PolyGlot, a fuzzing framework for language processors

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PolyGlot, a fuzzing framework for language processors


We tested PolyGlot on Ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Get the source code: git clone https://github.com/s3team/Polyglot && cd Polyglot
  2. Install prerequisite: sudo apt install -y make python g++ bison flex clang-format clang
  3. Modify the Makefile to choose the language you want to test
  4. Build everything: make
  5. The fuzzer is in AFL_replate_mutate/afl-fuzz
  6. Use the afl-gcc/afl-g++/afl-clang/afl-clang++ in AFL_replace_mutate to compile the program you want to fuzz.

Config the semantic.json

Before we run the fuzzer, we need to set some values in semantic.json. Here are some important values that you should set:

  1. InitFileDir: This should be an absolute path of your init seed file dir. It can be the same as/different from your path of input.
  2. BuiltinObjFile: If you want to use the build-in functions/variables/class for semantic validation, set this path (not a single file). Refer to grammar/solidity_grammar/semantic.json for an example.


To run the fuzzer, we just run it like normal afl-fuzz:

afl-fuzz -i path/to/inputs -o path/to/outputs -- prog [args @@]

You should collect your own seed inputs for the fuzzer.

Apply on a new language

To do

Video tutorial



One Engine to Fuzz ‘em All: Generic Language Processor Testing with Semantic Validation

Yongheng Chen, Rui Zhong(co-first author), Hong Hu, Hangfan Zhang, Yupeng Yang, Dinghao Wu and Wenke Lee.
In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2021).


Yongheng Chen: [email protected]

Rui Zhong: [email protected]

Hong Hu: [email protected]

Hangfan Zhang: [email protected]

Yupeng Yang: [email protected]

Dinghao Wu: [email protected]

Wenke Lee: [email protected]

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