A package selector for building your confy nest

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A package selector for building your comfy nest


Hornero helps you to install your favourite packages on your fresh installed Linux distribution. It expects you to pass a simple YAML file containing a list of your favourite packages, which are automatically installed by it. Therefore you only need to keep an updated list of your favourite packages in order to quickly install them the next time you reinstall your distro. It can also be helpful for sysadmins that need to perform Linux installations on several machines by saving time on the post install process.

The name

The hornero is a type of bird native from South America well known for building mud nests that look like wood-fired ovens, therefore its name: hornero derivates from the Spanish word horno that means oven.

How to install

You need pip (or pip3, depending on which distro are you running) to install hornero. Then run:

pip install git+git://github.com/santisoler/hornero.git


pip3 install git+git://github.com/santisoler/hornero.git

How to use

We need to write a packages.yml file containing the packages we will eventually want to install in the future. All packages must be grouped inside categories. For example:

  - git
  - gnupg
  - neovim

  - gimp
  - inkscape
  - krita

  - gnome-disk-utility
  - gnome-system-monitor

We can then run hornero from the command line passing the packages.yml file as argument:

hornero packages.yml

hornero will ask us to choose one or more categories, so only the packages inside the chosen categories will be installed. Therefore we can include any package we eventually use on packages.yml, but choose which packages we definitely want to install after a fresh Linux installation.


All content under MIT License, except where noted.

Santiago Soler
Lic. in Physics and PhD Student in Geophysics at CONICET. Developer at @fatiando. Free and open-source software supporter who loves spending time outdoors.
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