Sky Computing: Accelerating Geo-distributed Computing in Federated Learning


Sky Computing


Sky Computing is a load-balanced framework for federated learning model parallelism. It adaptively allocate model layers to devices based on the their hardware sepcification. Sky Computing outperforms the baseline method by 55% in training time when training 160-layer BERT in a 64-node cluster. Our paper can be found at

The concept sky computing was first introduced by Dr. Katarzyna Keahey et al. They used this word to describe a cross-cloud compute pattern. And later Prof. Stoica and Prof. Shenker generalized this word to geo-distributed computing. Our project is based on their definition. [1] [2]


git clone [email protected]:hpcaitech/SkyComputing.git
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ./scaelum
python -m pip install -v -e .

Experiment (using BERT)

To benchmark the Sky Computing, we prepared a single demo which you can run on your cluster to train BERT.

Prepare BERT model

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (aka BERT) is one of the state-of-the-art deep learning models for Natural Language Processing. In the experiment part, we use BERT to run a simple benchmark.

mkdir -p BERT/model && cd BERT/model 

Prepare GLUE MNLI dataset

The General Language Understanding Evaluation (aka GLUE) benchmark is a collection of resources for training, evaluating, and analyzing natural language understanding systems. And the Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference (aka MNLI) is one of the tasks in GLUE, it is a crowd-sourced collection of 433k sentence pairs annotated with textual entailment information.

mkdir -p BERT/data && cd BERT/data
python --data_dir ./glue_data --tasks MNLI


To run dllb in your cluster, you need to write a config file which contains the necessary information about training, e.g. model layers, useful environment variables. We have provided a well-commentted example, and here are some most important option:

# your project path
PROJECT = os.getenv("PROJECT")

# allocation type, valid values are even, optimal and dynamic

# num of node (including the central server)

Run scripts

Slurm is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. We used slurm script to run our experiment.


#SBATCH --job-name=gpu16   # Job name
#SBATCH -o gpu16.o%j       # Name of stdout output file
#SBATCH -e gpu16.e%j       # Name of stderr error file
#SBATCH -N 16              # Node numbers
#SBATCH -n 16              # GPU numbers
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00    # Run time (hh:mm:ss)

# run
python ./ > "./HOST"
srun python ./ -c "./experiment/"


      title={Sky Computing: Accelerating Geo-distributed Computing in Federated Learning}, 
      author={Jie Zhu and Shenggui Li and Yang You},


  title={Sky computing},
  author={Keahey, Katarzyna and Tsugawa, Mauricio and Matsunaga, Andrea and Fortes, Jose},
  journal={IEEE Internet Computing},
  title={From cloud computing to sky computing},
  author={Stoica, Ion and Shenker, Scott},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems},
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