Fener ROS2 package version 2


Fener Vehicle ROS2

Fener's ROS2 codes that runs on the vehicle. This node contains basic sensing and actuation nodes for vehicle control. Also example applications will be added.


This project is related to these project listed below.

Fener's Arduino Code

Fener Console Ros2


First be sure that you have ROS2 Eloquent on your processing unit.


  git clone https://github.com/sezer-muhammed/Fener-Vehicle-Repo-v2.git
  cd Fener-Vehicle-Repo-v2
  colcon build --symlink-install

Nodes and Usage

Node Command
BNO055 IMU Data Publisher ros2 run fener_package_v2 bno055_pub
Lidar Data Publisher ros2 run fener_package_v2 lidar_pub
Driver and Encoder ros2 run fener_package_v2 driver
Solo Camera Publisher ros2 run fener_package_v2 solo_cam_pub

BNO055 IMU Data Publisher

This Node publishes vehicles IMU data as IMU.

Lidar Data Publisher

This Node publishes vehicles Lidar data as LaserScan.

Driver and Encoder Node

This Node drives the vehicle according to related topics and publishes encoder data as Int64MultiArray.

Example subscriber callback

def encoder_callback(self, msg): 
    self.encoder_data = msg.data

Solo Camera Publisher

This Node publishes left camera image as CompressedImage



Muhammed Sezer
METU Student, loves robotics and AI
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