Statistical Rethinking course winter 2022


Statistical Rethinking (2022 Edition)

Instructor: Richard McElreath

Lectures: Uploaded <Playlist> and pre-recorded, two per week

Discussion: Online, Fridays 3pm-4pm Central European Time


This course teaches data analysis, but it focuses on scientific models first. The unfortunate truth about data is that nothing much can be done with it, until we say what caused it. We will prioritize conceptual, causal models and precise questions about those models. We will use Bayesian data analysis to connect scientific models to evidence. And we will learn powerful computational tools for coping with high-dimension, imperfect data of the kind that biologists and social scientists face.


Online, flipped instruction. The lectures are pre-recorded. We'll meet online once a week for an hour to work through the solutions to the assigned problems.

We'll use the 2nd edition of my book, <Statistical Rethinking>. I'll provide a PDF of the book to enrolled students.

Registration: Please sign up via <[COURSE IS FULL SORRY]>. I've also set aside 100 audit tickets at the same link, for people who want to participate, but who don't need graded work and course credit.

Calendar & Topical Outline

There are 10 weeks of instruction. Links to lecture recordings will appear in this table. Weekly problem sets are assigned on Fridays and due the next Friday, when we discuss the solutions in the weekly online meeting.

Lecture playlist on Youtube: <Statistical Rethinking 2022>

Week ## Meeting date Reading Lectures
Week 01 07 January Chapters 1, 2 and 3 [1] <The Golem of Prague> <(Slides)>
[2] <Bayesian Inference> <(Slides)>
Week 02 14 January Chapters 4 and 5 [3] <Basic Regression> <(Slides)>
[4] <Categories & Curves> <(Slides)>
Week 03 21 January Chapters 5 and 6 [5] <Elemental Confounds> <(Slides)>
[6] <Good & Bad Controls> <(Slides)>
Week 04 28 January Chapters 7 and 8 [7] Overfitting
[8] Interactions
Week 05 04 February Chapters 9, 10 and 11 [9] Markov chain Monte Carlo
[10] Binomial GLMs
Week 06 11 February Chapters 11 and 12 [11] Poisson GLMs
[12] Ordered Categories
Week 07 18 February Chapter 13 [13] Multilevel Models
[14] Multi-Multilevel Models
Week 08 25 February Chapter 14 [15] Varying Slopes
[16] Gaussian Processes
Week 09 04 March Chapter 15 [17] Measurement Error
[18] Missing Data
Week 10 11 March Chapters 16 and 17 [19] Beyond GLMs: State-space Models, ODEs
[20] Horoscopes


This course involves a lot of scripting. Students can engage with the material using either the original R code examples or one of several conversions to other computing environments. The conversions are not always exact, but they are rather complete. Each option is listed below.

Original R Flavor

For those who want to use the original R code examples in the print book, you need to install the rethinking R package. The code is all on github and there are additional details about the package there, including information about using the more-up-to-date cmdstanr instead of rstan as the underlying MCMC engine.

R + Tidyverse + ggplot2 + brms

The <Tidyverse/brms> conversion is very high quality and complete through Chapter 14.

Python and PyMC3

The <Python/PyMC3> conversion is quite complete.

Julia and Turing

The <Julia/Turing> conversion is not as complete, but is growing fast and presents the Rethinking examples in multiple Julia engines, including the great <TuringLang>.


The are several other conversions. See the full list at

Homework and solutions

I will also post problem sets and solutions. Check the folders at the top of the repository.

Richard McElreath
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