The source codes for ACL 2021 paper 'BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data'


BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data

This repository provides the implementation details for the ACL 2021 main conference paper:

BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data. [paper]

1. Data Preparation

In this work, we carried out persona-based dialogue generation experiments under a persona-dense scenario (English PersonaChat) and a persona-sparse scenario (Chinese PersonalDialog), with the assistance of a series of auxiliary inference datasets. Here we summarize the key information of these datasets and provide the links to download these datasets if they are directly accessible.

2. How to Run

The script contains the necessary dependencies to run this project. Simply run ./ would install these dependencies. Here we take the English PersonaChat dataset as an example to illustrate how to run the dialogue generation experiments. Generally, there are three steps, i.e., tokenization, training and inference:

  • Preprocessing

     python --dataset_type convai2 \
     --trainset ./data/ConvAI2/train_self_original_no_cands.txt \
     --testset ./data/ConvAI2/valid_self_original_no_cands.txt \
     --nliset ./data/ConvAI2/ \
     --encoder_model_name_or_path ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --max_source_length 64 \
     --max_target_length 32

    We have provided some data examples (dozens of lines) at the ./data directory to show the data format. reads different datasets and tokenizes the raw data into a series of vocab IDs to facilitate model training. The --dataset_type could be either convai2 (for English PersonaChat) or ecdt2019 (for Chinese PersonalDialog). Finally, the tokenized data will be saved as a series of JSON files.

  • Model Training

     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --do_train \
     --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --decoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --decoder2_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --save_model_path checkpoints/ConvAI2/bertoverbert --dataset_type convai2 \
     --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/ \
     --learning_rate 7e-6 \
     --batch_size 32

    Here we initialize encoder and both decoders from the same downloaded BERT checkpoint. And more parameter settings could be found at

  • Evaluations

     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/ \
     --dataset_type convai2 \
     --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/  \
     --do_evaluation --do_predict \
     --eval_epoch 7

    Empirically, in the PersonaChat experiment with default hyperparameter settings, the best-performing checkpoint should be found between epoch 5 and epoch 9. If the training procedure goes fine, there should be some results like:

     Perplexity on test set is 21.037 and 7.813.

    where 21.037 is the ppl from the first decoder and 7.813 is the final ppl from the second decoder. And the generated results is redirected to test_result.tsv, here is a generated example from the above checkpoint:

     persona:i'm terrified of scorpions. i am employed by the us postal service. i've a german shepherd named barnaby. my father drove a car for nascar.
     query:sorry to hear that. my dad is an army soldier.
     gold:i thank him for his service.
     response_from_d1:that's cool. i'm a train driver.
     response_from_d2:that's cool. i'm a bit of a canadian who works for america.  

    where d1 and d2 are the two BERT decoders, respectively.

  • Computing Infrastructure:

    • The released codes were tested on NVIDIA Tesla V100 32G and NVIDIA PCIe A100 40G GPUs. Notice that with a batch_size=32, the BoB model will need at least 20Gb GPU resources for training.


  • Build upon 🤗 Transformers.

  • Bibtex:

          title = "BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data",
          author = "Haoyu Song, Yan Wang, Kaiyan Zhang, Wei-Nan Zhang, Ting Liu",
          booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2021)",
          month = "Aug",
          year = "2021",
          address = "Online",
          publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
  • Email: [email protected].

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