script to analyze EQ decay using python



script to analyze EQ decay using python

PyQ Decay ver 1.0

A pythonic script to analyze EQ aftershock decay using method of Omori (1894), Mogi (1962), and Utsu (1957) that used worldwide, include in Indonesia by BMKG.

This folder contain the script and test_data.txt that used as an example for data format. There's also conda_environment.yml included for people who use Anaconda or Miniconda (recomended). The yml files contain packages that used to run.

The script only run using python 3. line 145 is text data input to analyze that contain time of EQ in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. line 146 is frequency in hours that will be used to analyze data.


  • for Anaconda / Miniconda user

in your terminal, make sure that this file exist by using ls and then type :

conda env create -f conda_environment.yml

conda would create a virtual environment named py3 (as the first line of conda_environment.yml) to activate this environment, go to terminal and then type :

conda activate py3

  • for pip

in your terminal, type :

pip install pandas

pip install numpy

pip install matplotlib

additionally, you may install cartopy with

pip install cartopy

if you by any chance decide to not install cartopy please disable line 15 and 16 by adding # at the very first character if using python 3, use pip3 instead. for additional information, please refer to their corresponding website.

There're soo much thing that can be improved here that i plan to do in the near future.

Thank you, and sorry for any wrong spelling.

Best regards,


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