Towards the D-Optimal Online Experiment Design for Recommender Selection (KDD 2021)


Towards the D-Optimal Online Experiment Design for Recommender Selection (KDD 2021)

Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for questions.

Running code

Install packages

pip install -r requirements.txt 


We use the recommenders implemented under our project for adversarial counterfactual learning published in NIPS 2020.

  • Step 1: clone the project to your local directory.

  • Step 2: pip install . to install the library.

Item features

The data is under the data folder. We need to generate the movies and users features before running the simulations.

cd data & unzip
cd ml-1m
python # This generates base movie and user features vector


Assume you are in the project's main folder:

python #This will runs all defined simulation routines defined in

Optional argument:

usage: System Bandit Simulation [-h] [--dim DIM] [--topk TOPK] [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--epsilon EPSILON] [--explore_step EXPLORE_STEP] [--feat_map {onehot,context,armed_context,onehot_context}]
                                [--algo {base,e_greedy,thomson,lin_ct,optimal}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dim DIM
  --topk TOPK
  --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
  --epsilon EPSILON
  --explore_step EXPLORE_STEP
  --feat_map {onehot,context,armed_context,onehot_context}
  --algo {base,e_greedy,thomson,lin_ct,optimal}

Major class


This class implement the simulation logics described in our paper. For each user, we runs the get_epoch method, which returns an refreshed simulator based on the last interaction with the user.


float: """Return the reward given selected arm and the recommendations""" pass # Example usage BanditData = List[Tuple[int, float, Any]] data: BanditData = [] for uidx, recall_set in env.get_epoch(): arm = algo.predict() recommendations = bandit_ins.get_arm(arm).recommend(uidx, recall_set, top_k) reward = env.action(uidx, recommendations) data.append((arm, reward, None)) algo.update(data) algo.record_metric(data) ">
class Environment:
    def get_epoch(self, shuffle: bool = True):
        """Return updated environment iterator"""
        return EpochIter(self, shuffle)

    def action(self, uidx: int, recommendations: List[int]) -> float:
        """Return the reward given selected arm and the recommendations"""

# Example usage
BanditData = List[Tuple[int, float, Any]]
data: BanditData = []
for uidx, recall_set in env.get_epoch():
    arm = algo.predict()
    recommendations = bandit_ins.get_arm(arm).recommend(uidx, recall_set, top_k)
    reward = env.action(uidx, recommendations)
    data.append((arm, reward, None))


The BanditALgorithm implement the interfaces for any bandit algorithms evaluated in this project.

class BanditAlgorithm:
    def predict(self, *args, **kwds) -> int:
        """Return the estimated return for contextual bandit"""

    def update(self, data: BanditData):
        """Update the algorithms based on observed (action, reward, context)"""

    def record_metric(self, data: BanditData):
        """Record the cumulative performance metrics for this algorithm"""
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