Pattern Matching for Python 3.7+ in a simple, yet powerful, extensible manner.


Awesome Pattern Matching (apm) for Python

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pip install awesome-pattern-matching
  • Simple
  • Powerful
  • Extensible
  • Composable
  • Functional
  • Python 3.7+, PyPy3.7+
  • Typed (IDE friendly)
  • Offers different styles (expression, declarative, statement, ...)

There's a ton of pattern matching libraries available for python, all with varying degrees of maintenance and usability; also there's a PEP on it's way for a match construct. However, I wanted something which works well and works now, so here we are.

apm defines patterns as objects which are composable and reusable. Pieces can be matched and captured into variables, much like pattern matching in Haskell or Scala (a feature which most libraries actually lack, but which also makes pattern matching useful in the first place - the capability to easily extract data). Here is an example:

from apm import *

if result := match([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, '2nd' @ _, '3rd' @ _, 'tail' @ Remaining(...)]):
    print(result['2nd'])  # 2
    print(result['3rd'])  # 3
    print(result['tail'])  # [4, 5]

# If you find it more readable, '>>' can be used instead of '@' to capture a variable
match([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, _ >> '2nd', _ >> '3rd', Remaining(...) >> 'tail'])

Patterns can be composed using &, |, and ^, or via their more explicit counterparts AllOf, OneOf, and Either . Since patterns are objects, they can be stored in variables and be reused.

positive_integer = InstanceOf(int) & Check(lambda x: x >= 0)

Some fancy matching patterns are available out of the box:

from apm import *

def f(x: int, y: float) -> int:

if match(f, Arguments(int, float) & Returns(int)):
    print("Function satisfies required signature")

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Multiple Styles

For matching and selecting from multiple cases, choose your style:

from apm import *

value = 7

# The simple style
if match(value, Between(1, 10)):
    print("It's between 1 and 10")
elif match(value, Between(11, 20)):
    print("It's between 11 and 20")
    print("It's not between 1 and 20")
# The expression style
case(value) \
    .of(Between(1, 10), lambda: print("It's between 1 and 10")) \
    .of(Between(11, 20), lambda: print("It's between 11 and 20")) \
    .otherwise(lambda: print("It's not between 1 and 20"))

# The statement style
except Case(Between(1, 10)):
    print("It's between 1 and 10")
except Case(Between(11, 20)):
    print("It's between 11 and 20")
except Default:
    print("It's not between 1 and 20")

# The declarative style
def f(n: Match(Between(1, 10))):
    print("It's between 1 and 10")

def f(n: Match(Between(11, 20))):
    print("It's between 11 and 20")

def f(n):
    print("It's not between 1 and 20")


# The terse (pampy) style
      Between( 1, 10), lambda: print("It's between 1 and 10"),
      Between(11, 20), lambda: print("It's between 11 and 20"),
      _,               lambda: print("It's not between 1 and 20"))

Nested pattern matches

Patterns are applied recursively, such that nested structures can be matched arbitrarily deep. This is super useful for extracting data from complicated structures:

from apm import *

sample_k8s_response = {
    "containers": [
            "args": [
            "image": "",
            "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
            "name": "metrics-server",
            "ports": [
                    "containerPort": 4443,
                    "name": "https",
                    "protocol": "TCP"

if result := match(sample_k8s_response, {
        "containers": Each({
            "image": 'image' @ _,
            "name": 'name' @ _,
            "ports": Each({
                "containerPort": 'port' @ _
    print(f"Image: {result['image']}, Name: {result['name']}, Port: {result['port']}")

The above will print

Image:, Name: metrics-server, Port: 4443


By default match records only the last match for captures. If for example 'item' @ InstanceOf(int) matches multiple times, the last match will be recorded in result['item']. match can record all captures using the multimatch=True flag:

if result := match([{'foo': 5}, 3, {'foo': 7, 'bar': 9}], Each(OneOf({'foo': 'item' @ _}, ...)), multimatch=True):
    print(result['item'])  # [5, 7]

# The default since v0.15.0 is multimatch=False
if result := match([{'foo': 5}, 3, {'foo': 7, 'bar': 9}], Each(OneOf({'foo': 'item' @ _}, ...))):
  print(result['item'])  # 7

Strict vs non-strict matches

Any value which occurs verbatim in a pattern is matched verbatim (int, str, list, ...), except Dictionaries ( anything which has an items() actually).


some_very_complex_object = {
    "A": 1,
    "B": 2,
    "C": 3,
match(some_very_complex_object, {"C": 3})  # matches!

If you do not want unknown keys to be ignored, wrap the pattern in a Strict:

# does not match, only matches exactly `{"C": 3}`
match(some_very_complex_object, Strict({"C": 3}))

Lists (anything iterable which does not have an items() actually) are also compared as they are, i.e.:

ls = [1, 2, 3]
match(ls, [1, 2, 3])  # matches
match(ls, [1, 2])  # does not match

Match head and tail of a list

It is possible to match the remainder of a list though:

match(ls, [1, 2, Remaining(InstanceOf(int))])

And each item:

match(ls, Each(InstanceOf(int)))

Patterns can be joined using &, |, and ^:

match(ls, Each(InstanceOf(int) & Between(1, 3)))

Wild-card matches are supported using Ellipsis (...):

match(ls, [1, Remaining(..., at_least=2)])

The above example also showcases how Remaining can be made to match at_least n number of items (Each also has an at_least keyword argument).

Wildcard matches anything using _

A wildcard pattern can be expressed using _. _ is a Pattern and thus >> and @ can be used with it.

match([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, _, 3, _])

Wildcard matches anything using ...

The Ellipsis can be used as a wildcard match, too. It is however not a Pattern (so |, &, @, etc. can not be used on it). If you actually want to match Ellipsis, wrap it using Value(...).

Otherwise ... is equivalent for most intents and purposes to _:

match([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, ..., 3, ...])

Support for dataclasses

class User:
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

value = User("Jane", "Doe")

if match(value, User(_, "Doe")):
    print("Welcome, member of the Doe family!")
elif match(value, User(_, _)):
    print("Welcome, anyone!")

The different styles in detail

Simple style

  • 💚 has access to result captures
  • 💚 vanilla python
  • 💔 can not return values (since it's a statement, not an expression)
  • 🖤 a bit repetetive
  • 💚 simplest and most easy to understand style
from apm import *

value = {"a": 7, "b": "foo", "c": "bar"}

if result := match(value, EachItem(_, 'value' @ InstanceOf(str) | ...), multimatch=True):
    print(result['value'])  # ["foo", "bar"]

pre := version (Python 3.7)

bind() can be used on a MatchResult to bind the matched items to an existing dictionary.

from apm import *

value = {"a": 7, "b": "foo", "c": "bar"}

result = {}
if match(value, EachItem(_, 'value' @ InstanceOf(str) | ...)).bind(result):
    print(result['value'])  # ["foo", "bar"]
elif match(value, {"quux": _ >> 'quux'}).bind(result):

Expression style

  • 💚 has access to result captures
  • 💚 vanilla python
  • 💚 can return values
  • 🖤 so terse that it is sometimes hard to read

The expression style is summarized:

case(value).of(pattern, action) ... .otherwise(default_action)

...where action is either a value or a callable. The captures from the matching result are bound to the named parameters of the given callable, i.e. result['foo'] and result['bar'] from 'foo' @ _ and 'bar' @ _ will be bound to foo and bar respectively in lambda foo, bar: ....

from apm import *

display_name = case({'user': 'some-user-id', 'first_name': "Jane", 'last_name': "Doe"}) \
    .of({'first_name': 'first' @ _, 'last_name': 'last' @ _}, lambda first, last: f"{first}, {last}") \
    .of({'user': 'user_id' @ _}, lambda user_id: f"#{user_id}") \

Note: To return a value an .otherwise(...) case must always be present.

Statement style

This is arguable the most hacky style in apm, as it re-uses the try .. except mechanism. It is nevertheless quite readable.

  • 💚 has access to result captures
  • 💚 very readable
  • 💔 can not return values (since it's a statement, not an expression)
  • 🖤 misuse of the try .. except statement
from apm import *

    match({'user': 'some-user-id', 'first_name': "Jane", 'last_name': "Doe"})
except Case({'first_name': 'first' @ _, 'last_name': 'last' @ _}) as result:
    user = f"{result['first']} {result['last']}"
except Case({'user': 'user_id' @ _}) as result:
    user = f"#{result['user_id']}"
except Default:
    user = "anonymous"
print(user)  # "Jane Doe"

Declarative style

  • 💔 does not have access to result captures
  • 💚 very readable
  • 💚 can return values
  • 🖤 the most bloated version of all styles
from apm import *

def fib(n: Match(OneOf(0, 1))):
   return n

def fib(n):
    return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)

for i in range(0, 6):

Nota bene: Overloading using @case_distinction

If not for its pattern matching capabilities, @case_distinction can be used to implement overloading. In fact, it can be imported as @overload. The mechanism is aware of arity and argument types.

from apm.overload import overload

def add(a: str, b: str):
    return "".join([a, b])

def add(a: int, b: int):
    return a + b

add("a", "b")
add(1, 2)

Terse style

  • 💚 has access to wildcard captures
  • 💔 does not have access to named result captures
  • 💚 very concise
  • 💚 can return values
  • 🖤 very readable when formatted nicely
  • 🖤 not so well suited for larger match actions
  • 🖤 does not work nicely with auto-formatting tools

As the name indicates the "terse" style is terse. It is inspired by the pampy pattern matching library and mimics some of its behavior. Despite a slim surface area it also comes with some simplifications:

  • A type given as a pattern is matched against as if it was wrapped in an InstanceOf
  • re.Pattern objects (result of re.compile) are matched against as if it was given via Regex
  • Captures are passed to actions in the same order as they occur in the pattern (not by name)
from apm import *

def fibonacci(n):
  return match(n,
               1, 1,
               2, 1,
               _, lambda x: fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2)

fibonacci(6)  # -> 8 

class Animal:        pass
class Hippo(Animal): pass
class Zebra(Animal): pass
class Horse(Animal): pass

def what_am_i(x):
  return match(x,
               Hippo,  'hippopotamus',
               Zebra,  'zebra',
               Animal, 'some other animal',
               _,      'not at all an animal',

what_am_i(Hippo())  # -> 'hippopotamus'
what_am_i(Zebra())  # -> 'zebra'
what_am_i(Horse())  # -> 'some other animal'
what_am_i(42)       # -> 'not at all an animal'

Available patterns

Capture(pattern, name=)

Captures a piece of the thing being matched by name.

if result := match([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, Capture(Remaining(InstanceOf(int)), name='tail')]):
    print(result['tail'])  ## -> [3, 4]

As this syntax is rather verbose, two short hand notations can be used:

# using the matrix multiplication operator '@' (syntax resembles that of Haskell and Scala)
if result := match([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 'tail' @ Remaining(InstanceOf(int))]):
    print(result['tail'])  ## -> [3, 4]

# using the right shift operator
if result := match([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, Remaining(InstanceOf(int)) >> 'tail']):
    print(result['tail'])  ## -> [3, 4]


Performs a strict pattern match. A strict pattern match also compares the type of verbatim values. That is, while apm would match 3 with 3.0 it would not do so when using Strict. Also apm performs partial matches of dictionaries (that is: it ignores unknown keys). It will perform an exact match for dictionaries using Strict.

# The following will match
match({"a": 3, "b": 7}, {"a": ...})
match(3.0, 3)

# These will not match
match({"a": 3, "b": 7}, Strict({"a": ...}))
match(3.0, Strict(3))


Matches against any of the provided patterns. Equivalent to p1 | p2 | p3 | .. (but operator overloading does not work with values that do not inherit from Pattern)

match("quux", OneOf("bar", "baz", "quux"))
match(3, OneOf(InstanceOf(int), None))

Patterns can also be joined using | to form a OneOf pattern:

match(3, InstanceOf(int) | InstanceOf(float))

The above example is rather contrived, as InstanceOf already accepts multiple types natively:

match(3, InstanceOf(int, float))

Since bare values do not inherit from Pattern they can be wrapped in Value:

match("quux", Value("foo") | Value("quux"))


Checks whether the value matches all of the given pattern. Equivalent to p1 & p2 & p3 & .. (but operator overloading does not work with values that do not inherit from Pattern)

match("quux", AllOf(InstanceOf("str"), Regex("[a-z]+")))


Same as Not(OneOf(*pattern)) (also ~OneOf(*pattern)).


Matches if the given pattern does not match.

match(3, Not(4))  # matches
match(5, Not(4))  # matches
match(4, Not(4))  # does not match

The bitflip prefix operator (~) can be used to express the same thing. Note that it does not work on bare values, so they need to be wrapped in Value.

match(3, ~Value(4))  # matches
match(5, ~Value(4))  # matches
match(4, ~Value(4))  # does not match

Not can be used do create a NoneOf kind of pattern:

match("string", ~OneOf("foo", "bar"))  # matches everything except "foo" and "bar"

Not can be used to create a pattern that never matches:


Each(pattern [, at_least=]

Matches each item in an iterable.

match(range(1, 10), Each(Between(1, 9)))

EachItem(key_pattern, value_pattern)

Matches an object if each key satisfies key_pattern and each value satisfies value_pattern.

match({"a": 1, "b": 2}, EachItem(Regex("[a-z]+"), InstanceOf(int)))


Matches a sequence of items within a list:

if result := match(range(1, 10), [1, 'a' @ Some(...), 4, 'b' @ Some(...), 8, 9]):
    print(result['a'])  # [2, 3]
    print(result['b'])  # [5, 6, 7]

Takes the optional values exactly, at_least, and at_most which makes Some match either exactly n items, at_least n, or at_most n items (at_least and at_most can be given at the same time, but not together with exactly).

Between(lower, upper)

Matches an object if it is between lower and upper (inclusive). The optional keyword arguments lower_bound_exclusive and upper_bound_exclusive can be set to True respectively to exclude the lower/upper from the range of matching values.


Matches an object if it has the given length. Alternatively also accepts at_least and at_most keyword arguments.

match("abc", Length(3))
match("abc", Length(at_least=2))
match("abc", Length(at_most=4))
match("abc", Length(at_least=2, at_most=4))


Matches an object if it contains the given item (as per the same logic as the in operator).

match("hello there, world", Contains("there"))
match([1, 2, 3], Contains(2) & Contains(3))
match({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}, Contains('quux') | Contains('bar'))

Regex(regex_pattern, bind_groups: bool = True)

Matches a string if it completely matches the given regex, as per re.fullmatch. If the regular expression pattern contains named capturing groups and bind_groups is set to True, this pattern will bind the captured results in the MatchResult (the default).

To mimic re.match or the given regular expression x can be augmented as x.* or .*x.* respectively.


Matches an object if it satisfies the given predicate.

match(2, Check(lambda x: x % 2 == 0))


Matches an object if it is an instance of any of the given types.

match(1, InstanceOf(int, flaot))


Matches if the matched type is a subclass of any of the given types.

match(int, SubclassOf(int, float))


Matches a callable if it's type annotations correspond to the given types. Very useful for implementing rich APIs.

def f(x: int, y: float, z):

match(f, Arguments(int, float, None))

Arguments has an alternate form which can be used to match keyword arguments:

def f(x: int, y: float, z: str):

match(f, Arguments(x=int, y=float))

The strictness rules are the same as for dictionaries (which is why the above example works).

# given the f from above
match(f, Strict(Arguments(x=int, y=float)))  # does not match
match(f, Strict(Arguments(x=int, y=float, z=str)))  # matches


Matches a callable if it's type annotations denote the given return type.

def g(x: int) -> str:

match(g, Arguments(int) & Returns(str))

Transformed(function, pattern)

Transforms the currently looked at value by applying function on it and matches the result against pattern. In Haskell and other languages this is known as a view pattern.

def sha256(v: str) -> str:
    import hashlib
    return'sha256', v.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()

match("hello", Transformed(sha256, "2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824"))

This is handy for matching data types like as this pattern won't match if the transformation function errored out with an exception.

from apm import *
from datetime import date

if result := match("2020-08-27", Transformed(date.fromisoformat, 'date' @ _):
    print(repr(result['date']))  # result['date'] is a

At(path, pattern)

Checks whether the nested object to be matched satisfied pattern at the given path. The match fails if the given path can not be resolved.

record = {
    "foo": {
        "bar": {
            "quux": {
                "value": "deeply nested"

result := match(record, At("", {"value": Capture(..., name="value")}))
result['value']  # "deeply nested"

# alternate form
result := match(record, At(['foo', 'bar', 'quux'], {"value": Capture(..., name="value")}))


Mostly syntactic sugar to match a dictionary nicely.

from apm import *
from datetime import datetime

request = {
    "api_version": "v1",
    "job": {
        "run_at": "2020-08-27 14:09:30",
        "command": "echo 'booya'",

if result := match(request, Object(
        run_at=Transformed(datetime.fromisoformat, 'time' @ _),
    ) & OneOf(
        Object(command='command' @ InstanceOf(str)),
        Object(spawn='container' @ InstanceOf(str)),
    print(repr(result['time']))      # datetime(2020, 8, 27, 14, 9, 30)
    print('container' not in result) # True
    print(result['command'])         # "echo 'booya'"


New patterns can be added, just like the ones in apm.patterns.*. Simply extend the apm.Pattern class:

class Min(Pattern):
    def __init__(self, min):
        self.min = min

    def match(self, value, *, ctx: MatchContext, strict=False) -> MatchResult:
        return ctx.match_if(value >= self.min)

match(3, Min(1))  # matches
match(3, Min(5))  # does not match
  • Question: Is it possible to match a subsequence multiple times?

    Question: Is it possible to match a subsequence multiple times?

    Hi! I'm evaluating awesome-pattern-matching for use in the SQLFluff SQL linter package. When we write rules to lint SQL code, we often need to search the parse tree for patterns, and your package seems like a potentially great fit.

    I've gotten some basic patterns working, but I'm struggling with this one, and I wonder if it's supported.

    A SQL CASE statement can have multiple WHEN clauses, e.g.:

                    WHEN species = 'Dog' THEN 'Woof'
                    WHEN species = 'Mouse' THEN 'Squeak'

    I'd like a pattern that matches any number of WHEN segments in a sequence of parse nodes. The WHEN segments are mingled with other segments.

    This works:

                        match = match(
                                "when1" @ Check(sp.is_keyword(("when"))),

    And this works:

                        match = match(
                                "when1" @ Check(sp.is_keyword(("when"))),
                                "when2" @ Check(sp.is_keyword(("when"))),

    But I don't know how to create a pattern for the general case. For example, this attempt does not work:

                        match = match(
                                        "when1" @ Check(sp.is_keyword(("when"))),

    Do you know of a way to do this?

    enhancement implemented 
    opened by barrywhart 7
  • Add complete Python .gitignore

    Add complete Python .gitignore

    I'm looking into using the project but noticed that when I cloned and setup my virtual environment .venv wasn't included in the .gitignore.

    This PR adds the standard Python .gitignore from github.

    opened by jpy-git 1
  • is_dataclass check in transform() should only match instances not types

    is_dataclass check in transform() should only match instances not types

    Normally you can just pass a type to a terse match, but currently it doesn't work if the type is a dataclass because it tries to match against the type as if it were an instance of the dataclass. recommends using is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type) to only match instances.

    Example showing the bug:

    In [1]: from dataclasses import dataclass
    In [2]: @dataclass
       ...: class Foo:
       ...:     x: int
    In [3]: from apm import *
    In [4]: match(Foo(1), Foo, 1) # <--- should work but doesn't
    MatchError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-4-58e7e898a729> in <module>
    ----> 1 match(Foo(1), Foo, 1)
    ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/apm/ in match(value, pattern, multimatch, strict, captureall, *extra)
         83                 return invoke(acc[0], [])
         84             return acc[0]
    ---> 85         raise MatchError(value)
         87     if isinstance(captureall, dict):
    MatchError: Foo(x=1)
    In [5]: match(Foo(1), InstanceOf(Foo), 1) # <--- workaround
    Out[5]: 1
    bug confirmed fixed 
    opened by RedBeard0531 1
  • Fix issue #8: Add support for Some(*patterns) that matches subsequences

    Fix issue #8: Add support for Some(*patterns) that matches subsequences

    This allows Some(*) to match subsequences.

    Previously Some(...) would only match individiual items, i.e. the pattern [0, Some(1), 2] would match the value [0, 1, 1, 1, 2]. Compared with a regex on strings this would be like 01*2 but the repetition here could not be applied to subsequences 0(12)*3. This pull request introduces the ability for Some(*) to take multiple patterns which it then tries to match as a sequence within: [0, Some(1, 2), 3] would now match the value [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]. This could not be expressed before.

    Note that the new syntax is different from Some([1, 2]) as this would match items which are themselves lists, i.e. [0, [1, 2], [1, 2], 3].

    opened by scravy 0
  • Multimatch captures in Patterns with definable aggregations

    Multimatch captures in Patterns with definable aggregations

    Currently it is possible to do multimatch captures, that is

    result = match(list_of_objects, Each({'item': _ >> 'values'}), multimatch=True)

    will make result.values be a list of captures values. Whether a variable multimatches/aggregates or not and what method it uses (list, set, histogram) should be definable by the pattern, something like

    Each({'item': Capture('values', set)})
    enhancement implemented 
    opened by scravy 0
  • Release 1.0.0

    Release 1.0.0

    As there is some considerable overlap between this package and the new match construct of python 3.10 (PEP 622 -- Structural Pattern Matching) I want to wait till 3.10 is finally out and see that apm still has merit then and that it's compatible with python 3.7 - 3.10.

    According to PEP 619 -- Python 3.10 Release Schedule the final version of 3.10 is expected: 3.10.0 final: Monday, 2021-10-04, so I'd like to release 1.0.0 roughly 3 weeks after that.

    opened by scravy 0
  • 0.24.3(Mar 27, 2022)

  • 0.24.2(Jan 4, 2022)

  • 0.24.1(Jan 3, 2022)

  • 0.24.0(Jan 3, 2022)

  • 0.23.0(Jan 2, 2022)

    • Fixes #8 which introduces a new Feature, see description in pull #9

    This allows Some(*) to match subsequences.

    Previously Some(...) would only match individiual items, i.e. the pattern [0, Some(1), 2] would match the value [0, 1, 1, 1, 2]. Compared with a regex on strings this would be like 01*2 but the repetition here could not be applied to subsequences 0(12)*3. This pull request introduces the ability for Some(*) to take multiple patterns which it then tries to match as a sequence within: [0, Some(1, 2), 3] would now match the value [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]. This could not be expressed before.

    Note that the new syntax is different from Some([1, 2]) as this would match items which are themselves lists, i.e. [0, [1, 2], [1, 2], 3].

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.21.2(Apr 24, 2021)

  • 0.21.1(Apr 17, 2021)

  • 0.20.0(Feb 6, 2021)

  • 0.19.0(Jan 24, 2021)

    • MatchContext.match matches collection patterns if type matches exactly
    • Add support for using range as a pattern
    • 100% test (line and branch) coverage
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.18.0(Jan 20, 2021)

  • 0.17.0(Jan 20, 2021)

  • 0.16.0(Jan 19, 2021)

    • Match can now propagate match-options too
    • case and of accept match-options
    • strict option properly makes collection comparisons deeply strict
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.15.1(Jan 17, 2021)

  • 0.15.0(Jan 17, 2021)

    • _ in keys won't lock the matched key to the value pattern (this is a more intuitive behavior)
    • Add support for matching and capturing types directly in the short-hand match style (compatible with pampy)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.14.0(Jan 16, 2021)

    • Add bind_groups to Regex
    • Rework dictionary pattern matching logic - allows for patterns in keys now (see the tests)
    • Removed argresult= kwarg to match - MatchResult now implements __getattr__ by default
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.13.0(Jan 13, 2021)

  • 0.12.0(Jan 11, 2021)

  • 0.11.0(Jan 10, 2021)

  • 0.10.0(Jan 10, 2021)

  • 0.9.0(Jan 9, 2021)

    • Add kwargs to Arguments
    • Add at_least and at_most to Length
    • Add pampy style matching
    • @case_distinction now supports overloading based on typing annotations
    • Add IsTruish
    • Add more examples to user guide / readme
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.8.0(Jan 8, 2021)

  • 0.7.0(Jan 7, 2021)

  • 0.6.0(Jan 7, 2021)

  • 0.5.0(Jan 6, 2021)

  • 0.4.1(Jan 4, 2021)

  • 0.3.0(Jan 4, 2021)

    • Strict now makes verbatim matches match exactly the same types only.
    • Added EachItem, At, Transformed, Length, Arguments, Returns, Contains, Truish
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Covid-19-Trends - A project that me and my friends created as the CSC110 Final Project at UofT

Covid-19-Trends Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe financial s

1 Jan 07, 2022
PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.

PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.

Helin Wang 3 Feb 21, 2022
Repo to store back end infrastructure for Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle Backend API RESTful API for Message in a Bottle frontend application consumption. About The Project • Tools Used • Local Set Up •

4 Dec 05, 2021
Script to work around some quirks of the blender obj importer

ObjFix 1.0 (WIP) Script to work around some quirks of the blender obj importer Installation Download this repo In Blender, press "Edit" on the top-bar

Red_3D 4 Nov 20, 2021
Design-by-contract in Python3 with informative violation messages and inheritance

icontract icontract provides design-by-contract to Python3 with informative violation messages and inheritance. It also gives a base for a flourishing

275 Jan 02, 2023
Dot Browser is a privacy-conscious web browser with smarts built-in for protection against trackers and advertisments online.

🌍 Take back your privacy with Dot Browser, the privacy-conscious web browser that protects you from being tracked and monitored online.

Dot HQ 1k Jan 07, 2023
DC619/DC858 Mainframe Environment/Lab

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Soldier of FORTRAN 9 Jun 27, 2022

PwnDatas-DB-Project PwnDatas-DB-Project(PDDP) 安裝依賴: pip3 install pymediawiki 使用: cd /opt git c

21 Jul 16, 2021
This is the Quiz that I made using Python Programming Language. This can only run in the Terminal

This is the Quiz that I made using Python Programming Language. This can only run in the Terminal

python's memory-saving dictionary data structure

ConstDict python代替的Dict数据结构 若字典不会增加字段,只读/原字段修改 使用ConstDict可节省内存 Dict()内存主要消耗的地方: 1、Dict扩容机制,预留内存空间 2、Dict也是一个对象,内部会动态维护__dict__,增加slot类属性可以节省内容 节省内存大小

Grenter 1 Nov 03, 2021
Practice10 - Operasi String With Python

Operasi String MY SOSIAL MEDIA : Apa itu Python String ? String adalah urutan si

Maulana Reza Badrudin 1 Jan 05, 2022
Remove Sheet Protection from .xlsx files. Easily.

🔓 Excel Sheet Unlocker Remove sheet protection from .xlsx files. How to use Run Run the script/packaged executable from the command line. Universal u

Daniel 3 Nov 16, 2022
A python script developed to process Windows memory images based on triage type.

Overview A python script developed to process Windows memory images based on triage type. Requirements Python3 Bulk Extractor Volatility2 with Communi

CrowdStrike 245 Nov 24, 2022
TB Set color display - Add-on for Blender to set multiple objects and material Display Color at once.

TB_Set_color_display Add-on for Blender with operations to transfer name between object, data, materials and action names Set groups of object's or ma

1 Jun 01, 2022
A python script for compiling and executing .cc files

Debug And Run A python script for compiling and executing .cc files Example dbrun [DEBUG MODE] Compiling with C++17 ------------

1 May 28, 2022
Rick Astley Language is a rick roll oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language.

Rick Roll Language / Rick Astley Language A rick roll oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language. Prolegomenon The reasons that I made t

Rick Roll Programming Language 658 Jan 09, 2023
Python MapReduce library written in Cython.

Python MapReduce library written in Cython. Visit us in #hadoopy on freenode. See the link below for documentation and tutorials.

Brandyn White 243 Sep 16, 2022
Badge-Link-Creater 'For more beautiful profiles.'

Badge-Link-Creater 'For more beautiful profiles.' Ready Badges Prepares the codes of the previously prepared badges for you. Note Click here for more

Mücahit Gündüz 9 Oct 19, 2022
Pixelarticons - Pixel Art Icons made simple for Flutter, powered by pixelarticons and fontify

Pixelarticons - Pixel Art Icons made simple for Flutter, powered by pixelarticons and fontify

lask 16 Dec 12, 2022
Make dbt docs and Apache Superset talk to one another

dbt-superset-lineage Make dbt docs and Apache Superset talk to one another Why do I need something like this? Odds are rather high that you use dbt to

Slido 81 Jan 06, 2023