DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.



DAMPP (gui) is a Python based program to run simple webservers using MySQL, Php, Apache and PhpMyAdmin inside of Docker containers.

This can be run on any Ubuntu based system.

Screenshots 📷

Home screen

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Requirements ✔️

  • Python3
  • pip
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


Install PyQt5 using pip.

pip install PyQt5

Create a directory called .bin in your home directory.

mkdir ~/.bin

Change current directory to .bin.

cd ~/.bin

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/s3h4n/dampp.git

Confiuguration 🔧

Create aliases for your shell config file so you can run the program easily.


Add following line to your .bashrc file.

You can find this file in your home ~/ directory.

alias dampp='~/.bin/dampp/dampp.sh'


Add following line to your config.fish file.

You can find this file in ~/.config/fish location.

alias dampp='~/.bin/dampp/dampp.sh'

For other shells like zsh, you can also add the aliases.

Usage 🔥

Simply type following command in your terminal.


Contributing 🤝

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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