Pure python PEMDAS expression solver without using built-in eval function.
Supports nested parenthesis. Supported operators: + - * / ^
Example use:
from pypemdas import pemdas
Relative Uncertainty Learning for Facial Expression Recognition The official implementation of the following paper at NeurIPS2021: Title: Relative Unc
Enformer - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch. The original tensorflow
Welcome to the CSIRO Face Analysis SDK. Documentation for the SDK can be found in doc/documentation.html. All code in this SDK is provided according t
EmotionUI Software for Multimodalty 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition (FER) UI. demo screenshot (with RealSense) required packages Python = 3.6 num
The human's facial expressions is very important to detect thier emotions and sentiment. It can be very efficient to use to make our computers make interviews. Furthermore, we have robots now can detect the human's emotions and based on thats take an action .etc. So, It will be better to provide a tool or model for this.
A tensorflow convolutional neural network model to detect facial expressions.
Navier-Stokes-numerical-solution-using-Python- Python script for Linear, Non-Linear Convection, Burger’s & Poisson Equation in 1D & 2D, 1D D
Implementing Graph Convolutional Networks and Information Retrieval Mechanisms using pure Python and NumPy
Creating a Linear Program Solver by Implementing the Simplex Method in Python with NumPy Simplex Algorithm is a popular algorithm for linear programmi
Initial release.
Source code(tar.gz)Text2Art is an AI art generator powered with VQGAN + CLIP and CLIPDrawer models. You can easily generate all kind of art from drawing, painting, sketch, or even a specific artist style just using a t
G-Bert Pre-training of Graph Augmented Transformers for Medication Recommendation Intro G-Bert combined the power of Graph Neural Networks and BERT (B
This project is an implementation of the Generative Adversarial Network proposed in our CVPR 2017 paper - DeLiGAN : Generative Adversarial Net
Principled S2R Dehazing This repository contains the official implementation for PSD Framework introduced in the following paper: PSD: Principled Synt
This is a Pytorch implementation of the paper: Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data.
pokemon-showdown-rl-environment The Environment I built to study Reinforcement Learning + Pokemon Showdown Been a while since I ran this. Think it is
Summary Explorer Summary Explorer is a tool to visually inspect the summaries from several state-of-the-art neural summarization models across multipl
VQMIVC: Vector Quantization and Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Speech Representation Disentanglement for One-shot Voice Conversion (Interspeech
ild-cnn This is supplementary material for the manuscript: "Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neur
Intro This repository contains code to generate data and reproduce experiments from our NeurIPS 2019 paper: Boris Knyazev, Graham W. Taylor, Mohamed R
Automating reinforcement learning architecture design for code optimization. Che
Dense Passage Retrieval Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) - is a set of tools and models for state-of-the-art open-domain Q&A research. It is based on the
Distributed Arcface Training in Pytorch
HAKE-Action HAKE-Action (TensorFlow) is a project to open the SOTA action understanding studies based on our Human Activity Knowledge Engine. It inclu
pytorch-deep-video-prior (DVP) Official PyTorch implementation for NeurIPS 2020 paper: Blind Video Temporal Consistency via Deep Video Prior TensorFlo
PromptDet: Expand Your Detector Vocabulary with Uncurated Images Paper Website Introduction The goal of this work is to establish a scalable pipeline
Searching to Learn with Instructional Scaffolding This is the data and analysis code for the paper "Searching to Learn with Instructional Scaffolding"
jaxdf - JAX-based Discretization Framework Overview | Example | Installation | Documentation ⚠️ This library is still in development. Breaking changes
Gala is a Python package for Galactic and gravitational dynamics. Documentation The documentation for Gala is hosted on Read the docs. Installation an
Using the provided dataset which includes various book features, in order to predict the price of books, using various proposed methods and models.