


Low Level Approach:

###Tables: continents: id*, name, population, area, createdAt, updatedAt

countries: id*, name, population, area, number_of_hospitals,number_national_parks,continent_id**, createdAt, updatedAt

cities: id*, name, population, area, number_of_roads,number_of_trees,country_id**, createdAt, updatedAt


  • [GET] /api/wiki/continents:

    • Fetch the data from Continents table and return to client in json format.
  • [POST] /api/wiki/continents:

    • All the continents data (name, population & area) should be saved in continents table with CreatedTimeStamp.
    • Making all these fields mandatory as this data is required for Country level validation(Area & Population)
  • [PUT] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>:

    • Update the changes of data corresponding to given continent ID in Continent table.
  • [DELETE] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>:

    • If ID exists then delete the continent along with corresponding countries and cities[Assumed this way]
    • Else through an exception.
  • [GET] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/countries:

    • Fetch the data from Countries table corresponds to specific given continent ID and return to client in json format.
  • [POST] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/countries:

    • All the countries data (name, population, area, no.hospitals & no.national parks) should be saved in countries table with CreatedTimeStamp.
    • Making no.hospitals & no.national parks are optional as there is no dependency.
  • [PUT] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>:

    • Validate the data if data which is related to population and area. This should not exceed continent data.
    • Update the changes of data corresponding to given country ID in countries table.
  • [DELETE] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>:

    • If ID exists then delete the country along with corresponding cities[Assumed this way]
    • Else through an exception.
  • [GET] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/countries/<int:id>/cities:

    • Fetch the data from Cities table corresponds to specific given Country ID and return to client in json format.
  • [POST] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/countries/<int:id>/cities:

    • All the Cities data (name, population, area, no.roads & no.trees) should be saved in Cities table with CreatedTimeStamp but area and population should be validated (less or equal) against corresponding country data(area & population).
    • Making no.trees & no.roads are optional as there is no dependency.
  • [PUT] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/<int:id>/cities/<int:id>:

    • Validate the data if data which is related to population and area. This should not exceed corresponding country data(area & population).
    • Update the changes of data corresponding to given country ID in countries table.
  • [DELETE] /api/wiki/continents/<int:id>/<int:id>/cities/<int:id>:

    • If ID exists then delete the City
    • Else through an exception.
Ravi Pullagurla
Software Engineer at Lloyds Banking Group (LBG)
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