Continuous Security Group Rule Change Detection & Response at scale



Get notified of Security Group Changes across all AWS Accounts & Regions in an AWS Organization, with the ability to respond/revert those changes with a single button click from a Slack Channel. This is made easy and possible with the recent announcement of CloudTrail Lake, which helps aggregate CloudTrail logs from all accounts/regions in a queryable(if that's a word :P) format.

The infrastructure needed for this project is deployed as a CDK Application, which deploys a CodeCommit repository and a CodeBuild stage which synthesizes the cdk app to cloudformation template and deploys in the target environment.

NOTE Security Group Rule Changes are allowed by default. Meaning changes are reverted only when explicitly denied by user interaction through slack channel interactive Deny button.

How it works on the high level


  • Appropriate IAM Roles and trust relationships within the AWS Organization and member accounts, FleetAccess.

An ideal setup would be like this

  • CloudTrail Lake setup - Tutorial to enable cloudtrail lake
  • A role in the Organization account with the ability to invoke start_query and get_query_results and trusted by the hub-001 role in the Security account, where the lambda functions run from.
  • Slack App setup with the API Gateway endpoint updated. The Signing secret from the app should be updated in the config file to be used by the lambda function to verify requests from slack. The app enabled with features - Incoming Webhooks, Interactivity.
  • Usage of the latest available boto3 library as API calls related to cloudtrail lake is new and only available on very recent versions, thus boto3 is packaged along with lambda functions.
  • Have Cloud Development Kit installed with npm install cdk.


  • Lambda Functions
    • revertsg-1 - Triggered every 10 mins by cloudwatch event rule.
    • revertsg-2 - Invoked by API Gateway.
  • API Gateway to receive requests from Slack and proxy to revertsg-2
  • Dynamodb to hold security group rule change details.
  • CloudWatch Event Rule time based to trigger revertsg-1 every 10 mins.


Security Group Change Detection & Response

  • CloudWatch Event Time based rule will trigger lambda revertsg-1, every 10 mins.
  • Lambda function revertsg-1 will assume role cloudtrail-lake-read-role in the organization account and run query to fetch events with event name AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress in the last 20 mins. There is an over lap so that events which were
  • Query results are gathered and new security group rule changes are added to a dynamodb table secgrouprequests and also details are sent to a slack channel in an interactive message with the ability to either ignore or deny this change.
  • Slack interaction invokes API Gateway which in turn invokes revertsg-2 with all the headers and body proxied.
  • Security group rule changes are allowed by default, so,
    • If the user clicks on Approve(well technically it's already approved :P), revertsg-2 does the same and responds back with the user name who ignored this change event.
    • If the user clicks Deny, meaning to revert the change, revertsg-2 will,
      • Read dynamodb table with the cloudtrail requestid, get that specific event details, assume spoke-001 role on that account from the security account as hub-001, invokes the revoke_security_group_ingress API call, responds with the messaged as denied with the user name.


  • Git clone
  • Update in these 4 places, because both the CDK App and the source code depends on various constants from this configuration file.
    ' # Where our automation is run
     ' # This is where CloudTrail Lake is setup.
CLOUDTRAIL_LAKE_READ_ROLE = 'cloudtrail-lake-read-role' # This is the role name used if deployed using FleetAccess - 
       ' #
  • Once the above details are updated, run cdk ls to confirm the stacks are good.
  • Run cdk synth to make sure templates synthesize without errors.
  • With the Security Account credentials in the local terminal using export AWS_PROFILE= , run cdk deploy or use cdk deploy --profile security-account.
  • CDK will deploy the CSGDRRPipelineStack pipeline stack, which in turn creates the CodeCommit repository, CodePipeline with necessary IAM permissions, Stages of deployment. At end of deployment, in the terminal cdk would print out the API Gateway url which needs to be updated in the Slack App in the interactivity section.
  • The first time you deploy, the pipeline runs and fails, because we haven't pushed our code yet.
  • So, now gather the codecommit repository details which was created and git push the cdk app to the repository which has the cloudformation stacks to be deployed by the pipeline.
  • Once code is pushed, pipeline picks it up automatically and begins deployment, its an amazing feeling to look at this in action, with so minimal effort.
  • The automation is triggered every 10 mins and if there are any Security Group changes, that would show up in the Slack Channel for which the webhook was configured earlier.


  • CloudTrail events are delayed by up to 2-3 mins sometimes before it gets delivered to the cloudtrail lake. Timings are adjusted accordingly for this project, with the CloudWatch Rule and also the event times` for the cloudtrail lake query.
  • Security Group Rule Changes are allowed by default, to make sure Security doesn't add friction to the operations with rest of the organization. Meaning changes are reverted only when explicitly denied by user interaction through slack channel interactive Deny button.
  • Because this is a new service/feature from AWS, Lambda's boto3 library is not updated with the ability to invoke these API calls, so I've packaged a recent version of boto3 part of the lambda function. This could have been a Lambda layer, but hey, doesn't matter after couple weeks or a month.
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