A module comment generator for python


Module Comment Generator

The comment style is as a tribute to the comment from the RA .

The comment generator can parse the ast tree from the python script, then extract docstring from classes and functions. The information about user comes from git config. There could be some problems on windows, because it's only tested on arch linux. Issues or PR are welcome.


Help Info

usage: cmtprinter [-h] [--desc DESC] [--tablechar TABLECHAR] filepath

positional arguments:
  filepath              the target python script path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --desc DESC           the module description.
  --tablechar TABLECHAR
                        the char used for table drawing.
  1. Description(desc): the content filled in Description key,default is empty.
  2. Tbla(tablechar): the char used for table drawing, default is #


$ cmtprinter ./cmtprinter/core.py --desc "The core module for cmtprinter"
#                              Filename: core.py                              #
#                 Description: The core module for cmtprinter                 #
#                      Created Time: 2021-10-21 14:33:47                      #
#                             Created By: ssfdust                             #
#                  Last Moidified Time: 2021-10-21 14:33:47                   #
#                         Last Moidified By: ssfdust                          #
# Change Log:                                                                 #
#   - Initilize.                                                              #
# Functions:                                                                  #
#   - parse_ast_tree: extract functions and classes from python script.       #
#   - dump_module_nodes: convert the ModuleNodes class into a dictionary,     #
#     which means dumping.                                                    #
#   - print_table: Print the information from the dumped node json.           #
# Classes:                                                                    #
#   - DumpedModuleNodes: A typed dict class for dumped ModuleNodes class.     #
#   - ModuleNodes: The data class with parsed ast tree data.                  #

$ cmtprinter ./cmtprinter/core.py --desc "The core module for cmtprinter" --tablechar '*'
*                              Filename: core.py                              *
*                 Description: The core module for cmtprinter                 *
*                      Created Time: 2021-10-21 14:33:47                      *
*                             Created By: ssfdust                             *
*                  Last Moidified Time: 2021-10-21 14:33:47                   *
*                         Last Moidified By: ssfdust                          *
* Change Log:                                                                 *
*   - Initilize.                                                              *
* Functions:                                                                  *
*   - parse_ast_tree: extract functions and classes from python script.       *
*   - dump_module_nodes: convert the ModuleNodes class into a dictionary,     *
*     which means dumping.                                                    *
*   - print_table: Print the information from the dumped node json.           *
* Classes:                                                                    *
*   - DumpedModuleNodes: A typed dict class for dumped ModuleNodes class.     *
*   - ModuleNodes: The data class with parsed ast tree data.                  *
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