An experimental script to perform bulk parsing of arbitrary file features with YARA and console logging.



This script is named after Ronnie Coleman, and peforms bulk lifts on arbitary file features using YARA console logging.




This was really designed for me to bulk build an on-demand table for file features I wanted, and to see the values I specified using YARA's own technology. This allows me to quickly view, stack, organize the "surface area" of a file so I can turn around with the ones I want and create YARA rules. This is a terrible script and bad python, does basically no input checking and no error handling, so beware that it will get jacked up if you try to do crazy things.

  • Start with PE features, things from modules, and top-level (non array) things that are easily parsed out by YARA.
  • hash.md5 - this is the only hashing thing I included, it would probably be better not to do this at all, but c'est la vie
  • If something doesnt work because of your terminal or whatever, maybe try putting it in quotes so argparse can do its thing
  • Things I like: hash.md5, filesize, pe.timestamp pe.dll_name, pe.export_timestamp, pe.pdb_path, etc
  • Go shop around in the manual for more good ones (

Usage Examples -t hash.md5 filesize pe.timestamp pe.dll_name  -p ~/yarafiddling/samps -s pe.dll_name -t hash.md5 filesize pe.timestamp pe.entry_point --path ~/yarafiddling/samps -t hash.md5 filesize pe.timestamp "uint16be(0)" --path ~/yarafiddling/samps --sort pe.timestamp 

Full Output Example

CTO-MBP\steve >> % python3 -t hash.md5 "uint16be(60)" filesize pe.timestamp pe.dll_name  --path ~/yarafiddling/samps --sort pe.timestamp                   

[Bleep Blop Directory] Folder scanned: /Users/steve/yarafiddling/samps

[:great-job:] LIGHT WEIGHT! Heres the sorted table:

| hash.md5                         | uint16be(60)   | filesize | pe.timestamp                     | pe.dll_name              |
| 0d7cefb89b6d31ab784bd4e0b0f0eaad | 0x1700 (5888)  | 6427399  |                                  |                          |
| 3a5a7ced739923f929234beefcef82b5 | 0xe00 (3584)   | 10608640 |                                  |                          |
| 77c73b8b1846652307862dd66ec09ebf | 0xf800 (63488) | 509952   |                                  |                          |
| 5bd5605725ec34984efbe81f8d39507a | 0x1 (1)        | 102912   | 1999-10-21 00:49:30 (940481370)  |                          |
| 802a7c343f0d58052800dd64e0c911cf | 0xe800 (59392) | 36528    | 2011-01-13 12:33:11 (1294939991) |                          |
| 91456bf6edbf9a24a1423bcbd6c7a5fe | 0xe800 (59392) | 35014    | 2011-01-16 08:28:36 (1295184516) |                          |
| c2d07d954f6e6126a784e7770ad32643 | 0xf000 (61440) | 914600   | 2018-11-07 04:59:27 (1541584767) | QuickSearchFile.dll      |
| 3ecfc67294923acdf6bd018a73f6c590 | 0xe000 (57344) | 71168    | 2020-04-12 16:57:49 (1586725069) |                          |
| 837ed1ac9dbae2d8ec134c28481e4a10 | 0x8000 (32768) | 56320    | 2021-03-19 08:17:39 (1616156259) |                          |
| e9d7ea2dd867d6f6de4a69aead9312e9 | 0x801 (2049)   | 241664   | 2021-04-30 13:10:02 (1619802602) | codecpacks.webp.exe      |
| c6e1e2b2ed1c962e82239dfcd81999f7 | 0xf000 (61440) | 601088   | 2070-05-29 07:31:01 (3168588661) | EnterpriseAppMgmtSvc.dll |
| 2689c5357ddcc8434dd03d99a3341873 | 0xf000 (61440) | 474112   | 2086-08-04 04:03:21 (3679286601) | FfuProvider.DLL          |


  • Make it so you can see the file name of the matched file
  • Better error handling etc.
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