This tool is created by Shahzain and is one of the best self bots out there!


Shahzain SelfBot

This tool is created by Shahzain and is one of the best self bots out there!


  • Token Destroyer!
  • Server Nuker(50-100 Bans Per Second)!
  • Disable/Lock Token With One Command
  • Server Joiner
  • Member Scrapper
  • Webhook Spammer
  • Username Scrapper
  • DM Spammer(Spam Anyones DMS)
  • Commands

  • !spamchannels "channelName" | Creates alot of channels in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !spamroles "roleName" | Creates alot of roles in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !scrape | Scrapes members of the guild the command is executed in which can be used to mass ban later
  • !massban | Bans all the members of the server at a very quick speed(50-100 bans per 1 second)
  • !spamwebhook webhook_url "content" | Spams the webhook very quickly
  • !deleteallroles | Deletes all the roles in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !deleteallchannels | Deletes all the channels in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !spamfriends "msg" | DMS the user's friend list with the given message
  • !disabletoken | Disables/Phonelock the token
  • !sethypesquad "house" | Changes the hypesquad of the user to the provided house(ex: !sethypesquad "balance")
  • !rapetoken | Destroys the token completely
  • !spamdms user_id "msg" | Spams the given user's dms(ex: !spamdms 893638424362385418 "shahzain is the best")
  • !unbanall | Unbans all banned members from the guild the command is executed in
  • Note your token will not be locked/disabled with this tool

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