A proper portfolio tracker. Featuring historical allocation, cash flows and real returns.


Python Portfolio Analytics


A portfolio tracker featuring account transactions, historical allocation, dividends and splits management and endless performance metrics. ➡️ Go to web app

Input example

Date Ticker Order Price Quantity Fee
2019-10-01 CASH.USD deposit 1 100000 0
2019-10-11 AAPL purchase 234.52 88 35
2019-11-25 MSFT purchase 148.3 250 25
2019-12-04 AAPL sale 262.08 50 20
2020-01-06 FB purchase 208 100 10
2020-01-25 CASH.USD withdrawal 1 30000 0


Test locally in conda environment:

$ git clone https://github.com/simprecicchiani/iPortfolio.git
$ cd iPortfolio
$ conda env create -f .environment.yml
$ conda activate ppa

Alternatively with pip in a virtual environment (python>=3.9):

$ git clone https://github.com/simprecicchiani/iPortfolio.git
$ cd iPortfolio
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the web app locally with

$ streamlit run app/main.py

Open either /tests/yf_test.ipynb (uses Yahoo Finance, slower, support multicurrency) or /tests/av_test.ipynb (requires a free Alpha Vantage API key).

Newest version /tests/pdr_test.ipynb with pandas-datareader.

Built with

Python 3.9 and additional packages (leveraging pandas DatetimeIndex feature)

To Do

  • Migration to Alpha Vantage
  • Portfolio builder UI (not available)
  • Data sanity check (not available)
  • Portfolio dashboard (early stage)
  • Multicurrency portfolio (done in yf variant)

Further development

  • Portfolio Technicals
  • Lots of charts
  • Indicators (Sharpe Ratio, Beta, VaR, etc)
  • Sector Exposure (stocks only)
Simone Precicchiani
MSc student in Corporate Finance @ LUISS University of Rome
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