Code Repository for Liquid Time-Constant Networks (LTCs)


Liquid time-constant Networks (LTCs)

[Update] A Pytorch version is added in our sister repository:

This is the official repository for LTC networks described in paper: This repository alows you to train continuous-time models with backpropagation through-time (BPTT). Available Continuous-time models are:

Models References
Liquid time-constant Networks
Neural ODEs
Continuous-time RNNs
Continuous-time Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)


All models were implemented tested with TensorFlow 1.14.0 and python3 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 machines. All following steps assume that they are executed under these conditions.


First we have to download all datasets by running


This script creates a folder data, where all downloaded datasets are stored.

Training and evaluating the models

There is exactly one python module per dataset:

  • Hand gesture segmentation:
  • Room occupancy detection:
  • Human activity recognition:
  • Traffic volume prediction:
  • Ozone level forecasting:

Each script accepts the following four agruments:

  • --model: lstm | ctrnn | ltc | ltc_rk | ltc_ex
  • --epochs: number of training epochs (default 200)
  • --size: number of hidden RNN units (default 32)
  • --log: interval of how often to evaluate validation metric (default 1)

Each script trains the specified model for the given number of epochs and evalutates the validation performance after every log steps. At the end of training, the best performing checkpoint is restored and the model is evaluated on the test set. All results are stored in the results folder by appending the result to CSV-file.

For example, we can train and evaluate the CT-RNN by executing

python3 --model ctrnn

After the script is finished there should be a file results/har/ctrnn_32.csv created, containing the following columns:

  • best epoch: Epoch number that achieved the best validation metric
  • train loss: Training loss achieved at the best epoch
  • train accuracy: Training metric achieved at the best epoch
  • valid loss: Validation loss achieved at the best epoch
  • valid accuracy: Best validation metric achieved during training
  • test loss: Loss on the test set
  • test accuracy: Metric on the test set


Parameter Value Description
Minibatch size 16 Number of training samples over which the gradient descent update is computed
Learning rate 0.001/0.02 0.01-0.02 for LTC, 0.001 for all other models.
Hidden units 32 Number of hidden units of each model
Optimizer Adam See (Kingma and Ba, 2014)
beta_1 0.9 Parameter of the Adam method
beta_2 0.999 Parameter of the Adam method
epsilon 1e-08 Epsilon-hat parameter of the Adam method
Number of epochs 200 Maximum number of training epochs
BPTT length 32 Backpropagation through time length in time-steps
ODE solver sreps 1/6 relative to input sampling period
Validation evaluation interval 1 Interval of training epochs when the metrics on the validation are evaluated

Trajectory Length Analysis

Run the main.m file to get trajectory length results for the desired setting tuneable in the code.

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