MRI reconstruction (e.g., QSM) using deep learning methods


deepMRI: Deep learning methods for MRI

Authors: Yang Gao, Hongfu Sun

  • This repo is devloped based on Pytorch (1.8 or later) and matlab (R2019a or later).

  • The codes in this repo were tested on Centos 7.8 with Nvdia Tesla V100 and macos12.0.1/win10/ubuntu19.10 with GTX 1060



xQSM for QSM dipole inversion

DCRnet for QSM and R2* acceleration

iQSM for single-step instant QSM


xQSM for QSM dipole inversion

xQSM: quantitative susceptibility mapping with octave convolutional and noise-regularized neural networks

Whole Framework

source code (github)   |   arXiv (pre-print)   |   NMR in Biomed (full paper)


DCRNet for QSM and R2* acceleration

Accelerating quantitative susceptibility and R2* mapping using incoherent undersampling and deep neural network reconstruction

source code (github)   |   arXiv (pre-print)   |   NeuroImage (full paper)

Whole Framework


iQSM for single-step instant QSM

Instant tissue field and magnetic susceptibility mapping from MRI raw phase using Laplacian enabled deep neural networks

source code (github)   |   arXiv (pre-print)

Whole Framework


Hongfu Sun
MRI and Deep Learning researcher
Hongfu Sun
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