The official code repo of "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection"


Hierarchical Token Semantic Audio Transformer


The Code Repository for "HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection", in ICASSP 2022.

In this paper, we devise a model, HTS-AT, by combining a swin transformer with a token-semantic module and adapt it in to audio classification and sound event detection tasks. HTS-AT is an efficient and light-weight audio transformer with a hierarchical structure and has only 30 million parameters. It achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on AudioSet and ESC-50, and equals the SOTA on Speech Command V2. It also achieves better performance in event localization than the previous CNN-based models.

HTS-AT Architecture

Classification Results on AudioSet, ESC-50, and Speech Command V2 (mAP)

HTS-AT ClS Result

Localization/Detection Results on DESED dataset (F1-Score)

HTS-AT Localization Result

Getting Started

Install Requirments

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download and Processing Datasets

change the varible "dataset_path" to your audioset address
change the variable "desed_folder" to your DESED address
change the classes_num to 527
./ # 
// remember to change the pathes in the script
// more information about this script is in

python save_idc 
// count the number of samples in each class and save the npy files
Open the jupyter notebook at esc-50/prep_esc50.ipynb and process it
Open the jupyter notebook at scv2/prep_scv2.ipynb and process it
// will produce the npy data files

Set the Configuration File:

The script contains all configurations you need to assign to run your code. Please read the introduction comments in the file and change your settings. For the most important part: If you want to train/test your model on AudioSet, you need to set:

dataset_path = "your processed audioset folder"
dataset_type = "audioset"
balanced_data = True
loss_type = "clip_bce"
sample_rate = 32000
hop_size = 320 
classes_num = 527

If you want to train/test your model on ESC-50, you need to set:

dataset_path = "your processed ESC-50 folder"
dataset_type = "esc-50"
loss_type = "clip_ce"
sample_rate = 32000
hop_size = 320 
classes_num = 50

If you want to train/test your model on Speech Command V2, you need to set:

dataset_path = "your processed SCV2 folder"
dataset_type = "scv2"
loss_type = "clip_bce"
sample_rate = 16000
hop_size = 160
classes_num = 35

If you want to test your model on DESED, you need to set:

resume_checkpoint = "Your checkpoint on AudioSet"
heatmap_dir = "localization results output folder"
test_file = "output heatmap name"
fl_local = True
fl_dataset = "Your DESED npy file"

Train and Evaluation

Notice: Our model is run on DDP mode and requires at least two GPU cards. If you want to use a single GPU for training and evaluation, you need to mannually change and

All scripts is run by

Train: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 python train

Test: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 python test

Ensemble Test: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 python esm_test 
// See for settings of ensemble testing

Weight Average: python weight_average
// See for settings of weight averaging

Localization on DESED

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2,3,4 python test
// make sure that fl_local=True in
// organize and gather the localization results
// Follow the notebook to produce the results

Model Checkpoints:

We provide the model checkpoints on three datasets (and additionally DESED dataset) in this link. Feel free to download and test it.


  author = {Ke Chen and Xingjian Du and Bilei Zhu and Zejun Ma and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick and Shlomo Dubnov},
  title = {HTS-AT: A Hierarchical Token-Semantic Audio Transformer for Sound Classification and Detection},
  booktitle = {{ICASSP} 2022}

Our work is based on Swin Transformer, which is a famous image classification transformer model.

Knut(Ke) Chen
ORZ: { godfather: sweetdum, ufo: zgg, dragon sister: lzl, morning king: corner café }
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