Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation

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Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation


This is a Pytorch implementation of the model described in our paper:

Z. Qi, S. Wang, C. Su, L. Su, Q. Huang, and Q. Tian. Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation. TPAMI 2021.


  • Pytorch >= 1.0.1
  • Cuda 9.0.176
  • Cudnn 7.4.2
  • Python 3.6.8


EPIC-Kitchens dataset

For the raw data of the EPIC-Kitchens dataset, please refer to to download.

For the three modality features (rgb, flow, obj), please refer to to download. After downloading, put them in the folder './data'.

EGTEA Gaze+ dataset

For the raw data of the EGTEA Gaze+ dataset, please refer to to download.

For the extracted features, please refer to to download. After downloading, put them in the folder './data'.

50 Salads dataset

For the raw data of the 50 Salads dataset, please refer to to download.

For the extracted features, please refer to to download. After downloading, put them in the folder './data'.

Breakfast dataset

For the raw data of the Breakfast dataset, please refer to to download.

For the extraced I3D features, please download from Baidu passward: 'wub3' or Google Drive. After downloading, put them in the folder './data'.

Train for Epic-Kitchen dataset

For rgb feature, python --gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 128 --wd 1e-5 --lr 0.1 --reinforce_verb_weight 0.01 --reinforce_noun_weight 0.01 --revision_weight 0.8 --mode train --modality rgb --hidden 1024 --feat_in 1024

Silimar commonds can be used for flow or obj features.

Validation for Epic-Kitchen dataset

Please download the pre-trained model weigths from Baidu passward: 'wub3' or Google Drive, and put them in the folder './results/EPIC/base_srl/pre_trained/'.

For rgb feature, python --gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 128 --mode validate --modality rgb --hidden 1024 --feat_in 1024 --resume_timestamp pre_trained

For flow feature, python --gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 128 --mode validate --modality flow --hidden 1024 --feat_in 1024 --resume_timestamp pre_trained

For obj feature, python --gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 128 --mode validate --modality obj --hidden 352 --feat_in 352 --resume_timestamp pre_trained

For three modality features, python --gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 128 --mode validate --modality fusion --resume_timestamp pre_trained


Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work:

  title={Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation},
  author={Qi, Zhaobo and Wang, Shuhui and Su, Chi and Su, Li and Huang, Qingming and Tian, Qi},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis \& Machine Intelligence},
  publisher={IEEE Computer Society}


If you have any problem about our code, feel free to contact

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