sK1 2.0 cross-platform vector graphics editor


sK1 2.0

build status platform platform License: GPL v3

sK1 2.0 under Ubuntu 14.04

sK1 2.0 is a cross-platform open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. sK1 is oriented for prepress industry, so it works with CMYK color space and produces CMYK-based PDF and PS output.

sK1 Project (

How to install:

  • to build package: python build
  • to install package: python install
  • to remove installation: python uninstall

  • to create source distribution: python sdist

  • to create binary RPM distribution: python bdist_rpm
  • to create binary DEB distribution: python bdist_deb

  • help on available distribution formats: python bdist --help-formats


If you wish testing sK1 you have two installation ways. First option is a distutils install with commands:

python build
python install

But this way is not recommended. The most preferred option is a package installation (deb or rpm). You can create package using command:

python bdist_deb (for Ubuntu|Mint|Debian etc.)
python bdist_rpm (for Fedora|OpenSuse|Mageia etc.)

By installing the package you have full control over all the installed files and can easily remove them from the system (it's important for application preview).


Please note that application uses Python 2.x version. So Python interpreter and python based dependencies should be for 2.x, but not 3.x

For successful build either distutils or deb|rpm package you need installing some development packages. We describe dev-packages for Ubuntu|Debian, but for other distros they have similar names. So, you need:


To run application you need installing also:


Also the project depends on several subprojects: uniconvertor, wal, build-utils. You don't need to clone these sources manualy because does it for you automatically.

sK1 2.0 cross-platform vector graphics editor

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