Django Smuggler is a pluggable application for Django Web Framework that helps you to import/export fixtures via the automatically-generated administration interface.


Django Smuggler

Django Smuggler is a pluggable application for Django Web Framework to easily dump/load fixtures via the automatically-generated administration interface. A fixture is file with model data serialized to e.g. JSON or XML that Django knows how to import to the database.

Smuggler is especially useful for transporting database data between production and development environments, but can also be used as a backup tool.

Project page

Installing & Setup

Smuggler is in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and you can easily install the latest stable version of it using the tools pip or easy_install. Try:

pip install django-smuggler


easy_install django-smuggler

Alternatively, you can install Smuggler from source code running the follow command on directory that contains the file

python install

After installation you need configure your project to recognizes the Smuggler application adding 'smuggler' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting and setup the project URLConf like follow:

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path('admin/', include('smuggler.urls')),  # before admin url patterns!

Then try access these urls:

If you can access the URLs above, the application was setup correctly. Note that these URLs are accessible only by superusers.

Smuggler also provides a template to show buttons for dump and load data on change list page (change_list.html). You can setup the ModelAdmin you are interested like follow:

class ExampleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    change_list_template = 'smuggler/change_list.html'


Smuggler has the following settings available. You can set them in your project If you doesn't set them it will assume the default values:

List of models to be excluded from dump. Use the form 'app_label.ModelName'. Default: [].
Uploaded fixtures are stored in this directory (if requested). Default: None.
Format for dumped files. Any of the serialization formats supported by Django, json, xml and in some cases yaml. Default: 'json'.
Indentation for dumped files. Default: 2.


Buttons on change_list.html:

buttons on change_list.html

Load form (with SMUGGLER_FIXTURE_DIR configured):

load form

Release notes

Version 1.0.2 (2020-09-28)

  • Support Django 3.1

Version 1.0.1 (2020-05-15)

  • Fix Python packaging setup

Version 1.0.0 (2020-04-20)

  • Support Django 3.0
  • Drop support for Python < 3.6 and Django < 2.2

Version 0.9.1 (2018-11-05)

  • Support Django 2.1

Version 0.9.0 (2018-03-22)

  • Support Django 2.0
  • Drop support for Django < 1.10

Version 0.8.0 (2016-11-09)

  • Support Django 1.10

Version 0.7.0 (2016-02-25)

  • Support Django 1.8
  • Support Django 1.9
  • Drop support for Django < 1.7
  • Drop support for Python < 2.7

Version 0.6.1 (2015-11-25)

  • Increase Django 1.7 compatibilty by supporting use_natural_foreign_keys and use_natural_primary_keys arguments for dumpdata

Version 0.6 (2014-09-18)

  • HTML5 multiple file upload is now supported for fixture uploads
  • Support loading fixtures from SMUGGLER_FIXTURE_DIR and upload at the same time
  • Recognize fixtures with upper case file extension correctly
  • Loading fixtures now uses loaddata management command
  • Removed
  • Removed sample templates
  • Cleaner code and better tests :-)

Version 0.5 (2014-08-21)

  • Added an option to specify a list of app labels to the /dump/ view
  • Improved test suite
  • Dropped Django 1.3 support
  • Preliminary Python 3 support

Version 0.4.1 (2013-11-12)

  • Changelist template is now Django 1.6 compatible

Version 0.4 (2013-04-01)

  • Django 1.5+ support;
  • Added German translation;
  • Added some tests.

Version 0.3 (2012-01-31)

  • Significant bug fixes and improvements when loading and exporting data;
  • Allow formats for import besides JSON and XML (aa105b3, needs documentation);
  • Added Dutch translation.

Version 0.2 (2011-08-19)

  • Django 1.2+ support;
  • Keep uploaded files as alternative choices to import (issues #1 and #6);
  • Vulnerability fixed (d73cec6);
  • Added Polish, Russian, Catalan and Brazilian Portuguese translations.

Version 0.1.1 (2010-01-20)

  • First stable version.

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Removed AdminFormMixin (Version 0.7)
  • Removed (Version 0.6)
  • Renamed urls from import/export to load/dump (Version 0.1)


If you find any problems in the code or documentation, please take 30 seconds to fill out a issue here.

The contributing with code or translation is MUCH-APPRECIATED. Feel free to fork or send patches.

You can translate this application to your language using Transifex. Access the project page on Transifex.

See the AUTHORS file for a complete authors list of this application.

Thanks to Interaction Consortium for sponsoring the first releases of the project.


If you are contributing to django-smuggler we recommend setting up a virtualenv and running:

pip install -r test-requirements.txt

You can then run the tests with:

make tests

Before submitting a pull request please test against our supported versions of Python and Django by running:


To see if you need to add tests we use coverage. You can generate a coverage report with:

make coverage

To check if your code follows the style guide you can run:

make lint

Copying conditions

Django Smuggler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Django Smuggler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see

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