The official implementation of paper Siamese Transformer Pyramid Networks for Real-Time UAV Tracking, accepted by WACV22




This is the official implementation of the SiamTPN (WACV2022). The tracker intergrates pyramid feature network and transformer into Siamese network, achieving state-of-the-art performance (better than DiMP) while runing 30 FPS on a single CPU. The tracker optimized with ONXX and openvino could run at 45 FPS on cpu end, leading promising performance when deploying on drones for tracking.


[Paper] [Raw Results] [Drone Tracking Videos] [Models]


prepare data

change the path in lib/train/admin/ to your data location

# Distributed training withh 4 nodes 
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 tools/ --config shufflenet_l345_192
# single gpu training for test purpose
python tools/ --config shufflenet_l345_192

Test and evaluate SiamTPN

prepare data

change the path in lib/test/evaluation/ to your data location

running on cpu

# Download the pretrain model and put it under ./results/checkpoints/train/SiamTPN/ folder

python tools/ siamtpn shufflenet_l345_192 --dataset_name got10k_val --debug 1 --cpu 1 --epoch 100 --sequence GOT-10k_Val_000001

running on cpu with onnx optimized

The debug mode will show tracking results, more details refer to tools/

Currently, onnx only support cpu version

First, you need to install onxx and onxxruningtime:

pip install onxx
# for onxx runining time, download the openvino version from release [page]( and install with
pip install onnxruntime_openvino-1.9.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl

# please refer the [page]( for openvino installation details.
# Download the converted onnx model and put it under ./results/onnx/ folder
# or conver your own model with 
python tools/
python tools/

python tools/ siamtpn_onnx shufflenet_l345_192 --dataset_name got10k_val --debug 1 --cpu 1 --epoch 100 --sequence GOT-10k_Val_000001



Our code is implemented based on the following libraries:

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