | Non-essential | Remove | | results | Auxiliary folders for project references and standalone results like model artifacts, plots, papers, and statistics | Non-essential | Remove | | src | Source directory that contains all your pipeline code | Core | Keep |

    This would create the following template when you run kedro new:


    Questions for you

    Note: These are "yes" and "no" questions but we would like the answers caveated with a reason why you have indicated the following.

    We need your help in answering the following:

    • Are our assumptions around priority for directories correct?
    • Do you agree with the proposed actions? Yes, no and why?
    • Do you think that this change would help make Kedro less intimidating for new users of Kedro?
    • Do you have any other thoughts we should consider for the project template?
    opened by yetudada 22
  • [KED-2891] Implement `spark.DeltaTable` dataset

    [KED-2891] Implement `spark.DeltaTable` dataset


    This PR was created to add the functionality of databricks DeltaTable in a kedro pipeline. Unlike a regular dataset, which has the concept of save that fully overwrites (or creates) the underlying data, a DeltaTable is mutable underneath - this means it can be appended to, updated, merged or deleted, as a regular SQL table is (along with commit logs etc.).

    This means that unlike with other datasets, kedro needs to be extremely careful on defining what the save method does. In my opinion, this is, in the case of DeltaTable, modifying an underlying dataset. The actual implementation is described below.

    Development notes

    In my opinion, the DeltaTable method calls are best abstracted away from the users. The actual API then comes in through well-designed conf/catalog entry and a strategy pattern (or similar), that resolves into the right call in the _save method. Happy to take onboard any design contributions on this.


    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [x] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [x] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [x] Added a description of this change and added my name to the list of supporting contributions in the file
    • [x] Added tests to cover my changes


    • [x] I acknowledge and agree that, by checking this box and clicking "Submit Pull Request":

    • I submit this contribution under the Apache 2.0 license and represent that I am entitled to do so on behalf of myself, my employer, or relevant third parties, as applicable.

    • I certify that (a) this contribution is my original creation and / or (b) to the extent it is not my original creation, I am authorised to submit this contribution on behalf of the original creator(s) or their licensees.

    • I certify that the use of this contribution as authorised by the Apache 2.0 license does not violate the intellectual property rights of anyone else.

    opened by jiriklein 21
  • [KED-2518] kedro new --starter argument is broken on Windows for python<3.8

    [KED-2518] kedro new --starter argument is broken on Windows for python<3.8


    I tried to create a kedro project by running kedro new on Windows in a conda environment with python 3.7.10. The command fails with a Error: Failed to generate project. error.

    The command should work, since the badge in the README claims support for python=3.6, 3.7, 3.8.

    After investigation, the error comes from tempfile library and the context manager used to create a temporary file in _prompt_user_for_config

    This context manager __exit__ method calls _rmtree_unsafe on a read only file. This discussion in the official python issue tracker (msg262584 has the exact same stack trace than me, and msg344037 reference the commit which fixes the issue) show that this is a known bug which has been resolved when python==3.8 was released.

    I checked and everything works fine with python=3.8 on the same computer. The compatibility with different os and python version seems important to me, especially for enterprise support. For my personal kedro use I can easily upgrade my python version, but in a professional setup I often have to deal with the constraints of the team I work with, and I barely choose if I work on windows/linux and if I can upgrade to a newer python version (a lot of teams are conservative and do not want to upgrade their python version by fear of breaking something in production).


    I can't create a new kedro project with kedro new --starter=pandas-iris command on Windows with python=3.7.

    Steps to Reproduce

    On a Windows 7 or Windows 10 computer, create a conda environment with python=3.7 and call kedro new:

    conda create -n ked171_py37 python=3.7 -y
    pip install kedro==0.17.1
    kedro new --starter==pandas-iris

    Expected Result

    The kedro project should be created.

    Actual Result

    The usual questions are asked, then the message Error: Failed to generate project. is displayed and no project is created.

    Running the command with --verbose flag return the following stacktrace:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\kedro\framework\cli\", line 300, in _create_project
        config = _prompt_user_for_config(template_path, checkout, directory)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\kedro\framework\cli\", line 385, in _prompt_user_for_config
        return config
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 807, in __exit__
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 811, in cleanup
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 516, in rmtree
        return _rmtree_unsafe(path, onerror)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 395, in _rmtree_unsafe
        _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onerror)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 395, in _rmtree_unsafe
        _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onerror)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 395, in _rmtree_unsafe
        _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onerror)
      [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 400, in _rmtree_unsafe
        onerror(os.unlink, fullname, sys.exc_info())
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\", line 398, in _rmtree_unsafe
    PermissionError: [WinError 5] Accès refusé: 'C:\\Users\\xxx\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpntjghogt\\kedro-starters\\.git\\objects\\pack\\pack-26ae52b934aecc262c73b726202a49ce0bb01487.idx'
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\click\", line 782, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1259, in invoke
        return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\click\", line 1066, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\click\", line 610, in invoke
        return callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\kedro\framework\cli\", line 229, in new
      File "c:\users\xxx\anaconda3\envs\kp_171\lib\site-packages\kedro\framework\cli\", line 332, in _create_project
        raise KedroCliError("Failed to generate project.") from exc
    kedro.framework.cli.utils.KedroCliError: Failed to generate project.
    Error: Failed to generate project.

    This is the very same stacktrace that the one in msg262584 in above link on python issue tracker.

    Your Environment

    Include as many relevant details about the environment in which you experienced the bug:

    • Kedro version used (pip show kedro or kedro -V): 0.17.1
    • Python version used (python -V): 3.7.10
    • Operating system and version: Windows 10
    Issue: Bug Report 🐞 
    opened by Galileo-Galilei 20
  • [KED-950] Improve test coverage (branch coverage)

    [KED-950] Improve test coverage (branch coverage)


    On back of issue #243 and also taking the work of PR #267 further.

    Development notes

    No changes to functionality, writing tests to improve branch coverage and potentially also to take care of the failing Java components due to Java dependencies (to be investigated).


    • [X] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [X] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [X] Added a description of this change and added my name to the list of supporting contributions in the file
    • [X] Added tests to cover my changes


    • [X] I acknowledge and agree that, by checking this box and clicking "Submit Pull Request":

    • I submit this contribution under the Apache 2.0 license and represent that I am entitled to do so on behalf of myself, my employer, or relevant third parties, as applicable.

    • I certify that (a) this contribution is my original creation and / or (b) to the extent it is not my original creation, I am authorised to submit this contribution on behalf of the original creator(s) or their licensees.

    • I certify that the use of this contribution as authorised by the Apache 2.0 license does not violate the intellectual property rights of anyone else.

    opened by neomatrix369 20
  • Update deployment diagram to include Dask :merman:

    Update deployment diagram to include Dask :merman:


    Closes #1321

    Highly recommend merging #1489 first, so as to separate out Mermaid from MyST migration.

    Development notes

    Throwing up an initial version for feedback; still need to figure out stuff like left-aligning text, rendering a list (or can just use asterisks as before), etc. if it's a requirement to look more like the original one.


    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [ ] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by deepyaman 19
  • Support schema load argument for SparkDataset

    Support schema load argument for SparkDataset


    PR provides the ability to specify a json schema file to the load arguments of the SparkDataset. This is especially relevant when loading JSON files. The load file is passed to the schema method of the Spark reader when loading the dataset, i.e., specified in the catalog as follows:

      type: spark.SparkDataSet
      file_format: json
      filepath: /path/to/*.json
            filepath: path/to/schema.json
            credentials: creds

    Additionally, the schema argument can be supplied directly via the API. This can be done either by passing in the a StructType object or a DDL statement, i.e.,

    SparkDataSet(..., load_args={"schema": struct_type_obj})
    SparkDataSet(..., load_args={"schema": "DDL statement"})

    Development notes

    Changes are limited to Kedro's extra module. Initial test was added.


    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [x] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [x] Added a description of this change and added my name to the list of supporting contributions in the file
    • [x] Added tests to cover my changes


    • [x] I acknowledge and agree that, by checking this box and clicking "Submit Pull Request":

    • I submit this contribution under the Apache 2.0 license and represent that I am entitled to do so on behalf of myself, my employer, or relevant third parties, as applicable.

    • I certify that (a) this contribution is my original creation and / or (b) to the extent it is not my original creation, I am authorised to submit this contribution on behalf of the original creator(s) or their licensees.

    • I certify that the use of this contribution as authorised by the Apache 2.0 license does not violate the intellectual property rights of anyone else.

    opened by lvijnck 19
  • Fix docs formatting and phrasing for some datasets

    Fix docs formatting and phrasing for some datasets

    NOTE: Kedro datasets are moving from kedro.extras.datasets to a separate kedro-datasets package in kedro-plugins repository. Any changes to the dataset implementations should be done by opening a pull request in that repository.


    Note: Not ready to merge, but I'd like a review before doing the same changes across datasets (if necessary), as well as confirmation that:

    1. The changes for kedro.extras.datasets docs should be moved to the new repo? I guess they don't need to be here?
    2. Changes for PartitionedDataSet docs should still be here.

    Development notes

    I noticed PartitionedDataSet examples weren't rendering correctly. In fixing that, I found other examples that weren't.

    Also some general hygiene/ideas, like linking to Python API docs (similar to for YAML API). However, appreciate some feedback, if these need to be applied across all the datasets; also, PartitionedDataSet changes need to happen here, but the rest need to happen in kedro-datasets, right?








    Note the quote blocks, as well as the reference links.





    • [x] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [x] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [ ] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by deepyaman 1
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • Move pytest options from Makefile to pyproject.toml

    Move pytest options from Makefile to pyproject.toml

    Description and motivation

    Having more of our pytest config in pyproject.toml will allow us to run tests by simply calling pytest in the root folder of our project. This will enable easier setup of tests in different IDEs.

    opened by idanov 0
  • Allow users to pass credentials through environment variables

    Allow users to pass credentials through environment variables

    NOTE: Kedro datasets are moving from kedro.extras.datasets to a separate kedro-datasets package in kedro-plugins repository. Any changes to the dataset implementations should be done by opening a pull request in that repository.


    Resolves #1909.

    Development notes


    • [ ] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [ ] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by jmholzer 0
  • Add docs for the new `OmegaConfLoader`

    Add docs for the new `OmegaConfLoader`


    • Docs to describe the new OmegaConfLoader added in
    • I also added a paragraph explaining how to directly set configuration on a config loader class instance


    • [ ] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [ ] Added tests to cover my changes

    Component: Documentation 📄 
    opened by merelcht 0
  • Only convert omegaconf DictConfig to primitive type for logging

    Only convert omegaconf DictConfig to primitive type for logging

    Signed-off-by: Merel Theisen [email protected]


    After merging where I made OmegaConfLoader return the primitive dict type I realised that in order to leverage other omegaconf functionality such as variable interpolation ( it's necessary to have it return the omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig type.

    Development notes

    The problems I discovered with logging were related to this line LOGGING.configure(logging_config)

    and so I decided to revert my previous change and only convert the omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig type to the primitive dict for the logging files.


    • [ ] Read the contributing guidelines
    • [ ] Opened this PR as a 'Draft Pull Request' if it is work-in-progress
    • [ ] Updated the documentation to reflect the code changes
    • [ ] Added a description of this change in the file
    • [ ] Added tests to cover my changes

    opened by merelcht 0
  • 0.18.4(Dec 5, 2022)

    Major features and improvements

    • Make Kedro instantiate datasets from kedro_datasets with higher priority than kedro.extras.datasets. kedro_datasets is the namespace for the new kedro-datasets python package.
    • The config loader objects now implement UserDict and the configuration is accessed through conf_loader['catalog'].
    • You can configure config file patterns through without creating a custom config loader.
    • Added the following new datasets:

    | Type | Description | Location | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | | svmlight.SVMLightDataSet | Work with svmlight/libsvm files using scikit-learn library | kedro.extras.datasets.svmlight | | video.VideoDataSet | Read and write video files from a filesystem | | | video.video_dataset.SequenceVideo | Create a video object from an iterable sequence to use with VideoDataSet | | | video.video_dataset.GeneratorVideo | Create a video object from a generator to use with VideoDataSet | |

    • Implemented support for a functional definition of schema in dask.ParquetDataSet to work with the dask.to_parquet API.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed kedro micropkg pull for packages on PyPI.
    • Fixed format in save_args for SparkHiveDataSet, previously it didn't allow you to save it as delta format.
    • Fixed save errors in TensorFlowModelDataset when used without versioning; previously, it wouldn't overwrite an existing model.
    • Added support for tf.device in TensorFlowModelDataset.
    • Updated error message for VersionNotFoundError to handle insufficient permission issues for cloud storage.
    • Updated Experiment Tracking docs with working examples.
    • Updated MatplotlibWriter Dataset, TextDataset, plotly.PlotlyDataSet and plotly.JSONDataSet docs with working examples.
    • Modified implementation of the Kedro IPython extension to use local_ns rather than a global variable.
    • Refactored ShelveStore to its own module to ensure multiprocessing works with it.
    • kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.SQLQueryDataSet now takes optional argument execution_options.
    • Removed attrs upper bound to support newer versions of Airflow.
    • Bumped the lower bound for the setuptools dependency to <=61.5.1.

    Minor breaking changes to the API

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.19.0

    • kedro test and kedro lint will be deprecated.


    • Revised the Introduction to shorten it
    • Revised the Get Started section to remove unnecessary information and clarify the learning path
    • Updated the spaceflights tutorial to simplify the later stages and clarify what the reader needed to do in each phase
    • Moved some pages that covered advanced materials into more appropriate sections
    • Moved visualisation into its own section
    • Fixed a bug that degraded user experience: the table of contents is now sticky when you navigate between pages
    • Added redirects where needed on ReadTheDocs for legacy links and bookmarks

    Contributions from the Kedroid community

    We are grateful to the following for submitting PRs that contributed to this release: jstammers, FlorianGD, yash6318, carlaprv, dinotuku, williamcaicedo, avan-sh, Kastakin, amaralbf, BSGalvan, levimjoseph, daniel-falk, clotildeguinard, avsolatorio, and picklejuicedev for comments and input to documentation changes

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  • 0.18.3(Sep 20, 2022)

    Release 0.18.3

    Major features and improvements

    • Implemented autodiscovery of project pipelines. A pipeline created with kedro pipeline create <pipeline_name> can now be accessed immediately without needing to explicitly register it in src/<package_name>/, either individually by name (e.g. kedro run --pipeline=<pipeline_name>) or as part of the combined default pipeline (e.g. kedro run). By default, the simplified register_pipelines() function in looks like:

      def register_pipelines() -> Dict[str, Pipeline]:
          """Register the project's pipelines.
              A mapping from pipeline names to ``Pipeline`` objects.
          pipelines = find_pipelines()
          pipelines["__default__"] = sum(pipelines.values())
          return pipelines
    • The Kedro IPython extension should now be loaded with %load_ext kedro.ipython.

    • The line magic %reload_kedro now accepts keywords arguments, e.g. %reload_kedro --env=prod.

    • Improved resume pipeline suggestion for SequentialRunner, it will backtrack the closest persisted inputs to resume.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Changed default False value for rich logging show_locals, to make sure credentials and other sensitive data isn't shown in logs.
    • Rich traceback handling is disabled on Databricks so that exceptions now halt execution as expected. This is a workaround for a bug in rich.
    • When using kedro run -n [some_node], if some_node is missing a namespace the resulting error message will suggest the correct node name.
    • Updated documentation for rich logging.
    • Updated Prefect deployment documentation to allow for reruns with saved versioned datasets.
    • The Kedro IPython extension now surfaces errors when it cannot load a Kedro project.
    • Relaxed delta-spark upper bound to allow compatibility with Spark 3.1.x and 3.2.x.
    • Added gdrive to list of cloud protocols, enabling Google Drive paths for datasets.
    • Added svg logo resource for ipython kernel.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.19.0

    • The Kedro IPython extension will no longer be available as %load_ext kedro.extras.extensions.ipython; use %load_ext kedro.ipython instead.
    • kedro jupyter convert, kedro build-docs, kedro build-reqs and kedro activate-nbstripout will be deprecated.
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  • 0.18.2(Jul 8, 2022)

    Release 0.18.2

    Major features and improvements

    • Added abfss to list of cloud protocols, enabling abfss paths.
    • Kedro now uses the Rich library to format terminal logs and tracebacks.
    • The file conf/base/logging.yml is now optional. See our documentation for details.
    • Introduced a kedro.starters entry point. This enables plugins to create custom starter aliases used by kedro starter list and kedro new.
    • Reduced the kedro new prompts to just one question asking for the project name.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Bumped pyyaml upper bound to make Kedro compatible with the pyodide stack.
    • Updated project template's Sphinx configuration to use myst_parser instead of recommonmark.
    • Reduced number of log lines by changing the logging level from INFO to DEBUG for low priority messages.
    • Kedro's framework-side logging configuration no longer performs file-based logging. Hence superfluous info.log/errors.log files are no longer created in your project root, and running Kedro on read-only file systems such as Databricks Repos is now possible.
    • The root logger is now set to the Python default level of WARNING rather than INFO. Kedro's logger is still set to emit INFO level messages.
    • SequentialRunner now has consistent execution order across multiple runs with sorted nodes.
    • Bumped the upper bound for the Flake8 dependency to <5.0.
    • kedro jupyter notebook/lab no longer reuses a Jupyter kernel.
    • Required cookiecutter>=2.1.1 to address a known command injection vulnerability.
    • The session store no longer fails if a username cannot be found with getpass.getuser.
    • Added generic typing for AbstractDataSet and AbstractVersionedDataSet as well as typing to all datasets.
    • Rendered the deployment guide flowchart as a Mermaid diagram, and added Dask.

    Minor breaking changes to the API

    • The module kedro.config.default_logger no longer exists; default logging configuration is now set automatically through kedro.framework.project.LOGGING. Unless you explicitly import kedro.config.default_logger you do not need to make any changes.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.19.0

    • kedro.extras.ColorHandler will be removed in 0.19.0.
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  • 0.18.1(May 9, 2022)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added a new hook after_context_created that passes the KedroContext instance as context.
    • Added a new CLI hook after_command_run.
    • Added more detail to YAML ParserError exception error message.
    • Added option to SparkDataSet to specify a schema load argument that allows for supplying a user-defined schema as opposed to relying on the schema inference of Spark.
    • The Kedro package no longer contains a built version of the Kedro documentation significantly reducing the package size.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Removed fatal error from being logged when a Kedro session is created in a directory without git.
    • Fixed CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS validation so that TemplatedConfigLoader can be specified in Any CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS must be a subclass of AbstractConfigLoader.
    • Added runner name to the run_params dictionary used in pipeline hooks.
    • Updated Databricks documentation to include how to get it working with IPython extension and Kedro-Viz.
    • Update sections on visualisation, namespacing, and experiment tracking in the spaceflight tutorial to correspond to the complete spaceflights starter.
    • Fixed Jinja2 syntax loading with TemplatedConfigLoader using globals.yml.
    • Removed global _active_session, _activate_session and _deactivate_session. Plugins that need to access objects such as the config loader should now do so through context in the new after_context_created hook.
    • config_loader is available as a public read-only attribute of KedroContext.
    • Made hook_manager argument optional for
    • kedro docs now opens an online version of the Kedro documentation instead of a locally built version.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.19.0

    • kedro docs will be removed in 0.19.0.
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 0.18.0(Mar 31, 2022)

    Release 0.18.0

    TL;DR ✨

    Kedro 0.18.0 strives to reduce the complexity of the project template and get us closer to a stable release of the framework. We've introduced the full micro-packaging workflow 📦, which allows you to import packages, utility functions and existing pipelines into your Kedro project. Integration with IPython and Jupyter has been streamlined in preparation for enhancements to Kedro's interactive workflow. Additionally, the release comes with long-awaited Python 3.9 and 3.10 support 🐍.

    Major features and improvements


    • Added kedro.config.abstract_config.AbstractConfigLoader as an abstract base class for all ConfigLoader implementations. ConfigLoader and TemplatedConfigLoader now inherit directly from this base class.
    • Streamlined the ConfigLoader.get and TemplatedConfigLoader.get API and delegated the actual get method functional implementation to the kedro.config.common module.
    • The hook_manager is no longer a global singleton. The hook_manager lifecycle is now managed by the KedroSession, and a new hook_manager will be created every time a session is instantiated.
    • Added support for specifying parameters mapping in pipeline() without the params: prefix.
    • Added new API Pipeline.filter() (previously in KedroContext._filter_pipeline()) to filter parts of a pipeline.
    • Added username to Session store for logging during Experiment Tracking.
    • A packaged Kedro project can now be imported and run from another Python project as following:
    from my_package.__main__ import main
        ["--pipleine", "my_pipeline"]
    )  # or just main() if no parameters are needed for the run

    Project template

    • Removed from the Kedro project template. By default, all CLI commands, including kedro run, are now defined on the Kedro framework side. You can still define custom CLI commands by creating your own
    • Removed from the Kedro project template. Registration hooks have been removed in favour of configuration, but you can still define execution timeline hooks by creating your own
    • Removed .ipython directory from the Kedro project template. The IPython/Jupyter workflow no longer uses IPython profiles; it now uses an IPython extension.
    • The default kedro run configuration environment names can now be set in using the CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS variable. The relevant keyword arguments to supply are base_env and default_run_env, which are set to base and local respectively by default.


    • Added the following new datasets:

    | Type | Description | Location | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | | pandas.XMLDataSet | Read XML into Pandas DataFrame. Write Pandas DataFrame to XML | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | networkx.GraphMLDataSet | Work with NetworkX using GraphML files | kedro.extras.datasets.networkx | | networkx.GMLDataSet | Work with NetworkX using Graph Modelling Language files | kedro.extras.datasets.networkx | | redis.PickleDataSet | loads/saves data from/to a Redis database | kedro.extras.datasets.redis |

    • Added partitionBy support and exposed save_args for SparkHiveDataSet.
    • Exposed open_args_save in fs_args for pandas.ParquetDataSet.
    • Refactored the load and save operations for pandas datasets in order to leverage pandas own API and delegate fsspec operations to them. This reduces the need to have our own fsspec wrappers.
    • Merged pandas.AppendableExcelDataSet into pandas.ExcelDataSet.
    • Added save_args to feather.FeatherDataSet.

    Jupyter and IPython integration

    • The only recommended way to work with Kedro in Jupyter or IPython is now the Kedro IPython extension. Managed Jupyter instances should load this via %load_ext kedro.extras.extensions.ipython and use the line magic %reload_kedro.
    • kedro ipython launches an IPython session that preloads the Kedro IPython extension.
    • kedro jupyter notebook/lab creates a custom Jupyter kernel that preloads the Kedro IPython extension and launches a notebook with that kernel selected. There is no longer a need to specify --all-kernels to show all available kernels.


    • Bumped the minimum version of pandas to 1.3. Any storage_options should continue to be specified under fs_args and/or credentials.
    • Added support for Python 3.9 and 3.10, dropped support for Python 3.6.
    • Updated black dependency in the project template to a non pre-release version.


    • Documented distribution of Kedro pipelines with Dask.

    Breaking changes to the API


    • Removed RegistrationSpecs and its associated register_config_loader and register_catalog hook specifications in favour of CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS/CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS and DATA_CATALOG_CLASS in
    • Removed deprecated functions load_context and get_project_context.
    • Removed deprecated CONF_SOURCE, package_name, pipeline, pipelines, config_loader and io attributes from KedroContext as well as the deprecated method.
    • Added the PluginManager hook_manager argument to KedroContext and the method, which will be provided by the KedroSession.
    • Removed the public method get_hook_manager() and replaced its functionality by _create_hook_manager().
    • Enforced that only one run can be successfully executed as part of a KedroSession. run_id has been renamed to session_id as a result.

    Configuration loaders

    • The setting CONF_ROOT has been renamed to CONF_SOURCE. Default value of conf remains unchanged.
    • ConfigLoader and TemplatedConfigLoader argument conf_root has been renamed to conf_source.
    • extra_params has been renamed to runtime_params in kedro.config.config.ConfigLoader and kedro.config.templated_config.TemplatedConfigLoader.
    • The environment defaulting behaviour has been removed from KedroContext and is now implemented in a ConfigLoader class (or equivalent) with the base_env and default_run_env attributes.


    • pandas.ExcelDataSet now uses openpyxl engine instead of xlrd.
    • pandas.ParquetDataSet now calls pd.to_parquet() upon saving. Note that the argument partition_cols is not supported.
    • spark.SparkHiveDataSet API has been updated to reflect spark.SparkDataSet. The write_mode=insert option has also been replaced with write_mode=append as per Spark styleguide. This change addresses Issue 725 and Issue 745. Additionally, upsert mode now leverages checkpoint functionality and requires a valid checkpointDir be set for current SparkContext.
    • yaml.YAMLDataSet can no longer save a pandas.DataFrame directly, but it can save a dictionary. Use pandas.DataFrame.to_dict() to convert your pandas.DataFrame to a dictionary before you attempt to save it to YAML.
    • Removed open_args_load and open_args_save from the following datasets:
      • pandas.CSVDataSet
      • pandas.ExcelDataSet
      • pandas.FeatherDataSet
      • pandas.JSONDataSet
      • pandas.ParquetDataSet
    • storage_options are now dropped if they are specified under load_args or save_args for the following datasets:
      • pandas.CSVDataSet
      • pandas.ExcelDataSet
      • pandas.FeatherDataSet
      • pandas.JSONDataSet
      • pandas.ParquetDataSet
    • Renamed lambda_data_set, memory_data_set, and partitioned_data_set to lambda_dataset, memory_dataset, and partitioned_dataset, respectively, in
    • The dataset networkx.NetworkXDataSet has been renamed to networkx.JSONDataSet.


    • Removed kedro install in favour of pip install -r src/requirements.txt to install project dependencies.
    • Removed --parallel flag from kedro run in favour of --runner=ParallelRunner. The -p flag is now an alias for --pipeline.
    • kedro pipeline package has been replaced by kedro micropkg package and, in addition to the --alias flag used to rename the package, now accepts a module name and path to the pipeline or utility module to package, relative to src/<package_name>/. The --version CLI option has been removed in favour of setting a __version__ variable in the micro-package's file.
    • kedro pipeline pull has been replaced by kedro micropkg pull and now also supports --destination to provide a location for pulling the package.
    • Removed kedro pipeline list and kedro pipeline describe in favour of kedro registry list and kedro registry describe.
    • kedro package and kedro micropkg package now save egg and whl or tar files in the <project_root>/dist folder (previously <project_root>/src/dist).
    • Changed the behaviour of kedro build-reqs to compile requirements from requirements.txt instead of and save them to requirements.lock instead of requirements.txt.
    • kedro jupyter notebook/lab no longer accept --all-kernels or --idle-timeout flags. --all-kernels is now the default behaviour.
    • now raises ValueError rather than KedroContextError when the pipeline contains no nodes. The same ValueError is raised when there are no matching tags.
    • now raises ValueError rather than KedroContextError when the pipeline name doesn't exist in the pipeline registry.


    • Added namespace to parameters in a modular pipeline, which addresses Issue 399.
    • Switched from packaging pipelines as wheel files to tar archive files compressed with gzip (.tar.gz).
    • Removed decorator API from Node and Pipeline, as well as the modules kedro.extras.decorators and kedro.pipeline.decorators.
    • Removed transformer API from DataCatalog, as well as the modules kedro.extras.transformers and
    • Removed the Journal and DataCatalogWithDefault.
    • Removed %init_kedro IPython line magic, with its functionality incorporated into %reload_kedro. This means that if %reload_kedro is called with a filepath, that will be set as default for subsequent calls.

    Migration guide from Kedro 0.17.* to 0.18.*


    • Remove any existing hook_impl of the register_config_loader and register_catalog methods from ProjectHooks in (or custom alternatives).
    • If you use run_id in the after_catalog_created hook, replace it with save_version instead.
    • If you use run_id in any of the before_node_run, after_node_run, on_node_error, before_pipeline_run, after_pipeline_run or on_pipeline_error hooks, replace it with session_id instead. file

    • If you use a custom config loader class such as kedro.config.TemplatedConfigLoader, alter CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS to specify the class and CONFIG_LOADER_ARGS to specify keyword arguments. If not set, these default to kedro.config.ConfigLoader and an empty dictionary respectively.
    • If you use a custom data catalog class, alter DATA_CATALOG_CLASS to specify the class. If not set, this defaults to
    • If you have a custom config location (i.e. not conf), update CONF_ROOT to CONF_SOURCE and set it to a string with the expected configuration location. If not set, this defaults to "conf".

    Modular pipelines

    • If you use any modular pipelines with parameters, make sure they are declared with the correct namespace. See example below:

    For a given pipeline:

    active_pipeline = pipeline(
                inputs=["model_input_table", "params:model_options"],

    The parameters should look like this:

    -    test_size: 0.2
    -    random_state: 8
    -    features:
    -    - engines
    -    - passenger_capacity
    -    - crew
    +    model_options:
    +      test_size: 0.2
    +      random_state: 8
    +      features:
    +        - engines
    +        - passenger_capacity
    +        - crew
    • Optional: You can now remove all params: prefix when supplying values to parameters argument in a pipeline() call.
    • If you pull modular pipelines with kedro pipeline pull my_pipeline --alias other_pipeline, now use kedro micropkg pull my_pipeline --alias pipelines.other_pipeline instead.
    • If you package modular pipelines with kedro pipeline package my_pipeline, now use kedro micropkg package pipelines.my_pipeline instead.
    • Similarly, if you package any modular pipelines using pyproject.toml, you should modify the keys to include the full module path, and wrapped in double-quotes, e.g:
    -data_engineering = {destination = "path/to/here"}
    -data_science = {alias = "ds", env = "local"}
    +"pipelines.data_engineering" = {destination = "path/to/here"}
    +"pipelines.data_science" = {alias = "ds", env = "local"}
    -"s3://my_bucket/my_pipeline" = {alias = "aliased_pipeline"}
    +"s3://my_bucket/my_pipeline" = {alias = "pipelines.aliased_pipeline"}


    • If you use pandas.ExcelDataSet, make sure you have openpyxl installed in your environment. This is automatically installed if you specify kedro[pandas.ExcelDataSet]==0.18.0 in your requirements.txt. You can uninstall xlrd if you were only using it for this dataset.
    • If you usepandas.ParquetDataSet, pass pandas saving arguments directly to save_args instead of nested in from_pandas (e.g. save_args = {"preserve_index": False} instead of save_args = {"from_pandas": {"preserve_index": False}}).
    • If you use spark.SparkHiveDataSet with write_mode option set to insert, change this to append in line with the Spark styleguide. If you use spark.SparkHiveDataSet with write_mode option set to upsert, make sure that your SparkContext has a valid checkpointDir set either by SparkContext.setCheckpointDir method or directly in the conf folder.
    • If you use pandas~=1.2.0 and pass storage_options through load_args or savs_args, specify them under fs_args or via credentials instead.
    • If you import from,, or, change the import to,, or, respectively (or import the dataset directly from
    • If you have any pandas.AppendableExcelDataSet entries in your catalog, replace them with pandas.ExcelDataSet.
    • If you have any networkx.NetworkXDataSet entries in your catalog, replace them with networkx.JSONDataSet.


    • Edit any scripts containing kedro pipeline package --version to use kedro micropkg package instead. If you wish to set a specific pipeline package version, set the __version__ variable in the pipeline package's file.
    • To run a pipeline in parallel, use kedro run --runner=ParallelRunner rather than --parallel or -p.
    • If you call ConfigLoader or TemplatedConfigLoader directly, update the keyword arguments conf_root to conf_source and extra_params to runtime_params.
    • If you use KedroContext to access ConfigLoader, use settings.CONFIG_LOADER_CLASS to access the currently used ConfigLoader instead.
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  • 0.17.7(Feb 22, 2022)

    Release 0.17.7

    Major features and improvements

    • pipeline now accepts tags and a collection of Nodes and/or Pipelines rather than just a single Pipeline object. pipeline should be used in preference to Pipeline when creating a Kedro pipeline.
    • pandas.SQLTableDataSet and pandas.SQLQueryDataSet now only open one connection per database, at instantiation time (therefore at catalog creation time), rather than one per load/save operation.
    • Added new command group, micropkg, to replace kedro pipeline pull and kedro pipeline package with kedro micropkg pull and kedro micropkg package for Kedro 0.18.0. kedro micropkg package saves packages to project/dist while kedro pipeline package saves packages to project/src/dist.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Added tutorial documentation for experiment tracking.
    • Added Plotly dataset documentation.
    • Added the upper limit pandas<1.4 to maintain compatibility with xlrd~=1.0.
    • Bumped the Pillow minimum version requirement to 9.0 (Python 3.7+ only) following CVE-2022-22817.
    • Fixed PickleDataSet to be copyable and hence work with the parallel runner.
    • Upgraded pip-tools, which is used by kedro build-reqs, to 6.5 (Python 3.7+ only). This pip-tools version is compatible with pip>=21.2, including the most recent releases of pip. Python 3.6 users should continue to use pip-tools 6.4 and pip<22.
    • Added astro-iris as alias for astro-airlow-iris, so that old tutorials can still be followed.
    • Added details about Kedro's Technical Steering Committee and governance model.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • kedro pipeline pull and kedro pipeline package will be deprecated. Please use kedro micropkg instead.
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  • 0.17.6(Dec 9, 2021)

    Release 0.17.6

    Major features and improvements

    • Added pipelines global variable to IPython extension, allowing you to access the project's pipelines in kedro ipython or kedro jupyter notebook.
    • Enabled overriding nested parameters with params in CLI, i.e. kedro run --params="model.model_tuning.booster:gbtree" updates parameters to {"model": {"model_tuning": {"booster": "gbtree"}}}.
    • Added option to pandas.SQLQueryDataSet to specify a filepath with a SQL query, in addition to the current method of supplying the query itself in the sql argument.
    • Extended ExcelDataSet to support saving Excel files with multiple sheets.
    • Added the following new datasets:

    | Type | Description | Location | | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | plotly.JSONDataSet | Works with plotly graph object Figures (saves as json file) | kedro.extras.datasets.plotly | | pandas.GenericDataSet | Provides a 'best effort' facility to read / write any format provided by the pandas library | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | pandas.GBQQueryDataSet | Loads data from a Google Bigquery table using provided SQL query | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | spark.DeltaTableDataSet | Dataset designed to handle Delta Lake Tables and their CRUD-style operations, including update, merge and delete | kedro.extras.datasets.spark |

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed an issue where kedro new --config config.yml was ignoring the config file when prompts.yml didn't exist.
    • Added documentation for kedro viz --autoreload.
    • Added support for arbitrary backends (via importable module paths) that satisfy the pickle interface to PickleDataSet.
    • Added support for sum syntax for connecting pipeline objects.
    • Upgraded pip-tools, which is used by kedro build-reqs, to 6.4. This pip-tools version requires pip>=21.2 while adding support for pip>=21.3. To upgrade pip, please refer to their documentation.
    • Relaxed the bounds on the plotly requirement for plotly.PlotlyDataSet and the pyarrow requirement for pandas.ParquetDataSet.
    • kedro pipeline package <pipeline> now raises an error if the <pipeline> argument doesn't look like a valid Python module path (e.g. has / instead of .).
    • Added new overwrite argument to PartitionedDataSet and MatplotlibWriter to enable deletion of existing partitions and plots on dataset save.
    • kedro pipeline pull now works when the project requirements contains entries such as -r, --extra-index-url and local wheel files (Issue #913).
    • Fixed slow startup because of catalog processing by reducing the exponential growth of extra processing during _FrozenDatasets creations.
    • Removed .coveragerc from the Kedro project template. coverage settings are now given in pyproject.toml.
    • Fixed a bug where packaging or pulling a modular pipeline with the same name as the project's package name would throw an error (or silently pass without including the pipeline source code in the wheel file).
    • Removed unintentional dependency on git.
    • Fixed an issue where nested pipeline configuration was not included in the packaged pipeline.
    • Deprecated the "Thanks for supporting contributions" section of release notes to simplify the contribution process; Kedro 0.17.6 is the last release that includes this. This process has been replaced with the automatic GitHub feature.
    • Fixed a bug where the version on the tracking datasets didn't match the session id and the versions of regular versioned datasets.
    • Fixed an issue where datasets in load_versions that are not found in the data catalog would silently pass.
    • Altered the string representation of nodes so that node inputs/outputs order is preserved rather than being alphabetically sorted.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • kedro.extras.decorators and kedro.pipeline.decorators are being deprecated in favour of Hooks.
    • kedro.extras.transformers and are being deprecated in favour of Hooks.
    • The --parallel flag on kedro run is being removed in favour of --runner=ParallelRunner. The -p flag will change to be an alias for --pipeline.
    • is being deprecated, to be removed entirely in 0.18.0.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Deepyaman Datta, Brites, Manish Swami, Avaneesh Yembadi, Zain Patel, Simon Brugman, Kiyo Kunii, Benjamin Levy, Louis de Charsonville, Simon Picard

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  • 0.17.5(Sep 14, 2021)

    Release 0.17.5

    Major features and improvements

    • Added new CLI group registry, with the associated commands kedro registry list and kedro registry describe, to replace kedro pipeline list and kedro pipeline describe.
    • Added support for dependency management at a modular pipeline level. When a pipeline with requirements.txt is packaged, its dependencies are embedded in the modular pipeline wheel file. Upon pulling the pipeline, Kedro will append dependencies to the project's More information is available in our documentation.
    • Added support for bulk packaging/pulling modular pipelines using kedro pipeline package/pull --all and pyproject.toml.
    • Removed from the Kedro project template. By default all CLI commands, including kedro run, are now defined on the Kedro framework side. These can be overridden in turn by a plugin or a file in your project. A packaged Kedro project will respect the same hierarchy when executed with python -m my_package.
    • Removed .ipython/profile_default/startup/ from the Kedro project template in favour of .ipython/profile_default/ and the kedro.extras.extensions.ipython.
    • Added support for dill backend to PickleDataSet.
    • Imports are now refactored at kedro pipeline package and kedro pipeline pull time, so that aliasing a modular pipeline doesn't break it.
    • Added the following new datasets to support basic Experiment Tracking:

    | Type | Description | Location | | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | tracking.MetricsDataSet | Dataset to track numeric metrics for experiment tracking | kedro.extras.datasets.tracking | | tracking.JSONDataSet | Dataset to track data for experiment tracking | kedro.extras.datasets.tracking |

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Bumped minimum required fsspec version to 2021.04.
    • Fixed the kedro install and kedro build-reqs flows when uninstalled dependencies are present in a project's, or (Issue #829).
    • Imports are now refactored at kedro pipeline package and kedro pipeline pull time, so that aliasing a modular pipeline doesn't break it.
    • Pinned dynaconf to <3.1.6 because the method signature for _validate_items changed which is used in Kedro.

    Minor breaking changes to the API

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • kedro pipeline list and kedro pipeline describe are being deprecated in favour of new commands kedro registry list and kedro registry describe.
    • kedro install is being deprecated in favour of using pip install -r src/requirements.txt to install project dependencies.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Moussa Taifi, Deepyaman Datta

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  • 0.17.4(Jun 16, 2021)

    Release 0.17.4

    Major features and improvements

    • Added the following new datasets:

    | Type | Description | Location | | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | plotly.PlotlyDataSet | Works with plotly graph object Figures (saves as json file) | kedro.extras.datasets.plotly |

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Defined our set of Kedro Principles! Have a read through our docs.
    • ConfigLoader.get() now raises a BadConfigException, with a more helpful error message, if a configuration file cannot be loaded (for instance due to wrong syntax or poor formatting).
    • run_id now defaults to save_version when after_catalog_created is called, similarly to what happens during a kedro run.
    • Fixed a bug where kedro ipython and kedro jupyter notebook didn't work if the PYTHONPATH was already set.
    • Update the IPython extension to allow passing env and extra_params to reload_kedro similar to how the IPython script works.
    • kedro info now outputs if a plugin has any hooks or cli_hooks implemented.
    • PartitionedDataSet now supports lazily materializing data on save.
    • kedro pipeline describe now defaults to the __default__ pipeline when no pipeline name is provided and also shows the namespace the nodes belong to.
    • Fixed an issue where spark.SparkDataSet with enabled versioning would throw a VersionNotFoundError when using databricks-connect from a remote machine and saving to dbfs filesystem.
    • EmailMessageDataSet added to doctree.
    • When node inputs do not pass validation, the error message is now shown as the most recent exception in the traceback (Issue #761).
    • kedro pipeline package now only packages the parameter file that exactly matches the pipeline name specified and the parameter files in a directory with the pipeline name.
    • Extended support to newer versions of third-party dependencies (Issue #735).
    • Ensured consistent references to model input tables in accordance with our Data Engineering convention.
    • Changed behaviour where kedro pipeline package takes the pipeline package version, rather than the kedro package version. If the pipeline package version is not present, then the package version is used.
    • Launched GitHub Discussions and Kedro Discord Server
    • Improved error message when versioning is enabled for a dataset previously saved as non-versioned (Issue #625).
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  • 0.17.3(Apr 21, 2021)

    Release 0.17.3

    Major features and improvements

    • Kedro plugins can now override built-in CLI commands.
    • Added a before_command_run hook for plugins to add extra behaviour before Kedro CLI commands run.
    • pipelines from and register_pipeline hooks are now loaded lazily when they are first accessed, not on startup:
    from kedro.framework.project import pipelines
    print(pipelines["__default__"])  # pipeline loading is only triggered here

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • TemplatedConfigLoader now correctly inserts default values when no globals are supplied.
    • Fixed a bug where the KEDRO_ENV environment variable had no effect on instantiating the context variable in an iPython session or a Jupyter notebook.
    • Plugins with empty CLI groups are no longer displayed in the Kedro CLI help screen.
    • Duplicate commands will no longer appear twice in the Kedro CLI help screen.
    • CLI commands from sources with the same name will show under one list in the help screen.
    • The setup of a Kedro project, including adding src to path and configuring settings, is now handled via the bootstrap_project method.
    • configure_project is invoked if a package_name is supplied to KedroSession.create. This is added for backward-compatibility purpose to support a workflow that creates Session manually. It will be removed in 0.18.0.
    • Stopped swallowing up all ModuleNotFoundError if register_pipelines not found, so that a more helpful error message will appear when a dependency is missing, e.g. Issue #722.
    • When kedro new is invoked using a configuration yaml file, output_dir is no longer a required key; by default the current working directory will be used.
    • When kedro new is invoked using a configuration yaml file, the appropriate prompts.yml file is now used for validating the provided configuration. Previously, validation was always performed against the kedro project template prompts.yml file.
    • When a relative path to a starter template is provided, kedro new now generates user prompts to obtain configuration rather than supplying empty configuration.
    • Fixed error when using starters on Windows with Python 3.7 (Issue #722).
    • Fixed decoding error of config files that contain accented characters by opening them for reading in UTF-8.
    • Fixed an issue where after_dataset_loaded run would finish before a dataset is actually loaded when using --async flag.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • kedro.versioning.journal.Journal will be removed.
    • The following properties on kedro.framework.context.KedroContext will be removed:
      • io in favour of KedroContext.catalog
      • pipeline (equivalent to pipelines["__default__"])
      • pipelines in favour of kedro.framework.project.pipelines
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  • 0.17.2(Mar 15, 2021)

    Release 0.17.2

    Major features and improvements

    • Added support for compress_pickle backend to PickleDataSet.
    • Enabled loading pipelines without creating a KedroContext instance:
    from kedro.framework.project import pipelines
    • Projects generated with kedro>=0.17.2:
      • should define pipelines in rather than
      • when run as a package, will behave the same as kedro run

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • If is not importable, the errors will be surfaced earlier in the process, rather than at runtime.

    Minor breaking changes to the API

    • kedro pipeline list and kedro pipeline describe no longer accept redundant --env parameter.
    • from kedro.framework.cli.cli import cli no longer includes the new and starter commands.

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • will be removed in release 0.18.0.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Sasaki Takeru

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  • 0.17.1(Mar 4, 2021)

    Release 0.17.1

    Major features and improvements

    • Added env and extra_params to reload_kedro() line magic.
    • Extended the pipeline() API to allow strings and sets of strings as inputs and outputs, to specify when a dataset name remains the same (not namespaced).
    • Added the ability to add custom prompts with regexp validator for starters by repurposing default_config.yml as prompts.yml.
    • Added the env and extra_params arguments to register_config_loader hook.
    • Refactored the way settings are loaded. You will now be able to run:
    from kedro.framework.project import settings

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • The version of a packaged modular pipeline now defaults to the version of the project package.
    • Added fix to prevent new lines being added to pandas CSV datasets.
    • Fixed issue with loading a versioned SparkDataSet in the interactive workflow.
    • Kedro CLI now checks pyproject.toml for a tool.kedro section before treating the project as a Kedro project.
    • Added fix to DataCatalog::shallow_copy now it should copy layers.
    • kedro pipeline pull now uses pip download for protocols that are not supported by fsspec.
    • Cleaned up documentation to fix broken links and rewrite permanently redirected ones.
    • Added a jsonschema schema definition for the Kedro 0.17 catalog.
    • kedro install now waits on Windows until all the requirements are installed.
    • Exposed --to-outputs option in the CLI, throughout the codebase, and as part of hooks specifications.
    • Fixed a bug where ParquetDataSet wasn't creating parent directories on the fly.
    • Updated documentation.

    Breaking changes to the API

    • This release has broken the kedro ipython and kedro jupyter workflows. To fix this, follow the instructions in the migration guide below.

    Note: If you're using the ipython extension instead, you will not encounter this problem.

    Migration guide

    You will have to update the file <your_project>/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ in order to make kedro ipython and/or kedro jupyter work. Add the following line before the KedroSession is created:

    configure_project(metadata.package_name)  # to add
    session = KedroSession.create(metadata.package_name, path)

    Make sure that the associated import is provided in the same place as others in the file:

    from kedro.framework.project import configure_project  # to add
    from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Mariana Silva, Kiyohito Kunii, noklam, Ivan Doroshenko, Zain Patel, Deepyaman Datta, Sam Hiscox, Pascal Brokmeier

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  • 0.17.0(Dec 17, 2020)

    Release 0.17.0

    Major features and improvements

    • In a significant change, we have introduced KedroSession which is responsible for managing the lifecycle of a Kedro run.
    • Created a new Kedro Starter: kedro new --starter=mini-kedro. It is possible to use the DataCatalog as a standalone component in a Jupyter notebook and transition into the rest of the Kedro framework.
    • Added DatasetSpecs with Hooks to run before and after datasets are loaded from/saved to the catalog.
    • Added a command: kedro catalog create. For a registered pipeline, it creates a <conf_root>/<env>/catalog/<pipeline_name>.yml configuration file with MemoryDataSet datasets for each dataset that is missing from DataCatalog.
    • Added and pyproject.toml (to replace .kedro.yml) for project configuration, in line with Python best practice.
    • ProjectContext is no longer needed, unless for very complex customisations. KedroContext, ProjectHooks and together implement sensible default behaviour. As a result context_path is also now an optional key in pyproject.toml.
    • Removed ProjectContext from src/<package_name>/
    • TemplatedConfigLoader now supports Jinja2 template syntax alongside its original syntax.
    • Made registration Hooks mandatory, as the only way to customise the ConfigLoader or the DataCatalog used in a project. If no such Hook is provided in src/<package_name>/, a KedroContextError is raised. There are sensible defaults defined in any project generated with Kedro >= 0.16.5.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • ParallelRunner no longer results in a run failure, when triggered from a notebook, if the run is started using KedroSession (
    • before_node_run can now overwrite node inputs by returning a dictionary with the corresponding updates.
    • Added minimal, black-compatible flake8 configuration to the project template.
    • Moved isort and pytest configuration from <project_root>/setup.cfg to <project_root>/pyproject.toml.
    • Extra parameters are no longer incorrectly passed from KedroSession to KedroContext.
    • Relaxed pyspark requirements to allow for installation of pyspark 3.0.
    • Added a --fs-args option to the kedro pipeline pull command to specify configuration options for the fsspec filesystem arguments used when pulling modular pipelines from non-PyPI locations.
    • Bumped maximum required fsspec version to 0.9.
    • Bumped maximum supported s3fs version to 0.5 (S3FileSystem interface has changed since 0.4.1 version).


    • In Kedro 0.17.0 we have deleted the deprecated kedro.cli and kedro.context modules in favour of kedro.framework.cli and kedro.framework.context respectively.

    Other breaking changes to the API

    • returns False when the dataset does not exist, as opposed to raising an exception.
    • The pipeline-specific catalog.yml file is no longer automatically created for modular pipelines when running kedro pipeline create. Use kedro catalog create to replace this functionality.
    • Removed include_examples prompt from kedro new. To generate boilerplate example code, you should use a Kedro starter.
    • Changed the --verbose flag from a global command to a project-specific command flag (e.g kedro --verbose new becomes kedro new --verbose).
    • Dropped support of the dataset_credentials key in credentials in PartitionedDataSet.
    • get_source_dir() was removed from kedro/framework/cli/
    • Dropped support of get_config, create_catalog, create_pipeline, template_version, project_name and project_path keys by get_project_context() function (kedro/framework/cli/
    • kedro new --starter now defaults to fetching the starter template matching the installed Kedro version.
    • Renamed to and moved it inside the Python package (src/<package_name>/), for a better packaging and deployment experience.
    • Removed .kedro.yml from the project template and replaced it with pyproject.toml.
    • Removed KEDRO_CONFIGS constant (previously residing in kedro.framework.context.context).
    • Modified kedro pipeline create CLI command to add a boilerplate parameter config file in conf/<env>/parameters/<pipeline_name>.yml instead of conf/<env>/pipelines/<pipeline_name>/parameters.yml. CLI commands kedro pipeline delete / package / pull were updated accordingly.
    • Removed get_static_project_data from kedro.framework.context.
    • Removed KedroContext.static_data.
    • The KedroContext constructor now takes package_name as first argument.
    • Replaced context property on KedroSession with load_context() method.
    • Renamed _push_session and _pop_session in kedro.framework.session.session to _activate_session and _deactivate_session respectively.
    • Custom context class is set via CONTEXT_CLASS variable in src/<your_project>/
    • Removed KedroContext.hooks attribute. Instead, hooks should be registered in src/<your_project>/ under the HOOKS key.
    • Restricted names given to nodes to match the regex pattern [\w\.-]+$.
    • Removed KedroContext._create_config_loader() and KedroContext._create_data_catalog(). They have been replaced by registration hooks, namely register_config_loader() and register_catalog() (see also upcoming deprecations).

    Upcoming deprecations for Kedro 0.18.0

    • kedro.framework.context.load_context will be removed in release 0.18.0.
    • kedro.framework.cli.get_project_context will be removed in release 0.18.0.
    • We've added a DeprecationWarning to the decorator API for both node and pipeline. These will be removed in release 0.18.0. Use Hooks to extend a node's behaviour instead.
    • We've added a DeprecationWarning to the Transformers API when adding a transformer to the catalog. These will be removed in release 0.18.0. Use Hooks to customise the load and save methods.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Deepyaman Datta, Zach Schuster

    Migration guide from Kedro 0.16.* to 0.17.*

    Reminder: Our documentation on how to upgrade Kedro covers a few key things to remember when updating any Kedro version.

    The Kedro 0.17.0 release contains some breaking changes. If you update Kedro to 0.17.0 and then try to work with projects created against earlier versions of Kedro, you may encounter some issues when trying to run kedro commands in the terminal for that project. Here's a short guide to getting your projects running against the new version of Kedro.

    Note: As always, if you hit any problems, please check out our documentation:

    To get an existing Kedro project to work after you upgrade to Kedro 0.17.0, we recommend that you create a new project against Kedro 0.17.0 and move the code from your existing project into it. Let's go through the changes, but first, note that if you create a new Kedro project with Kedro 0.17.0 you will not be asked whether you want to include the boilerplate code for the Iris dataset example. We've removed this option (you should now use a Kedro starter if you want to create a project that is pre-populated with code).

    To create a new, blank Kedro 0.17.0 project to drop your existing code into, you can create one, as always, with kedro new. We also recommend creating a new virtual environment for your new project, or you might run into conflicts with existing dependencies.

    • Update pyproject.toml: Copy the following three keys from the .kedro.yml of your existing Kedro project into the pyproject.toml file of your new Kedro 0.17.0 project:
    package_name = "<package_name>"
    project_name = "<project_name>"
    project_version = "0.17.0"

    Check your source directory. If you defined a different source directory (source_dir), make sure you also move that to pyproject.toml.

    • Copy files from your existing project:

      • Copy subfolders of project/src/project_name/pipelines from existing to new project
      • Copy subfolders of project/src/test/pipelines from existing to new project
      • Copy the requirements your project needs into requirements.txt and/or
      • Copy your project configuration from the conf folder. Take note of the new locations needed for modular pipeline configuration (move it from conf/<env>/pipeline_name/catalog.yml to conf/<env>/catalog/pipeline_name.yml and likewise for parameters.yml).
      • Copy from the data/ folder of your existing project, if needed, into the same location in your new project.
      • Copy any Hooks from src/<package_name>/
    • Update your new project's README and docs as necessary.

    • Update For example, if you specified additional Hook implementations in hooks, or listed plugins under disable_hooks_by_plugin in your .kedro.yml, you will need to move them to accordingly:

    from <package_name>.hooks import MyCustomHooks, ProjectHooks
    HOOKS = (ProjectHooks(), MyCustomHooks())
    DISABLE_HOOKS_FOR_PLUGINS = ("my_plugin1",)
    • Migration for node names. From 0.17.0 the only allowed characters for node names are letters, digits, hyphens, underscores and/or fullstops. If you have previously defined node names that have special characters, spaces or other characters that are no longer permitted, you will need to rename those nodes.

    • Copy changes to If you previously customised the kedro run command or added more CLI commands to your, you should move them into <project_root>/src/<package_name>/ Note, however, that the new way to run a Kedro pipeline is via a KedroSession, rather than using the KedroContext:

    with KedroSession.create(package_name=...) as session:
    • Copy changes made to ConfigLoader. If you have defined a custom class, such as TemplatedConfigLoader, by overriding ProjectContext._create_config_loader, you should move the contents of the function in src/<package_name>/, under register_config_loader.

    • Copy changes made to DataCatalog. Likewise, if you have DataCatalog defined with ProjectContext._create_catalog, you should copy-paste the contents into register_catalog.

    • Optional: If you have plugins such as Kedro-Viz installed, it's likely that Kedro 0.17.0 won't work with their older versions, so please either upgrade to the plugin's newest version or follow their migration guides.

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  • 0.16.6(Oct 23, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added documentation with a focus on single machine and distributed environment deployment; the series includes Docker, Argo, Prefect, Kubeflow, AWS Batch, AWS Sagemaker and extends our section on Databricks
    • Added kedro-starter-spaceflights alias for generating a project: kedro new --starter spaceflights.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed TypeError when converting dict inputs to a node made from a wrapped partial function.
    • PartitionedDataSet improvements:
      • Supported passing arguments to the underlying filesystem.
    • Improved handling of non-ASCII word characters in dataset names.
      • For example, a dataset named jalapeño will be accessible as DataCatalog.datasets.jalapeño rather than DataCatalog.datasets.jalape__o.
    • Fixed kedro install for an Anaconda environment defined in environment.yml.
    • Fixed backwards compatibility with templates generated with older Kedro versions <0.16.5. No longer need to update .kedro.yml to use kedro lint and kedro jupyter notebook convert.
    • Improved documentation.
    • Added documentation using MinIO with Kedro.
    • Improved error messages for incorrect parameters passed into a node.
    • Fixed issue with saving a TensorFlowModelDataset in the HDF5 format with versioning enabled.
    • Added missing run_result argument in after_pipeline_run Hooks spec.
    • Fixed a bug in IPython script that was causing context hooks to be registered twice. To apply this fix to a project generated with an older Kedro version, apply the same changes made in this PR to your file.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Deepyaman Datta, Bhavya Merchant, Lovkush Agarwal, Varun Krishna S, Sebastian Bertoli, noklam, Daniel Petti, Waylon Walker

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  • 0.16.5(Sep 9, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added the following new datasets.

    | Type | Description | Location | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | | email.EmailMessageDataSet | Manage email messages using the Python standard library | |

    • Added support for pyproject.toml to configure Kedro. pyproject.toml is used if .kedro.yml doesn't exist (Kedro configuration should be under [tool.kedro] section).
    • Projects created with this version will have no, having been replaced by
    • Added a set of registration hooks, as the new way of registering library components with a Kedro project:
      • register_pipelines(), to replace _get_pipelines()
      • register_config_loader(), to replace _create_config_loader()
      • register_catalog(), to replace _create_catalog() These can be defined in src/<package-name>/ and added to .kedro.yml (or pyproject.toml). The order of execution is: plugin hooks, .kedro.yml hooks, hooks in ProjectContext.hooks.
    • Added ability to disable auto-registered Hooks using .kedro.yml (or pyproject.toml) configuration file.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Added option to run asynchronously via the Kedro CLI.
    • Absorbed .isort.cfg settings into setup.cfg.
    • project_name, project_version and package_name now have to be defined in .kedro.yml for projects generated using Kedro 0.16.5+.
    • Packaging a modular pipeline raises an error if the pipeline directory is empty or non-existent.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Deepyaman Datta, Bas Nijholt, Sebastian Bertoli

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  • 0.16.4(Jul 30, 2020)

    Release 0.16.4

    Major features and improvements

    • Enabled auto-discovery of hooks implementations coming from installed plugins.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed a bug for using ParallelRunner on Windows.
    • Modified GBQTableDataSet to load customised results using customised queries from Google Big Query tables.
    • Documentation improvements.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Ajay Bisht, Vijay Sajjanar, Deepyaman Datta, Sebastian Bertoli, Shahil Mawjee, Louis Guitton, Emanuel Ferm

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  • 0.16.3(Jul 13, 2020)

  • 0.16.2(Jun 15, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added the following new datasets.

    | Type | Description | Location | | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | pandas.AppendableExcelDataSet | Works with Excel file opened in append mode | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | tensorflow.TensorFlowModelDataset | Works with TensorFlow models using TensorFlow 2.X | kedro.extras.datasets.tensorflow | | holoviews.HoloviewsWriter | Works with Holoviews objects (saves as image file) | kedro.extras.datasets.holoviews |

    • kedro install will now compile project dependencies (by running kedro build-reqs behind the scenes) before the installation if the src/ file doesn't exist.
    • Added only_nodes_with_namespace in Pipeline class to filter only nodes with a specified namespace.
    • Added the kedro pipeline delete command to help delete unwanted or unused pipelines (it won't remove references to the pipeline in your create_pipelines() code).
    • Added the kedro pipeline package command to help package up a modular pipeline. It will bundle up the pipeline source code, tests, and parameters configuration into a .whl file.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Improvement in DataCatalog:
      • Introduced regex filtering to the DataCatalog.list() method.
      • Non-alphanumeric characters (except underscore) in dataset name are replaced with __ in DataCatalog.datasets, for ease of access to transcoded datasets.
    • Improvement in Datasets:
      • Improved initialization speed of spark.SparkHiveDataSet.
      • Improved S3 cache in spark.SparkDataSet.
      • Added support of options for building pyarrow table in pandas.ParquetDataSet.
    • Improvement in kedro build-reqs CLI command:
      • kedro build-reqs is now called with -q option and will no longer print out compiled requirements to the console for security reasons.
      • All unrecognized CLI options in kedro build-reqs command are now passed to pip-compile call (e.g. kedro build-reqs --generate-hashes).
    • Improvement in kedro jupyter CLI command:
      • Improved error message when running kedro jupyter notebook, kedro jupyter lab or kedro ipython with Jupyter/IPython dependencies not being installed.
      • Fixed %run_viz line magic for showing kedro viz inside a Jupyter notebook. For the fix to be applied on existing Kedro project, please see the migration guide.
      • Fixed the bug in IPython startup script (issue 298).
    • Documentation improvements:
      • Updated community-generated content in FAQ.
      • Added find-kedro and kedro-static-viz to the list of community plugins.
      • Add missing pillow.ImageDataSet entry to the documentation.

    Breaking changes to the API

    Migration guide from Kedro 0.16.1 to 0.16.2

    Guide to apply the fix for %run_viz line magic in existing project

    Even though this release ships a fix for project generated with kedro==0.16.2, after upgrading, you will still need to make a change in your existing project if it was generated with kedro>=0.16.0,<=0.16.1 for the fix to take effect. Specifically, please change the content of your project's IPython init script located at .ipython/profile_default/startup/ with the content of this file. You will also need kedro-viz>=3.3.1.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Miguel Rodriguez Gutierrez, Joel Schwarzmann, w0rdsm1th, Deepyaman Datta, Tam-Sanh Nguyen, Marcus Gawronsky

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  • 0.16.1(May 21, 2020)

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed deprecation warnings from kedro.cli and kedro.context when running kedro jupyter notebook.
    • Fixed a bug where catalog and context were not available in Jupyter Lab and Notebook.
    • Fixed a bug where kedro build-reqs would fail if you didn't have your project dependencies installed.
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  • 0.16.0(May 20, 2020)

    Major features and improvements


    • Added new CLI commands (only available for the projects created using Kedro 0.16.0 or later):
      • kedro catalog list to list datasets in your catalog
      • kedro pipeline list to list pipelines
      • kedro pipeline describe to describe a specific pipeline
      • kedro pipeline create to create a modular pipeline
    • Improved the CLI speed by up to 50%.
    • Improved error handling when making a typo on the CLI. We now suggest some of the possible commands you meant to type, in git-style.


    • All modules in kedro.cli and kedro.context have been moved into kedro.framework.cli and kedro.framework.context respectively. kedro.cli and kedro.context will be removed in future releases.
    • Added Hooks, which is a new mechanism for extending Kedro.
    • Fixed load_context changing user's current working directory.
    • Allowed the source directory to be configurable in .kedro.yml.
    • Added the ability to specify nested parameter values inside your node inputs, e.g. node(func, "params:a.b", None)


    • Added the following new datasets.

    | Type | Description | Location | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | pillow.ImageDataSet | Work with image files using Pillow | kedro.extras.datasets.pillow | | geopandas.GeoJSONDataSet | Work with geospatial data using GeoPandas | kedro.extras.datasets.geopandas.GeoJSONDataSet | | api.APIDataSet | Work with data from HTTP(S) API requests | kedro.extras.datasets.api.APIDataSet |

    • Added joblib backend support to pickle.PickleDataSet.
    • Added versioning support to MatplotlibWriter dataset.
    • Added the ability to install dependencies for a given dataset with more granularity, e.g. pip install "kedro[pandas.ParquetDataSet]".
    • Added the ability to specify extra arguments, e.g. encoding or compression, for calls when loading/saving a dataset. See Example 3 under docs.


    • Added namespace property on Node, related to the modular pipeline where the node belongs.
    • Added an option to enable asynchronous loading inputs and saving outputs in both SequentialRunner(is_async=True) and ParallelRunner(is_async=True) class.
    • Added MemoryProfiler transformer.
    • Removed the requirement to have all dependencies for a dataset module to use only a subset of the datasets within.
    • Added support for pandas>=1.0.
    • Enabled Python 3.8 compatibility. Please note that a Spark workflow may be unreliable for this Python version as pyspark is not fully-compatible with 3.8 yet.
    • Renamed "features" layer to "feature" layer to be consistent with (most) other layers and the relevant FAQ.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed a bug where a new version created mid-run by an external system caused inconsistencies in the load versions used in the current run.
    • Documentation improvements
      • Added instruction in the documentation on how to create a custom runner).
      • Updated contribution process in - added Developer Workflow.
      • Documented installation of development version of Kedro in the FAQ section.
      • Added missing _exists method to MyOwnDataSet example in 04_user_guide/08_advanced_io.
    • Fixed a bug where PartitionedDataSet and IncrementalDataSet were not working with s3a or s3n protocol.
    • Added ability to read partitioned parquet file from a directory in pandas.ParquetDataSet.
    • Replaced functools.lru_cache with cachetools.cachedmethod in PartitionedDataSet and IncrementalDataSet for per-instance cache invalidation.
    • Implemented custom glob function for SparkDataSet when running on Databricks.
    • Fixed a bug in SparkDataSet not allowing for loading data from DBFS in a Windows machine using Databricks-connect.
    • Improved the error message for DataSetNotFoundError to suggest possible dataset names user meant to type.
    • Added the option for contributors to run Kedro tests locally without Spark installation with make test-no-spark.
    • Added option to lint the project without applying the formatting changes (kedro lint --check-only).

    Breaking changes to the API


    • Deleted obsolete datasets from
    • Deleted kedro.contrib and extras folders.
    • Deleted obsolete CSVBlobDataSet and JSONBlobDataSet dataset types.
    • Made invalidate_cache method on datasets private.
    • get_last_load_version and get_last_save_version methods are no longer available on AbstractDataSet.
    • get_last_load_version and get_last_save_version have been renamed to resolve_load_version and resolve_save_version on AbstractVersionedDataSet, the results of which are cached.
    • The release() method on datasets extending AbstractVersionedDataSet clears the cached load and save version. All custom datasets must call super()._release() inside _release().
    • TextDataSet no longer has load_args and save_args. These can instead be specified under open_args_load or open_args_save in fs_args.
    • PartitionedDataSet and IncrementalDataSet method invalidate_cache was made private: _invalidate_caches.


    • Removed KEDRO_ENV_VAR from kedro.context to speed up the CLI run time.
    • has been removed in favour of Pipeline.tag().
    • Dropped Pipeline.transform() in favour of kedro.pipeline.modular_pipeline.pipeline() helper function.
    • Made constant PARAMETER_KEYWORDS private, and moved it from kedro.pipeline.pipeline to kedro.pipeline.modular_pipeline.
    • Layers are no longer part of the dataset object, as they've moved to the DataCatalog.
    • Python 3.5 is no longer supported by the current and all future versions of Kedro.

    Migration guide from Kedro 0.15.* to Upcoming Release

    Migration for datasets

    Since all the datasets (from and were moved to kedro/extras/datasets you must update the type of all datasets in <project>/conf/base/catalog.yml file. Here how it should be changed: type: <SomeDataSet> -> type: <subfolder of kedro/extras/datasets>.<SomeDataSet> (e.g. type: CSVDataSet -> type: pandas.CSVDataSet).

    In addition, all the specific datasets like CSVLocalDataSet, CSVS3DataSet etc. were deprecated. Instead, you must use generalized datasets like CSVDataSet. E.g. type: CSVS3DataSet -> type: pandas.CSVDataSet.

    Note: No changes required if you are using your custom dataset.

    Migration for Pipeline.transform()

    Pipeline.transform() has been dropped in favour of the pipeline() constructor. The following changes apply:

    • Remember to import from kedro.pipeline import pipeline
    • The prefix argument has been renamed to namespace
    • And datasets has been broken down into more granular arguments:
      • inputs: Independent inputs to the pipeline
      • outputs: Any output created in the pipeline, whether an intermediary dataset or a leaf output
      • parameters: params:... or parameters

    As an example, code that used to look like this with the Pipeline.transform() constructor:

    result = my_pipeline.transform(
        datasets={"input": "new_input", "output": "new_output", "params:x": "params:y"},

    When used with the new pipeline() constructor, becomes:

    from kedro.pipeline import pipeline
    result = pipeline(
        inputs={"input": "new_input"},
        outputs={"output": "new_output"},
        parameters={"params:x": "params:y"},
    Migration for decorators, color logger, transformers etc.

    Since some modules were moved to other locations you need to update import paths appropriately. You can find the list of moved files in the 0.15.6 release notes under the section titled Files with a new location.

    Migration for KEDRO_ENV_VAR, the environment variable

    Note: If you haven't made significant changes to your, it may be easier to simply copy the updated .ipython/profile_default/startup/ and from GitHub or a newly generated project into your old project.

    • We've removed KEDRO_ENV_VAR from kedro.context. To get your existing project template working, you'll need to remove all instances of KEDRO_ENV_VAR from your project template:
      • From the imports in and .ipython/profile_default/startup/ from kedro.context import KEDRO_ENV_VAR, load_context -> from kedro.framework.context import load_context
      • Remove the envvar=KEDRO_ENV_VAR line from the click options in run, jupyter_notebook and jupyter_lab in
      • Replace KEDRO_ENV_VAR with "KEDRO_ENV" in _build_jupyter_env
      • Replace context = load_context(path, env=os.getenv(KEDRO_ENV_VAR)) with context = load_context(path) in .ipython/profile_default/startup/
    Migration for kedro build-reqs

    We have upgraded pip-tools which is used by kedro build-reqs to 5.x. This pip-tools version requires pip>=20.0. To upgrade pip, please refer to their documentation.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    @foolsgold, Mani Sarkar, Priyanka Shanbhag, Luis Blanche, Deepyaman Datta, Antony Milne, Panos Psimatikas, Tam-Sanh Nguyen, Tomasz Kaczmarczyk, Kody Fischer, Waylon Walker

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  • 0.15.9(Apr 6, 2020)

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Pinned fsspec>=0.5.1, <0.7.0 and s3fs>=0.3.0, <0.4.1 to fix incompatibility issues with their latest release.
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  • 0.15.8(Mar 5, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added the additional libraries to our requirements.txt so pandas.CSVDataSet class works out of box with pip install kedro.
    • Added pandas to our extra_requires in
    • Improved the error message when dependencies of a DataSet class are missing.
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  • 0.15.7(Feb 26, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added in documentation on how to contribute a custom AbstractDataSet implementation.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed the link to the Kedro banner image in the documentation.
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  • 0.15.6(Feb 26, 2020)

    Major features and improvements

    TL;DR We're launching kedro.extras, the new home for our revamped series of datasets, decorators and dataset transformers. The datasets in kedro.extras.datasets use fsspec to access a variety of data stores including local file systems, network file systems, cloud object stores (including S3 and GCP), and Hadoop, read more about this here. The change will allow #178 to happen in the next major release of Kedro.

    An example of this new system can be seen below, loading the CSV SparkDataSet from S3:

      type: spark.SparkDataSet  # Observe the specified type, this  affects all datasets
      filepath: s3a://your_bucket/data/01_raw/weather*  # filepath uses fsspec to indicate the file storage system
      credentials: dev_s3
      file_format: csv

    You can also load data incrementally whenever it is dumped into a directory with the extension to PartionedDataSet, a feature that allows you to load a directory of files. The IncrementalDataSet stores the information about the last processed partition in a checkpoint, read more about this feature here.

    New features

    • Added layer attribute for datasets in kedro.extras.datasets to specify the name of a layer according to data engineering convention, this feature will be passed to kedro-viz in future releases.
    • Enabled loading a particular version of a dataset in Jupyter Notebooks and iPython, using catalog.load("dataset_name", version="<2019-12-13T15.08.09.255Z>").
    • Added property run_id on ProjectContext, used for versioning using the Journal. To customise your journal run_id you can override the private method _get_run_id().
    • Added the ability to install all optional kedro dependencies via pip install "kedro[all]".
    • Modified the DataCatalog's load order for datasets, loading order is the following:
      • kedro.extras.datasets
      • Import path, specified in type
    • Added an optional copy_mode flag to CachedDataSet and MemoryDataSet to specify (deepcopy, copy or assign) the copy mode to use when loading and saving.

    New Datasets

    | Type | Description | Location | |----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| | ParquetDataSet | Handles parquet datasets using Dask | kedro.extras.datasets.dask | | PickleDataSet | Work with Pickle files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pickle | | CSVDataSet | Work with CSV files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | TextDataSet | Work with text files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | ExcelDataSet | Work with Excel files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | HDFDataSet | Work with HDF using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | YAMLDataSet | Work with YAML files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.yaml | | MatplotlibWriter | Save with Matplotlib images using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.matplotlib | | NetworkXDataSet | Work with NetworkX files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.networkx | | BioSequenceDataSet | Work with bio-sequence objects using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.biosequence | | GBQTableDataSet | Work with Google BigQuery | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | FeatherDataSet | Work with feather files using fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | IncrementalDataSet | Inherit from PartitionedDataSet and remembers the last processed partition | |

    Files with a new location

    | Type | New Location | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | JSONDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | CSVBlobDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | JSONBlobDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | SQLTableDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | SQLQueryDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.pandas | | SparkDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.spark | | SparkHiveDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.spark | | SparkJDBCDataSet | kedro.extras.datasets.spark | | kedro/contrib/decorators/ | kedro/extras/decorators/ | | kedro/contrib/decorators/ | kedro/extras/decorators/ | | kedro/contrib/io/transformers/ | kedro/extras/transformers/ | | kedro/contrib/colors/logging/ | kedro/extras/logging/ | | extras/ | tools/ipython/ | | kedro/contrib/io/cached/ | kedro/io/ | | kedro/contrib/io/catalog_with_default/ | kedro/io/ | | kedro/contrib/config/ | kedro/config/ |

    Upcoming deprecations

    | Category | Type | |---------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------| | Datasets | BioSequenceLocalDataSet | | | CSVGCSDataSet | | | CSVHTTPDataSet | | | CSVLocalDataSet | | | CSVS3DataSet | | | ExcelLocalDataSet | | | FeatherLocalDataSet | | | JSONGCSDataSet | | | JSONLocalDataSet | | | HDFLocalDataSet | | | HDFS3DataSet | | | | | | | | | MatplotlibLocalWriter | | | MatplotlibS3Writer | | | NetworkXLocalDataSet | | | ParquetGCSDataSet | | | ParquetLocalDataSet | | | ParquetS3DataSet | | | PickleLocalDataSet | | | PickleS3DataSet | | | TextLocalDataSet | | | YAMLLocalDataSet | | Decorators | kedro.contrib.decorators.memory_profiler | | | kedro.contrib.decorators.retry | | | kedro.contrib.decorators.pyspark.spark_to_pandas | | | kedro.contrib.decorators.pyspark.pandas_to_spark | | Transformers | | | Configuration Loaders | kedro.contrib.config.TemplatedConfigLoader |

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Added the option to set/overwrite params in config.yaml using YAML dict style instead of string CLI formatting only.
    • Kedro CLI arguments --node and --tag support comma-separated values, alternative methods will be deprecated in future releases.
    • Fixed a bug in the invalidate_cache method of ParquetGCSDataSet and CSVGCSDataSet.
    • --load-version now won't break if version value contains a colon.
    • Enabled running nodes with duplicate inputs.
    • Improved error message when empty credentials are passed into SparkJDBCDataSet.
    • Fixed bug that caused an empty project to fail unexpectedly with ImportError in template/.../
    • Fixed bug related to saving dataframe with categorical variables in table mode using HDFS3DataSet.
    • Fixed bug that caused unexpected behavior when using from_nodes and to_nodes in pipelines using transcoding.
    • Credentials nested in the dataset config are now also resolved correctly.
    • Bumped minimum required pandas version to 0.24.0 to make use of pandas.DataFrame.to_numpy (recommended alternative to pandas.DataFrame.values).
    • Docs improvements.
    • Pipeline.transform skips modifying node inputs/outputs containing params: or parameters keywords.
    • Support for dataset_credentials key in the credentials for PartitionedDataSet is now deprecated. The dataset credentials should be specified explicitly inside the dataset config.
    • Datasets can have a new confirm function which is called after a successful node function execution if the node contains confirms argument with such dataset name.
    • Make the resume prompt on pipeline run failure use --from-nodes instead of --from-inputs to avoid unnecessarily re-running nodes that had already executed.
    • When closed, Jupyter notebook kernels are automatically terminated after 30 seconds of inactivity by default. Use --idle-timeout option to update it.
    • Added kedro-viz to the Kedro project template requirements.txt file.
    • Removed the results and references folder from the project template.
    • Updated contribution process in

    Breaking changes to the API

    • Existing MatplotlibWriter dataset in contrib was renamed to MatplotlibLocalWriter.
    • kedro/contrib/io/matplotlib/ was renamed to kedro/contrib/io/matplotlib/
    • was renamed to

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Andrii Ivaniuk, Jonas Kemper, Yuhao Zhu, Balazs Konig, Pedro Abreu, Tam-Sanh Nguyen, Peter Zhao, Deepyaman Datta, Florian Roessler, Miguel Rodriguez Gutierrez

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  • 0.15.5(Dec 12, 2019)

    Major features and improvements

    • New CLI commands and command flags:
      • Load multiple kedro run CLI flags from a configuration file with the --config flag (e.g. kedro run --config run_config.yml)
      • Run parametrised pipeline runs with the --params flag (e.g. kedro run --params param1:value1,param2:value2).
      • Lint your project code using the kedro lint command, your project is linted with black (Python 3.6+), flake8 and isort.
    • Load specific environments with Jupyter notebooks using KEDRO_ENV which will globally set run, jupyter notebook and jupyter lab commands using environment variables.
    • Added the following datasets:
      • CSVGCSDataSet dataset in contrib for working with CSV files in Google Cloud Storage.
      • ParquetGCSDataSet dataset in contrib for working with Parquet files in Google Cloud Storage.
      • JSONGCSDataSet dataset in contrib for working with JSON files in Google Cloud Storage.
      • MatplotlibS3Writer dataset in contrib for saving Matplotlib images to S3.
      • PartitionedDataSet for working with datasets split across multiple files.
      • JSONDataSet dataset for working with JSON files that uses fsspec to communicate with the underlying filesystem. It doesn't support http(s) protocol for now.
    • Added s3fs_args to all S3 datasets.
    • Pipelines can be deducted with pipeline1 - pipeline2.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • ParallelRunner now works with SparkDataSet.
    • Allowed the use of nulls in parameters.yml.
    • Fixed an issue where %reload_kedro wasn't reloading all user modules.
    • Fixed pandas_to_spark and spark_to_pandas decorators to work with functions with kwargs.
    • Fixed a bug where kedro jupyter notebook and kedro jupyter lab would run a different Jupyter installation to the one in the local environment.
    • Implemented Databricks-compatible dataset versioning for SparkDataSet.
    • Fixed a bug where kedro package would fail in certain situations where kedro build-reqs was used to generate requirements.txt.
    • Made bucket_name argument optional for the following datasets: CSVS3DataSet, HDFS3DataSet, PickleS3DataSet,, - bucket name can now be included into the filepath along with the filesystem protocol (e.g. s3://bucket-name/path/to/key.csv).
    • Documentation improvements and fixes.

    Breaking changes to the API

    • Renamed entry point for running pip-installed projects to run_package() instead of main() in src/<package>/
    • bucket_name key has been removed from the string representation of the following datasets: CSVS3DataSet, HDFS3DataSet, PickleS3DataSet,,
    • Moved the mem_profiler decorator to contrib and separated the contrib decorators so that dependencies are modular. You may need to update your import paths, for example the pyspark decorators should be imported as from kedro.contrib.decorators.pyspark import <pyspark_decorator> instead of from kedro.contrib.decorators import <pyspark_decorator>.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Sheldon Tsen, @roumail, Karlson Lee, Waylon Walker, Deepyaman Datta, Giovanni, Zain Patel

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  • 0.15.4(Oct 30, 2019)

    Major features and improvements

    • kedro jupyter now gives the default kernel a sensible name.
    • has been deprecated in favour of Pipeline.tags.
    • Reuse pipelines within a Kedro project using Pipeline.transform, it simplifies dataset and node renaming.
    • Added Jupyter Notebook line magic (%run_viz) to run kedro viz in a Notebook cell (requires kedro-viz version 3.0.0 or later).
    • Added the following datasets:
      • NetworkXLocalDataSet in to load and save local graphs (JSON format) via NetworkX. (by @josephhaaga)
      • SparkHiveDataSet in allowing usage of Spark and insert/upsert on non-transactional Hive tables.
    • kedro.contrib.config.TemplatedConfigLoader now supports name/dict key templating and default values.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • get_last_load_version() method for versioned datasets now returns exact last load version if the dataset has been loaded at least once and None otherwise.
    • Fixed a bug in _exists method for versioned SparkDataSet.
    • Enabled the customisation of the ExcelWriter in ExcelLocalDataSet by specifying options under writer key in save_args.
    • Fixed a bug in IPython startup script, attempting to load context from the incorrect location.
    • Removed capping the length of a dataset's string representation.
    • Fixed kedro install command failing on Windows if src/requirements.txt contains a different version of Kedro.
    • Enabled passing a single tag into a node or a pipeline without having to wrap it in a list (i.e. tags="my_tag").

    Breaking changes to the API

    • Removed _check_paths_consistency() method from AbstractVersionedDataSet. Version consistency check is now done in Custom versioned datasets should modify save() method implementation accordingly.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Joseph Haaga, Deepyaman Datta, Joost Duisters, Zain Patel, Tom Vigrass

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  • 0.15.3(Oct 17, 2019)

  • 0.15.2(Oct 8, 2019)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added --load-version, a kedro run argument that allows you run the pipeline with a particular load version of a dataset.
    • Support for modular pipelines in src/, break the pipeline into isolated parts with reusability in mind.
    • Support for multiple pipelines, an ability to have multiple entry point pipelines and choose one with kedro run --pipeline NAME.
    • Added a MatplotlibWriter dataset in contrib for saving Matplotlib images.
    • An ability to template/parameterize configuration files with kedro.contrib.config.TemplatedConfigLoader.
    • Parameters are exposed as a context property for ease of access in iPython / Jupyter Notebooks with context.params.
    • Added max_workers parameter for ParallelRunner.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Users will override the _get_pipeline abstract method in ProjectContext(KedroContext) in rather than the pipeline abstract property. The pipeline property is not abstract anymore.
    • Improved an error message when versioned local dataset is saved and unversioned path already exists.
    • Added catalog global variable to, allowing you to load datasets with catalog.load().
    • Enabled tuples to be returned from a node.
    • Disallowed the ConfigLoader loading the same file more than once, and deduplicated the conf_paths passed in.
    • Added a --open flag to kedro build-docs that opens the documentation on build.
    • Updated the Pipeline representation to include name of the pipeline, also making it readable as a context property.
    • and now support versioning.

    Breaking changes to the API

    • no longer accepts catalog and pipeline arguments.
    • node.inputs now returns the node's inputs in the order required to bind them properly to the node's function.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Deepyaman Datta, Luciano Issoe, Joost Duisters, Zain Patel, William Ashford, Karlson Lee

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  • 0.15.1(Sep 12, 2019)

    Major features and improvements

    • Extended versioning support to cover the tracking of environment setup, code and datasets.
    • Added the following datasets:
      • FeatherLocalDataSet in contrib for usage with pandas. (by @mdomarsaleem)
    • Added get_last_load_version and get_last_save_version to AbstractVersionedDataSet.
    • Implemented __call__ method on Node to allow for users to execute my_node(input1=1, input2=2) as an alternative to, input2=2)).
    • Added new --from-inputs run argument.

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Fixed a bug in load_context() not loading context in non-Kedro Jupyter Notebooks.
    • Fixed a bug in ConfigLoader.get() not listing nested files for **-ending glob patterns.
    • Fixed a logging config error in Jupyter Notebook.
    • Updated documentation in 03_configuration regarding how to modify the configuration path.
    • Documented the architecture of Kedro showing how we think about library, project and framework components.
    • extras/ renamed to extras/ and now runs any IPython startup scripts without relying on the Kedro project structure.
    • Fixed TypeError when validating partial function's signature.
    • After a node failure during a pipeline run, a resume command will be suggested in the logs. This command will not work if the required inputs are MemoryDataSets.

    Breaking changes to the API


    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Omar Saleem, Mariana Silva, Anil Choudhary, Craig

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  • 0.15.0(Aug 13, 2019)

    Major features and improvements

    • Added KedroContext base class which holds the configuration and Kedro's main functionality (catalog, pipeline, config, runner).
    • Added a new CLI command kedro jupyter convert to facilitate converting Jupyter Notebook cells into Kedro nodes.
    • Added support for pip-compile and new Kedro command kedro build-reqs that generates requirements.txt based on
    • Running kedro install will install packages to conda environment if src/environment.yml exists in your project.
    • Added a new --node flag to kedro run, allowing users to run only the nodes with the specified names.
    • Added new --from-nodes and --to-nodes run arguments, allowing users to run a range of nodes from the pipeline.
    • Added prefix params: to the parameters specified in parameters.yml which allows users to differentiate between their different parameter node inputs and outputs.
    • Jupyter Lab/Notebook now starts with only one kernel by default.
    • Added the following datasets:
      • CSVHTTPDataSet to load CSV using HTTP(s) links.
      • JSONBlobDataSet to load json (-delimited) files from Azure Blob Storage.
      • ParquetS3DataSet in contrib for usage with pandas. (by @mmchougule)
      • CachedDataSet in contrib which will cache data in memory to avoid io/network operations. It will clear the cache once a dataset is no longer needed by a pipeline. (by @tsanikgr)
      • YAMLLocalDataSet in contrib to load and save local YAML files. (by @Minyus)

    Bug fixes and other changes

    • Documentation improvements including instructions on how to initialise a Spark session using YAML configuration.
    • anyconfig default log level changed from INFO to WARNING.
    • Added information on installed plugins to kedro info.
    • Added style sheets for project documentation, so the output of kedro build-docs will resemble the style of kedro docs.

    Breaking changes to the API

    • Simplified the Kedro template in with the introduction of KedroContext class.
    • Merged FilepathVersionMixIn and S3VersionMixIn under one abstract class AbstractVersionedDataSet which extendsAbstractDataSet.
    • name changed to be a keyword-only argument for Pipeline.
    • CSVLocalDataSet no longer supports URLs. CSVHTTPDataSet supports URLs.

    Migration guide from Kedro 0.14.X to Kedro 0.15.0

    Migration for Kedro project template

    This guide assumes that:

    • The framework specific code has not been altered significantly
    • Your project specific code is stored in the dedicated python package under src/.

    The breaking changes were introduced in the following project template files:

    • <project-name>/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
    • <project-name>/
    • <project-name>/src/tests/
    • <project-name>/src/<package-name>/
    • <project-name>/.kedro.yml (new file)

    The easiest way to migrate your project from Kedro 0.14.* to Kedro 0.15.0 is to create a new project (by using kedro new) and move code and files bit by bit as suggested in the detailed guide below:

    1. Create a new project with the same name by running kedro new

    2. Copy the following folders to the new project:

    • results/
    • references/
    • notebooks/
    • logs/
    • data/
    • conf/
    1. If you customised your src/<package>/, make sure you apply the same customisations to src/<package>/
    • If you customised get_config(), you can override config_loader property in ProjectContext derived class
    • If you customised create_catalog(), you can override catalog() property in ProjectContext derived class
    • If you customised run(), you can override run() method in ProjectContext derived class
    • If you customised default env, you can override it in ProjectContext derived class or pass it at construction. By default, env is local.
    • If you customised default root_conf, you can override CONF_ROOT attribute in ProjectContext derived class. By default, KedroContext base class has CONF_ROOT attribute set to conf.
    1. The following syntax changes are introduced in ipython or Jupyter notebook/labs:
    • proj_dir -> context.project_path
    • proj_name -> context.project_name
    • conf -> context.config_loader.
    • io -> context.catalog (e.g., io.load() -> context.catalog.load())
    1. If you customised your, you need to apply the same customisations to your in the new project.

    2. Copy the contents of the old project's src/requirements.txt into the new project's src/ and, from the project root directory, run the kedro build-reqs command in your terminal window.

    Migration for versioning custom dataset classes

    If you defined any custom dataset classes which support versioning in your project, you need to apply the following changes:

    1. Make sure your dataset inherits from AbstractVersionedDataSet only.
    2. Call super().__init__() with the appropriate arguments in the dataset's __init__. If storing on local filesystem, providing the filepath and the version is enough. Otherwise, you should also pass in an exists_function and a glob_function that emulate exists and glob in a different filesystem (see CSVS3DataSet as an example).
    3. Remove setting of the _filepath and _version attributes in the dataset's __init__, as this is taken care of in the base abstract class.
    4. Any calls to _get_load_path and _get_save_path methods should take no arguments.
    5. Ensure you convert the output of _get_load_path and _get_save_path appropriately, as these now return PurePaths instead of strings.
    6. Make sure _check_paths_consistency is called with PurePaths as input arguments, instead of strings.

    These steps should have brought your project to Kedro 0.15.0. There might be some more minor tweaks needed as every project is unique, but now you have a pretty solid base to work with. If you run into any problems, please consult the Kedro documentation.

    Thanks for supporting contributions

    Dmitry Vukolov, Jo Stichbury, Angus Williams, Deepyaman Datta, Mayur Chougule, Marat Kopytjuk, Evan Miller, Yusuke Minami

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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