Socket Based Backdoor and Listener
Project Description The Project is mainly based on Sockets
Project Features - Listeners are used to recieve the incomming Data from the Target Computer
👂 - Backdoors are Used to Execute on target Computer to send the data
📩 - Once the Connection is made you can write any command on Listener and Execute
- Any Command Executed on listener will be executed silently in the Target Machine
- Output Will be Displayed on listener machine
- All the Target OS Commands Can Be Executed On Listener
- Backdoors are made Persistent So you Won't lose Connection Once the Computer Restarts IT WILL BE BACK!!!
- You Can Convert the python files into any target machine Executable so it's not Suspicious
Usage (For Testing Purposes) :
Step 1: Use Virtual Box and Install any Linux OS and bridge the wifi Adapter in network Settings
Step 2: Head to Command Line and edit and enter the IP address of Linux Machine wherever mentioned:
(For getting IP address on eth0)
Step 3: Execute the file:
(remember:- should be in same directory)
Step 4: Head Over to Target Machine (Example Windows OS) and change the IP address of execute_backdoor similiar to listener's IP:
Step 5: Execute the file:
(remember:- should be in same directory)
## **AND YOU ARE SET TO GO !!!** go to the listener and execute any system commands you would like (eg : cd)
# Additional Features
- USE THE Following command to download any file from target's current working directory ``` download (filename) ```
- USE THE Following command to upload any file from listener's current working directory to target's working Directory:
upload (filename)