Sapiens is a human antibody language model based on BERT.


Sapiens: Human antibody language model

    ____              _                
   / ___|  __ _ _ __ (_) ___ _ __  ___ 
   \___ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _ \ '_ \/ __|
    ___| | |_| | |_| | |  __/ | | \__ \
   |____/ \__,_|  __/|_|\___|_| |_|___/

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Sapiens is a human antibody language model based on BERT.

Learn more in the Sapiens, OASis and BioPhi in our publication:

David Prihoda, Jad Maamary, Andrew Waight, Veronica Juan, Laurence Fayadat-Dilman, Daniel Svozil & Danny A. Bitton (2022) BioPhi: A platform for antibody design, humanization, and humanness evaluation based on natural antibody repertoires and deep learning, mAbs, 14:1, DOI:

For more information about BioPhi, see the BioPhi repository


  • Infilling missing residues in human antibody sequences
  • Suggesting mutations (in frameworks as well as CDRs)
  • Creating vector representations (embeddings) of residues or sequences

Sapiens Antibody t-SNE Example


Install Sapiens using pip:

# Recommended: Create dedicated conda environment
conda create -n sapiens python=3.8
conda activate sapiens
# Install Sapiens
pip install sapiens

❗️ Python 3.7 or 3.8 is currently required due to fairseq bug in Python 3.9 and above: pytorch/fairseq#3535

Antibody sequence infilling

Positions marked with * or X will be infilled with the most likely human residues, given the rest of the sequence

import sapiens

best = sapiens.predict_masked(

Suggesting mutations

Return residue scores for a given sequence:

import sapiens

scores = sapiens.predict_scores(
#           A         C         D         E  ...
# 0  0.003272  0.004147  0.004011  0.004590  ... <- based on masked input
# 1  0.012038  0.003854  0.006803  0.008174  ... <- based on masked input
# 2  0.003384  0.003895  0.003726  0.004068  ... <- based on Q input
# 3  0.004612  0.005325  0.004443  0.004641  ... <- based on L input
# 4  0.005519  0.003664  0.003555  0.005269  ... <- based on V input
# Scores are given both for residues that are masked and that are present. 
# When inputting a non-human antibody sequence, the output scores can be used for humanization.

Antibody sequence embedding

Get a vector representation of each position in a sequence

import sapiens

residue_embed = sapiens.predict_residue_embedding(
# (layer, position in sequence, features)
# (5, 119, 128)

Get a single vector for each sequence

seq_embed = sapiens.predict_sequence_embedding(
# (layer, features)
# (5, 128)


Try out Sapiens in your browser using these example notebooks:

Links Notebook Description
01_sapiens_antibody_infilling Predict missing positions in an antibody sequence
02_sapiens_antibody_embedding Get vector representations and visualize them using t-SNE


Sapiens is based on antibody repertoires from the Observed Antibody Space:

Kovaltsuk, A., Leem, J., Kelm, S., Snowden, J., Deane, C. M., & Krawczyk, K. (2018). Observed Antibody Space: A Resource for Data Mining Next-Generation Sequencing of Antibody Repertoires. The Journal of Immunology, 201(8), 2502–2509.

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