A web RTSP play platform based on websocket and tornado, websocket use blob binaryType read as ArrayBuffer



A web RTSP play platform based on websocket and tornado, websocket use blob binaryType read as ArrayBuffer


  • Opencv解码 RTSP流,通过websocket 在Web端显示。
  • websocket使用Blob binaryType, ArrayBuffer数据格式, 读取为base64在前端显示
  • Websocket基于 Tornado
  • 多进程解码RTSP流,通过queue通信。一个进程解码帧信息,一个进程读取队列帧信息




pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. 修改 config.ini 配置信息:端口号、RTSP流地址
  2. 启动脚本 python3 main.py
  3. 打开浏览器 http://localhost:{port}
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