A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode πŸ₯’


Pickora 🐰

A small compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode.


  • Python 3.8+

No third-party modules are required.


usage: pickora.py [-h] [-d] [-r] [-l {none,python,pickle}] [-o OUTPUT] file

A toy compiler that can convert Python scripts to pickle bytecode.

positional arguments:
  file                  the Python script to compile

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --dis             disassamble compiled pickle bytecode
  -r, --eval, --run     run the pickle bytecode
  -l {none,python,pickle}, --lambda {none,python,pickle}
                        choose lambda compiling mode
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        write compiled pickle to file

Lambda syntax is disabled (--lambda=none) by default.

For exmple, you can run:

python3 pickora.py -d samples/hello.py -o output.pkl

to compile samples/hello.py to output.pkl and show the disassamble result of the compiled pickle bytecode.

But this won't run the pickle for you. If you want you should add -r option, or execute the following command after compile:

python3 -m pickle output.pkl

Special Syntax


RETURN is a keyword reserved for specifying pickle.load(s) result. This keyword should only be put in the last statement alone, and you can assign any value / expression to it.

For example, after you compile the following code and use pickle.loads to load the compiled pickle, it returns a string 'INT_MAX=2147483647'.

# source.py
n = pow(2, 31) - 1
RETURN = "INT_MAX=%d" % n

It might look like this:

$ python3 pickora.py source.py -o output.pkl
Saving pickle to output.pkl

$ python3 -m pickle output.pkl


  • Operators (compare, unary, binary, subscript)
  • Unpacking assignment
  • Augmented assignment
  • Macros (directly using GLOBAL, OBJECT bytecodes)
  • Lambda (I don't want to support normal function, because it seems not "picklic" for me)
    • Python bytecode mode
    • Pickle bytecode mode


  • Function call with kwargs
    • NEWOBJ_EX only support type object (it calls __new__)


What is pickle?



It's cool.

Is it useful?

No, not at all, it's definitely useless.

So, is this garbage?

Yep, it's cool garbage.

Would it support syntaxes like if / while / for ?

No. All pickle can do is just simply define a variable or call a function, so this kind of syntax wouldn't exist.

But if you want to do things like:

ans = input("Yes/No: ")
if ans == 'Yes':
elif ans == 'No':

It's still achievable! You can rewrite your code to this:

from functools import partial
condition = {'Yes': partial(print, 'Great!'), 'No': exit}
ans = input("Yes/No: ")
condition.get(ans, repr)()


For the loop syntax, you can try to use map / reduce ... .

And yes, you are right, it's functional programming time!

I hate coding.
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