Pynavt is a cli tool to create clean architecture app for you including Fastapi, bcrypt and jwt.



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 | |__) |   _ _ __   __ ___   _| |_ 
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 | |   | |_| | | | | (_| |\ V /| |_ 
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         __/ |                      

Create project with Clean Architecture folder structure

Pynavt is a cli tool to create clean architecture app for you including Fastapi, bcrypt and jwt.

  • Creates Clean Architecture project for you



Pynavt requires Python 3.6 to run.

Install the dependencies.

pip install pynavt

How to use

In your terminal type to see all avaible commands:

pynavt --help

To create a new Fastapi with clean architecture project(This includes a crud example with the name of Tasks):

pynavt --new yourProjectName

To create a new module with crud:

pynavt --module yourModuleName

To run the project:

uvicorn app:app --relaod

Database service

To create a new db service client with Mysql:

Mysql - to learn more visit (

pynavt --client mysql

This will generate a database connection in infraestructure/databases/

to use import the service in your repository.

Folder Structure:

|-- controller
|        |      
|        |-tasks --> This is and example folder(Create your own folder)
|            |       
|            | --> This is and example controller file(Create your own controllers)
|-- domain
|      |
|      |-useCase
|            |
|            |-tasks --> This is and example folder(Create your own folder)
|                | 
|                | --> This is and example useCase file(Create your own useCases)
|-- infraestructure
|           |
|           |-databases
|           |      |
|           |      |
|           |
|           |-entities
|           |      |
|           |      |-tasks --> This is and example folder(Create your own folder)
|           |          |
|           |          | --> This is and example entity file(Create your own entity)
|           |
|           |-respository
|                  |
|                  |-tasks --> This is and example folder(Create your own folder)
|                      | 
|                      | --> This is and example repository file(Create your own repositories)
|-- utils
        |    |
        |    |
                |   |
                |   |



Pynavt is MIT licensed."# Pynavt" "# pynavt" "# pynavt"

Alejandro Castillo
I love open source and free software that helps to acomplish all things in mind.
Alejandro Castillo
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