CRISCE: Automatically Generating Critical Driving Scenarios From Car Accident Sketches


CRISCE: Automatically Generating Critical Driving Scenarios From Car Accident Sketches

This document describes how to install and use CRISCE (CRItical SCEnario), the tool developed by Jasim Ahmed and others for automatically generate simulations of car crashed from accident sketches using

Repo Organization

├── Datasets
│   ├── CIREN
│   └── SYNTH
├── PythonRobotics
├── beamngpy-1.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl
├── crisce
└── requirements.txt

The crisce folder contains the source code of the tool. The Datasets folder contains the sample accident sketches compatible with the tool: CIREN contains sketches from NHTSA; SYNT contains synthetic sketches that we manually created from pre-existing car crash simulations in

beamngpy-1.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl is the wheel file necessary to manually install beamngpy the Python API to Tl;DR: The package available on pypi is broken.

requirements.txt lists the python packages needed to install the tool. They are in the usual format accepted by pip.


CRISCE is a tool written in Python, therefore it requires a working Python installation. Specifically, we tested CRISCE with Python 3.7.10

CRISCE uses the simulator to run the driving simulations. Therefore, must be installed as well.

Note: the version of the simulator used by CRISCE is BeamNG.research v1.7.0.1 is free for research use and can be requested to BeamNG.GmbH by submitting the form at the following link:

NOTE: currently supports only Windows, hence CRISCE cannot be used on other platforms (e.g., Linux/Mac) unless you can resort to full system virtualization. For example, we tested CRISCE using the commercial tool Parallels Desktop running on a Mac Book Pro. Performance will not be the same but at least it gets the job done.



After successfully registered to, you should receive an email with the instructions to access the software and a registration key (i.e., tech.key).

Please download the BeamNG.research v1.7.0.1 and unzip it somewhere in your system.

ATTENTION: BeamNG cannot handle paths with spaces and special characters, so please install it in a location that matches these requirements. We suggest something simple, like C:\BeamNG.research_v1.7.0.1.

We refer to this folder as

Store a copy of the tech.key file in a folder somewhere in your system and rename this copy to research.key. BeamNG use this folder to cache the content and the simulation data.

ATTENTION: BeamNG cannot handle paths with spaces and special characters, so please store the registration file in a location that matches these requirements. We suggest something simple, like C:\BeamNG_user.

We refer to this folder as

Installing CRISCE and its Dependencies

We exemplify the installation and usage of CRISCE using Windows Powershell; you can use other systems (e.g., PyCharm) but in that case you need to adapt the commands below.

Before starting, check that you have installed the right version of Python:

python.exe -V
    Python 3.7.10

To install CRISCE we suggest creating a virtual environment using venv. You can also use conda or similar, but in this case you need to adapt the command below to fit your case.

Move to CRISCE's root folder (i.e., where this file is) and create a new virtual environment:

python.exe -m venv .venv

Activate the virtual environment and upgrade pip, setup tools and wheel.

py.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install setuptools wheel --upgrade

Install the python dependencies listed in the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point, we need to install beamingly from the provided wheel file:

pip install beamngpy-1.18-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Finally, we need to make sure the code of PythonRobotics is there:

git submodule init
git submodule update

At this point, you should be ready to go.

Confirm that CRISCE is installed using the following command from the root folder of this repo:

py.exe crisce/ --help

This command must produce an output similar to:


  --log-to PATH  Location of the log file. If not specified logs appear on the
  --debug        Activate debugging (results in more logging)  [default:
  --help         Show this message and exit.


Running CRISCE

The current release of CRISCE allows to generate a BeamNG simulation of a car crash from a single sketch using the command generate. This command accepts several parameters that you can list by invoking:

py.exe crisce/ generate --help

Usage: generate [OPTIONS]

  --accident-sketch PATH        Input accident sketch for generating the
                                simulation  [required]
  --dataset-name [CIREN|SYNTH]  Name of the dataset the accident comes from.
  --output-to PATH              Folder to store outputs. It will created if
                                not present. If omitted we use the accident
  --beamng-home PATH            Home folder of the BeamNG.research simulator
  --beamng-user PATH            User folder of the BeamNG.research simulator
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

The following commands show how you can generate a simulation of a real car crash (i.e., from a sketch in the CIREN dataset) and from a simulated crash (i.e., from a sketch in the SYNTH dataset). The difference between the two dataset is that for sketches of real car crashes, we have information about the expected impact; while, for synthetic sketches the information is missing.

For example, to create a simulation form the following sketch (i.e., CIREN-99817): CIREN-99817


you can run the following command (after replacing and with the appropriate values:

py.exe crisce/ generate generate --accident-sketch .\Datasets\CIREN\99817\ --dataset-name CIREN --beamng-home `
    ` --beamng-user 


To create a simulation form the following synthetic sketch (i.e., fourway_1): CIREN-99817

you can run the following command:

py.exe crisce/ generate generate --accident-sketch ./Datasets/SYNTH/fourway_1 --dataset-name SYNTH --beamng-home `
    ` --beamng-user 



The generate command produces a number of intermediate outputs that show the progress of the computation and measure the accuracy of the simulation that is printed on the console:

Quality_of_environment = 33.0, quality_of_crash = 17.0, quality_of_trajecory = 19.009199327937655
Crash Simulation Accuracy =  69.00919932793765 %

The intermediate results instead are stored under the sketch folder (under output) or the folder configured via the --output-to parameter.

For the case CIREN-99817 for example, those are the intermediate results produced by CRISCE:

├── car
│   ├── 0_mask_result_b.jpg
│   ├── 0_mask_result_r.jpg
│   ├── 1_blend_masks_r_b.jpg
│   ├── 1_blend_masks_res.jpg
│   ├── 2_opening_morph.jpg
│   ├── 3_AABB_OBB.jpg
│   ├── 4_crash_point_visualization.jpg
│   ├── 5_triangle_extraction.jpg
│   ├── 6_angles_for_vehicles.jpg
│   ├── 7_sequence_of_movements.jpg
│   ├── 8_twelve_point_model_sides.jpg
│   └── 9_crash_point_on_vehicles.jpg
├── kinematics
│   ├── 0_distorted_control_points.jpg
│   ├── 1_distorted_control_points.jpg
│   ├── 2_distorted_trajectory.jpg
│   ├── 2_original_trajectory.jpg
│   ├── 3_distorted_trajectory.jpg
│   └── 3_original_trajectory.jpg
├── road
│   ├── 0_gray_image.jpg
│   ├── 1_blur_image.jpg
│   ├── 2_threshold_image.jpg
│   ├── 3_dilate_image.jpg
│   ├── 4_erode_image.jpg
│   ├── 5_Contour_Viz_image.jpg
│   ├── 6_midpoints_of_lane.jpg
│   ├── 7_distortion_mapping.jpg
│   └── 8_final_result.jpg
├── simulation
│   ├── 0_sim_plot_road.jpg
│   ├── 1_sim_initial_pos_dir.jpg
│   ├── 2_sim_bbox_traj.jpg
│   ├── 3_crisce_beamng_efficiency.jpg
│   ├── 3_crisce_efficiency.jpg
│   └── 4_trace_veh_BBOX.jpg
└── summary.json
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