All you need to learn Tkinter!

Samyak Jain
Python ❤
Samyak Jain
PyEditor - A Simple Text Editor for python

PyEditor work in progress Text Editor for python Installation git clone Install the libraries Linux or mac pip

ArmenG 3 Mar 15, 2022
A Virtual Desktop Assistant Written in Python

DesktopAssitant A Virtual Desktop Assistant Written in Python. It's generally a basic virtual assistant The basic purpose of this is to make work easi

Technerd Brainiac 597 Dec 31, 2022
AutoCalypsoBTS - A simple GUI CalypsoBTS for DragonOS by CrTh

AutoCalypsoBTS 📱 📞 A simple GUI CalypsoBTS for DragonOS by CrTh Download Drago

CrTx0 18 Dec 15, 2022
These are some useful tkinter utilities that i like to personally use.

ntkutils nefs tkinter utilities These are some useful tkinter utilities that i like to personally use. I upload this here because someone might wants

nef 7 Dec 06, 2022
Aplicação GUI feita em Python para estudos de cadastro (forms).

Cadastro de DEVs GUI 💻 A ideia original veio do repositório do nomeado 'Projetos-Independentes-HTML-CSS' Nele há um

Yago Goltara 3 Aug 15, 2021
Remi is a GUI library for Python applications that gets rendered in web browsers

Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.

Davide Rosa 3.2k Jan 07, 2023
Neukivy is a collection of neumorphic widgets built with Kivy.

Neukivy is a collection of neumorphic widgets built with Kivy. The library is currently in its initial development so there isn't much yet. But hopefully it will grow into a library you can use to ea

Guhan Sensam 29 Dec 13, 2022
Create custom desktop notificatons using python

Create custom desktop notificatons using python In this video i am going to use a module called plyer

Niranjan 2 Dec 15, 2021
A GUI Based Figlet Maker

Figlet Creation Create Figlets easily using this application created using PySimpleGUI. Installation Old-school Straight Pip pip install psg-figlet pi

PySimpleGUI 8 Jan 06, 2023
Small Python scripts to take screenshot from a KaiOS/FFOS device and to mirror the screen of your phone.

This version of kaiscr is written by tkinter and can run in windows(use "" is speed optimization version. The sourc

openGiraffes Group 2 Mar 02, 2022
GlobalProtectGUI is a simple tray app to connect, disconnect and monitor globalprotect VPN connection.

Simple GlobalProtectGUI GlobalProtectGUI is simple tray app to connect, disconnect and monitor globalprotect VPN connection. Installation Required bef

Aleksandar Dostic 11 Oct 07, 2022
Basic Alarm Clock using Python.

Basic Alarm Clock using Python.

Samyak Jain 2 Feb 10, 2022
Introduce QML-like declarative structure to Python world. Developer writes only pure Python code for QML.

Introduce QML-like declarative structure to Python world. Developer writes only pure Python code for QML.

likianta 4 Mar 27, 2022
A Minimalistic Backup GUI for your Windows, Mac or Linux

BlobBackup is a minimalistic backup utility for your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. With an excellent engine, extensive storage support, and an easy

Bimba Shrestha 283 Nov 30, 2022
Kivy is an open source Python framework for creating cross-platform multi-touch mobile applications with Natural User Interface.

Kivy is an open source Python framework for creating cross-platform multi-touch mobile applications with Natural User Interface.

Grace Ugochi Nneji 3 Feb 15, 2022
All you need to learn Tkinter!

Tkinter This repository contains the codes and resources which I used to learn the standard GUI library of Python, Tkinter! Best Tkinter Resources Vid

Samyak Jain 3 May 02, 2022
A desktop application developed in Python with PyQt5 to predict demand and help monitor and schedule brewing processes for Barnaby's Brewhouse.

brewhouse-management A desktop application developed in Python with PyQt5 to predict demand and help monitor and schedule brewing processes for Barnab

Isaac Cheng 2 Jul 09, 2022
FPKG Maker GUI - A user friendly User Interface for fPKG Tools for PS4

Know Issues being worked on Please place this application on the root of a drive

26 Nov 27, 2022
A small pomodoro GUI for Windows/Linux created in Python with PyQt5.

Pomodoro A small pomodoro GUI for Windows/Linux created with PyQt5. Features The "Timer" tab allows you to set your desired work and rest times aswell

Burak Martin 81 Dec 28, 2022
Write desktop and web apps in pure Python

Flexx Want to stay up-to-date about (changes to) Flexx? Subscribe to the NEWS issue. Introduction Flexx is a pure Python toolkit for creating graphica

flexxui 3.1k Jan 08, 2023