glow-speak is a fast, local, neural text to speech system that uses eSpeak-ng as a text/phoneme front-end.



glow-speak is a fast, local, neural text to speech system that uses eSpeak-ng as a text/phoneme front-end.


git clone
cd glow-speak/

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel
pip3 install -f '' -r requirements.txt

python3 develop
glow-speak --version


The following languages/voices are supported:

  • German
    • de_thorsten
  • Chinese
    • cmn_jing_li
  • Greek
    • el_rapunzelina
  • English
    • en-us_ljspeech
    • en-us_mary_ann
  • Spanish
    • es_tux
  • Finnish
    • fi_harri_tapani_ylilammi
  • French
    • fr_siwis
  • Hungarian
    • hu_diana_majlinger
  • Italian
    • it_riccardo_fasol
  • Korean
    • ko_kss
  • Dutch
    • nl_rdh
  • Russian
    • ru_nikolaev
  • Swedish
    • sv_talesyntese
  • Swahili
    • sw_biblia_takatifu
  • Vietnamese
    • vi_vais1000


Download Voices

glow-speak-download de_thorsten

Command-Line Synthesis

glow-speak -v en-us_mary_ann 'This is a test.' --output-file test.wav

HTTP Server

glow-speak-http-server --debug

Visit http://localhost:5002

Socket Server

Start the server:

glow-speak-socket-server --voice en-us_mary_ann --socket /tmp/glow-speak.sock

From a separate terminal:

echo 'This is a test.' | bin/glow-speak-socket-client --socket /tmp/glow-speak.sock | xargs aplay

Lines from client to server are synthesized, and the path to the WAV file is returned (usually in /tmp).

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  • AssertionError on web interface (only) - and Raspberry Pi Bullseye test

    AssertionError on web interface (only) - and Raspberry Pi Bullseye test

    Hi Micheal,

    great work again! :smiley:

    I just saw this repository and thought I'd give it a try on my freshly installed Raspberry Pi 4 with 32bit Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (Debian 11). Installation almost finished without errors! :partying_face: ... I just had to fix one thing: sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev After 15min I was already generating audio :grin: :+1:

    When I tested en mary_ann and thorsten_de via the web interface I got this error as soon as my test sentence ended with a question mark:

    DEBUG:glow-speak:ɪ_z ð_ɪ_s ɐ_n_ˈʌ_ð_ɚ t_ˈɛ_s_t? .
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/quart/", line 1490, in full_dispatch_request
        result = await self.dispatch_request(request_context)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/quart/", line 1536, in dispatch_request
        return await self.ensure_async(handler)(**request_.view_args)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/glow_speak/", line 484, in app_say
        wav_bytes = await text_to_wav(text, voice, **tts_args)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/glow_speak/", line 323, in text_to_wav
        text_ids = text_to_ids(
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/glow_speak/", line 110, in text_to_ids
        text_ids = phonemes2ids(
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/phonemes2ids/", line 190, in phonemes2ids
        maybe_extend_ids(sub_phoneme, word_ids, append_list=False)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/phonemes2ids/", line 108, in maybe_extend_ids
        maybe_ids = missing_func(phoneme)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/glow_speak/", line 59, in guess_ids
        typing.List[Phoneme], guess_phonemes(phoneme, self.to_phonemes)
      File "/home/pi/glow-speak/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gruut_ipa/", line 159, in guess_phonemes
        assert dist_split is not None

    Maybe some encoding error when reading the web input?

    Speed seems pretty good, comparable to Larynx I'd say :+1: and I noticed the pronunciations have been improved for German :clap: :sunglasses:

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