Deeplearning project at The Technological University of Denmark (DTU) about Neural ODEs for finding dynamics in ordinary differential equations and real world time series data



Marcus Lenler Garsdal, [email protected]

Valdemar Søgaard, [email protected]

Simon Moe Sørensen, [email protected]


This repo contains the code used for the paper Time series data estimation using Neural ODE in Variational Auto Encoders.

Using pytorch and Neural ODEs (NODEs) it attempts to learn the true dynamics of time series data using toy examples such as clockwise and counterclockwise spirals, and three different examples of sine waves: first a standard non-dampened sine wave, second a dampened sine wave, third an exponentially decaying and dampened sine wave. Finally, the NODE is trained on real world time series data of solar power curves.

The performance of the NODEs are compared to an LSTM VAE baseline on RMSE error and time per epoch.

This project is a purely research and curiosity based project.

Code structure

To make development and research more seamless, an object-oriented approach was taken to improve efficiency and consistency across multiple runs. This also makes it easier to extend and change workflows across multiple models at once.

Source files

The src folder contains the source code. The main components of the source code are:

  • Data loading object. Primarily uses data generation functions.
  • Contains model implementations and the abstract TrainerModel class which defines models in the file.
  • A generalized Trainer class used to train subclasses of the TrainerModel class. Moreover, it saves and loads different types of models and handles model visualizations.
  • Standard utility functions
  • Visualizes model properties such as reconstructions, loss curves and original data samples


In addition, there are three folders for each type of dataset:

  • real/: Contains data for solar power curves and main script for training the solar power model
  • spring/: Generates spring examples and trains spring models
  • toy/: Generates spiral examples and trains spiral models

Each script takes a number of relevant parameters as input to enable parameter tuning, experimentation of different model types, dataset sizes and types. These can be read from the respective files.

Running the code

To run the code use the following code in a terminal with the project root as working directory: python -m src.[dataset].main [--args]

For example: python3 -m src.toy.main --epochs 1000 --freq 100 --num-data 500 --n-total 300 --n-sample 200 --n-skip 1 --latent-dim 4 --hidden-dim 30 --lstm-hidden-dim 45 --lstm-layers 2 --lr 0.001 --solver rk4

Setup environment

Create a new python environment and install the packages from requirements.txt using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run python notebook

Install Jupyter with pip install jupyter and run a server using jupyter notebook or any supported software such as Anaconda.

Then open run_experiments.ipynb and run the first cell. If the cell succeeds, you should see outputs in experiment/output/png/**

Simon Moe Sørensen
Studying MSc Business Analytics - Predictive Modelling at DTU
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