DRF_commands is a Django package that helps you to create django rest framework endpoints faster using manage.py.



DRF_commands is a Django package that helps you to create django rest framework endpoints faster using manage.py.

You can visit Django rest framework website for more information about generic views:https://www.django-rest-framework.org/

Quick start

  1. Run pip install DRF_commands
  2. Add Both "rest_framework" and "DRF_commands" to your INSTALLED_APPS of your settings.py like this::
  1. Create a Django application using DRF_commands:

    python manage.py createApp [yourAppName]

  2. Run python manage.py using custom commands of DRF_commands to create generic views.

Available commands:

  • createApp [yourAppName]
  • createSerializer [appName][serializerName]
  • APIView [appName][viewName]
  • CreateAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • DestroyAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • ListAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • ListCreateAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • RetrieveAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • RetrieveDestroyAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • RetrieveUpdateAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView [appName][viewName]
  • UpdateAPIView [appName][viewName]

NOTE: Make sure to execute those commands with the apps created by the command createApp of DRF_commands

Generated application working tree:

├── admin.py
├── apps.py
├── __init__.py
├── migrations
│   └── __init__.py
├── models
│   └── __init__.py
├── serializers
│   └── __init__.py
├── static
│   └── myapp
├── templates
│   └── myapp
├── tests.py
├── urls.py
└── views
    └── __init__.py

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