Data Structure With Python



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Stack A stack is a linear data structure that stores items in a Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) or First-In/Last-Out (FILO) manner. In stack, a new element is added at one end and an element is removed from hat end only. The insert and delete operations are often called push and pop.

empty() – Returns whether the stack is empty – Time Complexity: O(1) size() – Returns the size of the stack – Time Complexity: O(1) top() – Returns a reference to the topmost element of the stack – Time Complexity: O(1) push(a) – Inserts the element ‘a’ at the top of the stack – Time Complexity: O(1) pop() – Deletes the topmost element of the stack – Time Complexity: O(1)

Queue As a stack, the queue is a linear data structure that stores items in a First In First Out (FIFO) manner. With a queue, the least recently added item is removed first. A good example of the queue is any queue of consumers for a resource where the consumer that came first is served first.

Operations associated with queue are:

Enqueue: Adds an item to the queue. If the queue is full, then it is said to be an Overflow condition – Time Complexity: O(1) Dequeue: Removes an item from the queue. The items are popped in the same order in which they are pushed. If the queue is empty, then it is said to be an Underflow condition – Time Complexity: O(1) Front: Get the front item from queue – Time Complexity: O(1) Rear: Get the last item from queue – Time Complexity: O(1)

Sumit Nautiyal
I Love Coding and Currently I am working On My skills and Knwledge
Sumit Nautiyal
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