This is a collection of all challenges in HKCERT CTF 2021


香港網絡保安新生代奪旗挑戰賽 2021 (HKCERT CTF 2021)

This is a collection of all challenges (and writeups) in HKCERT CTF 2021


ID Chinese name Name Score Solves Tags (Categories)
1 玩咗先至瞓 Sanity Check 50 234 #☆☆☆☆☆
2 Freedom Cipher Mode Picker 100 21 #crypto #★☆☆☆☆
4 所有遺失的東西 All Missing 150 27 #pwn #★☆☆☆☆
5 留下來的人 The Remaining One 300 4 #pwn #misc #★★★☆☆
6 今天我不想做嘢 Let's Chill 450 4 #reverse #misc #★★★★☆
7 集合吧!地球保衛隊 Sratslla SEA 450 2 #crypto #★★★★☆
10 Ophiuchus Ophiuchus 500 2 #web #★★★★★
11 無聲浪 The Wave of Us 50 152 #forensics #☆☆☆☆☆
12 深夜浪漫 1 babyURIi 200 4 #pwn #web #★★☆☆☆
15 幫緊你!幫緊你! Flag Checker™ 250 3 #pwn #★★☆☆☆
17 最難行的路 The Hardest Path 300 9 #reverse #misc #★★★☆☆
20 開燈.熄燈 (熄燈版) Jail of Blind 300 4 #pwn #★★★☆☆
22 小諧星 A Joke Cipher 50 88 #crypto #☆☆☆☆☆
23 郵差叔叔送信純熟迅速送出 1 Jack Botnet Service 1 300 12 #forensics #★★★☆☆
24 郵差叔叔送信純熟迅速送出 2 Jack Botnet Service 2 300 8 #forensics #★★★☆☆
28 想改寫的事 To Modify the Past 50 54 #pwn #☆☆☆☆☆
29 告別式 Cool Down 200 10 #pwn #★★☆☆☆
30 世上唯一雙細胞 1 Fortune Cookie 1 250 4 #pwn #★★☆☆☆
31 世上唯一雙細胞 2 Fortune Cookie 2 350 3 #pwn #★★★☆☆
32 薛丁格的盒子 Unobserved Box 250 6 #pwn #reverse #★★☆☆☆
35 千世書 Mastermind 500 0 #pwn #★★★★★
36 逐步拾回自己 Step by Step 100 68 #reverse #misc #★☆☆☆☆
37 暈暈陀陀 1 CTF Tuning Master (Read) 150 15 #web #misc #★☆☆☆☆
38 點點心 Steamed Meatball 150 7 #misc #★☆☆☆☆
39 選擇困難 Difficult Choice 400 5 #forensics #★★★★☆
40 純孩兒 babyXSS 100 37 #web #★☆☆☆☆
41 消失的人 The Disappeared 200 51 #forensics #★★☆☆☆
43 理性與任性之間 Shuffle 50 60 #reverse #☆☆☆☆☆
44 哥本哈根的另一個我 Another VM in København 300 2 #reverse #★★★☆☆
45 一知半解 Half-truth VM 250 2 #crypto #reverse #★★☆☆☆
46 要做更壞的事 Make it worse VM 500 0 #pwn #reverse #★★★★★
49 漫漫碎 Scattered 100 16 #reverse #★☆☆☆☆
51 Old Fashioned ↑←↓↑x 250 11 #reverse #★★☆☆☆
53 無門 No Door 1 100 6 #forensics #★☆☆☆☆
54 幻象 No Door 2 200 14 #forensics #★★☆☆☆
55 Positron 400 3 #crypto #pwn #reverse #web #misc #★★★★☆
56 因講了出來 Because I Said It 150 76 #web #★☆☆☆☆
57 長話短說 Key Backup Service 1 150 6 #crypto #★☆☆☆☆
58 Braceless Key Backup Service 2 350 5 #crypto #★★★☆☆
59 返鄕下耕田啦你 easyheap 250 5 #pwn #★★☆☆☆
61 倒數 babyre 450 3 #reverse #★★★★☆
62 角落生物 1 Squirrel Community 1 50 176 #web #☆☆☆☆☆
63 回到12歲 scratch-tic-tac-toe 200 86 #misc #★★☆☆☆
64 荊棘海 The Wilderness 100 39 #web #★☆☆☆☆
67 約定的夢幻島 Sign In Please, Again 500 2 #crypto #★★★★★
70 樂園 JQ Playground 200 15 #web #★★☆☆☆
72 中二病人 A Junior Mathematician 350 3 #reverse #★★★☆☆
74 時間的囚犯 Timebomb 100 16 #reverse #★☆☆☆☆
79 FreeRider Tenet: The Plagarism 350 4 #crypto #★★★☆☆
98 網絡安全隱患 Infant Browser 50 52 #pwn #web #☆☆☆☆☆
111 神奇的糊塗魔藥 Potion of Ciphermath 450 1 #crypto #misc #★★★★☆
123 差一些什麼? babyUXSS 100 7 #web #★☆☆☆☆
60944 係咁先啦 Feedback 50 169 #☆☆☆☆☆
6825524 深夜浪漫 2 Return of babyURIi 350 3 #web #★★★☆☆
24397312 角落生物 2 Squirrel Community 2 250 2 #web #★★☆☆☆
33330996 暈暈陀陀 2 CTF Tuning Master (Execute) 300 3 #web #★★★☆☆
Tesla Light Show xLights Guide With python

Tesla Light Show xLights Guide Welcome to the Tesla Light Show xLights guide! You can create and run your own light shows on Tesla vehicles. Running a

Tesla, Inc. 2.5k Dec 29, 2022
Tutorial page of the Climate Hack, the greatest hackathon ever

Tutorial page of the Climate Hack, the greatest hackathon ever

UCL Artificial Intelligence Society 12 Jul 02, 2022
Multi-label classification of retinal disorders

Multi-label classification of retinal disorders This is a deep learning course project. The goal is to develop a solution, using computer vision techn

Sundeep Bhimireddy 1 Jan 29, 2022
This repository contains the code for "SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation" paper by Divam Gupta, Wei Pu, Trenton Tabor, Jeff Schneider

SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation This repository contains the code for "SBEVNet: End-to-End Deep Stereo Layout Estimation" paper by D

Divam Gupta 19 Dec 17, 2022
TraND: Transferable Neighborhood Discovery for Unsupervised Cross-domain Gait Recognition.

TraND This is the code for the paper "Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Wu Liu, Xiaoping Zhang and Tao Mei: TraND: Transferable

Jinkai Zheng 32 Apr 04, 2022

DeepLabv3+:Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution语义分割模型在Pytorch当中的实现 目录 性能情况 Performance 所需环境 Environment 注意事项 Attention 文件下载 Download 训练步骤

Bubbliiiing 350 Dec 28, 2022
Omnidirectional camera calibration in python

Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Key features pure python initial solution based on A Toolbox for Easily Calibrating Omnidirectional Cameras (Davide

Thomas Pönitz 12 Nov 22, 2022
SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels, incl. SimCLR. [ECCV 2020]

Learning to Classify Images without Labels This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper: SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Label

Wouter Van Gansbeke 1.1k Dec 30, 2022
Deep Learning with PyTorch made easy 🚀 !

Deep Learning with PyTorch made easy 🚀 ! Carefree? carefree-learn aims to provide CAREFREE usages for both users and developers. It also provides a c

381 Dec 22, 2022
Self-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptation on Point-Clouds

Self-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptation on Point-Clouds Introduction Self-supervised learning (SSL) allows to learn useful representations from

Idan Achituve 66 Dec 20, 2022
Demonstrational Session git repo for H SAF User Workshop (28/1)

5th H SAF User Workshop The 5th H SAF User Workshop supported by EUMeTrain will be held in online in January 24-28 2022. This repository contains inst

H SAF 4 Aug 04, 2022
Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning🕵🏻‍♂️

This is a Kaggle competition in which we have to identify if the given lesion image is malignant or not for Melanoma which is a type of skin cancer.

Vipul Shinde 1 Jan 27, 2022
Collect super-resolution related papers, data, repositories

Collect super-resolution related papers, data, repositories

WangChaofeng 1.7k Jan 03, 2023
UniFormer - official implementation of UniFormer

UniFormer This repo is the official implementation of "Uniformer: Unified Transformer for Efficient Spatiotemporal Representation Learning". It curren

SenseTime X-Lab 573 Jan 04, 2023
Official Implementation for "ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement"

ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement Recently, the power of unconditional image synthesis has significantly advanced th

967 Jan 04, 2023
Code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition"

Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition This repository contains code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetV

QVPR 368 Jan 06, 2023
Source code for paper "Deep Superpixel-based Network for Blind Image Quality Assessment"

DSN-IQA Source code for paper "Deep Superpixel-based Network for Blind Image Quality Assessment" Requirements Python =3.8.0 Pytorch =1.7.1 Usage wit

7 Oct 13, 2022
This is an official implementation for "PlaneRecNet".

PlaneRecNet This is an official implementation for PlaneRecNet: A multi-task convolutional neural network provides instance segmentation for piece-wis

yaxu 50 Nov 17, 2022
Multi-Objective Loss Balancing for Physics-Informed Deep Learning

Multi-Objective Loss Balancing for Physics-Informed Deep Learning Code for ReLoBRaLo. Abstract Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINN) are algorithms

Rafael Bischof 16 Dec 12, 2022
All the code and files related to the MI-Lab of UE19CS305 course in sem 5

Machine-Intelligence-Lab-CS305 The compilation of all the code an drelated files from MI-Lab UE19CS305 (of batch 2019-2023) offered by PES University

Arvind Krishna 3 Nov 10, 2022