Parses data out of your Google Takeout (History, Activity, Youtube, Locations, etc...)



  • parses both the Historical HTML and new JSON format for Google Takeouts
  • caches individual takeout results behind cachew
  • merge multiple takeouts into unique events

Parses data out of your Google Takeout (History, Activity, Youtube, Locations, etc...)

This doesn't handle all cases, but I have yet to find a parser that does, so here is my attempt at parsing what I see as the most useful info from it. The Google Takeout is pretty particular, and the contents of the directory depend on what you select while exporting. Unhandled files will warn, though feel free to PR a parser or create an issue if this doesn't parse some part you want.

This can take a few minutes to parse depending on what you have in your Takeout (especially while using the old HTML format), so this uses cachew to cache the function result for each Takeout you may have. That means this'll take a few minutes the first time parsing a takeout, but then only a few seconds every subsequent time.

Since the Takeout slowly removes old events over time, I would recommend periodically (personally I do it once every few months) backing up your data, to not lose any old events and get data from new ones. To use, go to; For Reference, once on that page, I hit Deselect All, then select:

  • Chrome
  • Google Play Store
  • Location History
    • Select JSON as format
  • My Activity
    • Select JSON as format
  • Youtube and Youtube Music
    • Select JSON as format
    • In options, deselect music-library-songs, music-uploads and videos

The process for getting these isn't that great -- you have to manually go to every few months, select what you want to export info for, and then it puts the zipped file into your google drive. You can tell it to run it at specific intervals, but I personally haven't found that to be that reliable.

This was extracted out of my HPI modules, which was in turn modified from the google files in karlicoss/HPI


Requires python3.7+

To install with pip, run:

pip install git+


CLI Usage

Can be access by either google_takeout_parser or python -m google_takeout_parser. Offers a basic interface to list/clear the cache directory, and/or parse a takeout and interact with it in a REPL:

To clear the cachew cache: google_takeout_parser cache_dir clear

To parse a takeout:

$ google_takeout_parser parse ~/data/Unpacked_Takout --cache
Interact with the export using res

In [1]: res[-2]
Out[1]: PlayStoreAppInstall(title='Hangouts', device_name='motorola moto g(7) play', dt=datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 2, 15, 51, 50, 180000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

In [2]: len(res)
Out[2]: 236654

Also contains a small utility command to help move/extract the google takeout:

$ google_takeout_parser move --from ~/Downloads/takeout*.zip --to-dir ~/data/google_takeout --extract
Extracting /home/sean/Downloads/ to /tmp/tmp07ua_0id
Moving /tmp/tmp07ua_0id/Takeout to /home/sean/data/google_takeout/Takeout-1634993897
$ ls -1 ~/data/google_takeout/Takeout-1634993897
'Google Play Store'
'Location History'
'My Activity'
'YouTube and YouTube Music'

Library Usage

Assuming you maintain an unpacked view, e.g. like:

 $ tree -L 1 ./Takeout-1599315526
├── Google Play Store
├── Location History
├── My Activity
└── YouTube and YouTube Music

To parse one takeout:

from pathlib import Path
from google_takeout.path_dispatch import TakeoutParser
tp = TakeoutParser(Path("/full/path/to/Takeout-1599315526"))
# to check if files are all handled
# to parse without caching the results in ~/.cache/google_takeout_parser
uncached = list(tp.parse())
# to parse with cachew cache
cached = list(tp.cached_parse())

To merge takeouts:

from pathlib import Path
from google_takeout.merge import cached_merge_takeouts
results = list(cached_merge_takeouts([Path("/full/path/to/Takeout-1599315526"), Path("/full/path/to/Takeout-1634971143")]))

The events this returns is a combination of all types in the (to support easy serialization with cachew), to filter to a particular just do an isinstance check:

>> len(locations) 99913 ">
from google_takeout_parser.models import Location
takeout_generator = TakeoutParser(Path("/full/path/to/Takeout")).cached_parse()
locations = list(filter(lambda e: isinstance(e, Location), takeout_generator))
>>> len(locations)

I personally exclusively use this through my HPI google takeout file, as a configuration layer to locate where my takeouts are on disk, and since that 'automatically' unzips the takeouts (I store them as the zips), i.e., doesn't require me to maintain an unpacked view


Just to give a brief overview, to add new functionality (parsing some new folder that this doesn't currently support), you'd need to:

  • Add a model for it in, which a key property function which describes each event uniquely (used to merge takeout events); add it to the Event Union
  • Write a function which takes the Path to the file you're trying to parse and converts it to the model you created (See examples in If its relatively complicated (e.g. HTML), ideally extract a div from the page and add a test for it so its obvious when/if the format changes.
  • Add a regex match for the file path to the DEFAULT_HANDLER_MAP


git clone ''
cd ./google_takeout_parser
pip install '.[testing]'
mypy ./google_takeout_parser
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