Crypto Meta Extractor
This repository contains the code which extracts some metadata of all the cryptocurrencies listed (>9K) on CoinMarketCap.
Coding Standards
- Properly formatted codes (PEP 8
✅ ) - Proper comments and descriptive variable names
This repository contains the code which extracts some metadata of all the cryptocurrencies listed (>9K) on CoinMarketCap.
Kunyu(坤舆) - More efficient corporate asset collection English | 中文文档 0x00 Introduce Tool introduction Kunyu (kunyu), whose name is taken from , is act
CVE-2021-22005-metasploit the metasploit script(POC/EXP) about CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server contains an arbitrary file upload vulnerability pr
BF-Hash Herramienta para descifrar hashes por fuerza bruta Instalación git clone
CodeTest信息收集和漏洞利用工具,可在进行渗透测试之时方便利用相关信息收集脚本进行信息的获取和验证工作,漏洞利用模块可选择需要测试的漏洞模块,或者选择所有模块测试,包含CVE-2020-14882, CVE-2020-2555等,可自己收集脚本后按照模板进行修改。
Grafana-LFI-8.x Exploit grafana Pre-Auth LFI How to use python3
pybotnet A Python Library for building botnet , trojan or backdoor for windows and linux with Telegram control panel Disclaimer: Please note that this
psychic-robot Windows Virus who destroy some importants files on C:\windows\system32\ Signatures of psychic-robot.PY (python file) : Bkav Pro : ASP.We
CVE-2021-33044 Dahua IPC/VTH/VTO devices auth bypass exploit About: The identity authentication bypass vulnerability found in some Dahua products duri
This framework helps reverse engineer Flutter apps using patched version of Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. There are changes made to snapshot deserialization p
CVE-2021-43798 – Grafana Exploit About This is a proof-of-concept exploit for Grafana's Unauthorized Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability (CVE-2021-43798
Cam-Hacker Hack Cameras Mode Of Execution: apt-get install python3 apt-get insta
CVE-2021-21985 CVE-2021-21985 EXP 本文以及工具仅限技术分享,严禁用于非法用途,否则产生的一切后果自行承担。 0x01 利用Tomcat RMI RCE 1. VPS启动JNDI监听 1099 端口 rmi需要bypass高版本jdk java -jar JNDIIn
S2-061 脚本皆根据vulhub的struts2-059/061漏洞测试环境来写的,不具普遍性,还望大佬多多指教可执行简单系统命令) 用法:python http://ip:port command 例子:python
IronNet Threat Research 🕵️ Overview This repository contains IronNet's Threat Research. Research & Reporting 📝 Project Description Cobalt Strike Res
ZCam Hack webcam using python by sending malicious link. FEATURES : [+] Real-time Camera hacking [+] Python compatible [+] URL Shortener using bitly [
Wallet Tracker This is a Crypto asset tracker that I built to aid my personal journey in cryptocurrencies. build docker build -t wallet-tracker . run
This Repository is an up-to-date version of Harvard nlp's Legacy code and a Refactoring of the jupyter notebook version as a shell script version.
Pachine Python implementation for CVE-2021-42278 (Active Directory Privilege Escalation). Installtion $ pip3 install impacket Usage Impacket v0.9.23 -
Log4jFuzz log4j vuln fuzz/scan USE // it's use localhost udp server to check target vuln. python3 [option] optional arguments: -u URL,
MSDorkDump is a Google Dork File Finder that queries a specified domain name and variety of file extensions (pdf, doc, docx, etc), and downloads them.