A simple trivia quizzz web app made using django


Trivia Quizzz

A simple trivia quizzz web app made using django



& https://triviaquiz.redcrypt.xyz


  • Google , Discord Social Login
  • Import, export options for questions in multiple formats
  • User Avatar in profile page { Social avatar from discord,google if connected else gravatar }
  • More than 3k Questions (only on http://triviaquizzz.herokuapp.com not in repository) (Questions from OpentriviaDB)
  • Play by categories

Planned Features

  • Better appearance on mobile
  • More responsive webpages
  • 404/500 Error page
  • Meta data in html pages
  • Leaderboard
  • Public profiles
  • Time limit of 15 sec in each question
  • Submit questions (users can submit questions)
  • PWA (Progressive web app) App


Fork & Clone this repository

Then run the following commands in that directory

  pip install -r requirements.txt
  python manage.py makemigrations
  python manage.py migrate


To create a superuser

  python manage.py createsuperuser

and then enter the details asked.

To deploy this project run

  python manage.py runserver

Tech Stack

Server: Django


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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