Contain the customization I made for my Linux rice.

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Contain the customization I made for my Linux rice.

Credit and Respect

Oh-my-ZSH must be manually installed.

Wallpaper art by @iloli_i8g. Click here to see the original tweet.

Configuration files from tam-carre dotfiles & lucypoulton dotfiles.

If you have problem with any content I re-uploaded here, feel free to create an Issue and I'll work it out immediately.


You must use an AUR helper to install the following packages: bspwm sxhkd dunst neovim ranger cava eww neofetch rofi flameshot feh picom-ibhagwan-git polybar-git pulseaudio-ctl ttf-fluentui-system-icons gnome-terminal betterlockscreen

Some packages can be replaced at will.

Copy everything from the repo to your home directories and make changes if needed.

Do fc-cache -fv to apply the fonts

Apply gnome-terminal-settings.dconf to GNOME-Terminal by

dconf load /org/gnome/terminal/ < gnome-terminal-settings.dconf

Make sure dconf is installed on your system.

NOTE: Some username instance must be renamed (sora in this case), please double check if anything goes wrong.

NOTE 2: You need to reconfig some stuff to make it work properly. Life isn't that easy.



Freelance programmer studying in University. Usually like to drop project a lot, sorry.
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